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Makena's POV

The day started out like any other day. I woke up to go to work, today I was covering half of my best friend's shift so she could make an appointment she had planned for a few weeks. I was looking forward to a great time since I always felt better after working overtime.

I walked down the stairs and found Suri and her daughter in the kitchen eating breakfast. They were eating some yummy-looking blueberry pancakes with strips of bacon. Suri was always concerned with her kid's well-being, even if that meant that she had to be up at the crack of dawn.

"Good morning, you two!" I say out loud as I walk up to the refrigerator, opening it, I reach in and pull out one of my Naked smoothies. That was a typical breakfast for me since I never have time to eat a proper breakfast for my yoga class, plus they're pretty healthy with lots of fruits and veggies. "Is Jake already at work?"

"Yep, he got called in rather early too. It sounded really serious, bet you it was a murder or something like that. Oh, the joys of being married to a cop, right?" She says smiling at me, as she gives me a tight hug. "Come on Bree, let's hurry up, or we are both going to be late! I really can't afford to be late for this appointment! Not after all the work, I did to get it scheduled."

"Well have a good day at school Bree! Keep me posted, Suri... I'm hoping for the best news. Feel free to text me if you need to, I'll have my phone with me all day." I say as they both leave.

"Ok, thanks for covering part of my shift for me so that I can make it to this appointment. You are the best! I'm hoping he doesn't show up today, but feel free to let me know if he does. Maybe I can convince Jake to swing by and threaten him to leave. But maybe he really just wants a chance, what's the harm in going out with him one time?"

"Have you forgotten what he did in high school? I'm not going to just give him a chance, Suri!" I replied, raising my voice. I couldn't believe that she just suggested that.

"Alright, bye Mak! Have a good day" She says softly.

"Bye, you too." I kept it simple, still needing to get dressed for my extra-long day at work, I headed upstairs. Walking into my bathroom, I turn on the water so it can warm up. Heading back into my room, I grab my uniform and a towel from the linen closet and return to the bathroom. I laid the clothes out on the counter before testing the water. Satisfied that it was indeed warm enough, I took off my PJs and went into the shower so I wouldn't be late for work.

Stepping out of the shower I hear a sharp noise in the house's silence. But as I am not a paranoid person, I dismiss it as the house settling. This is often the case with old houses like this one.

As I held my panties out in front of me, I heard a loud crash from the family room area. "Shit." My heart rate went up. Was it an earthquake? I didn't see anything swaying. Damn it...

I pause, listening to the silence around me. Then I hear footsteps. "Suri, is it you?" I inquire the stillness, hoping that it's that it was indeed her.

If it wasn't for everything I've gone through, I might have just shrugged it off and gotten dressed. But having been through all these things put me on edge. Since I love true crime stories, I watch them all the time. I even write about crime in my spare time, hoping to sell a book soon.

"Come on Suri, is that you?" I ask the quiet, I wait for a minute listening to the quiet sounds of the house some more. When I hear the creak of a floorboard downstairs...


Jesse's POV

My nerves were shot, I was so worried that my plan wasn't going to work. I was seasoned in disappointment. I knew this was all a long shot, after all, it didn't work on Curtis's girl. When we decided to try for Makena, I teamed up with the guy we hired to do the kidnapping, deciding two was better than one after all.

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