44- The truth shall set you free

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Jesse's POV

I was feeling completely hopeless with both of my best friends dead and my wife kidnapped by my worst enemies, what's worse she was pregnant with my son. That meant Marcel and Charlie had two of the most important people in my life. I knew that they were still angry because I left her the way that I did. I would be the first one to admit that I totally messed that whole thing up. I made the wrong choices when I left her, but I had only realized that I needed to find out if I could make Makena mine. I had to try before settling down with anyone else. It's quite simple. That's when I got the idea that I was going to kidnap her. I couldn't make myself happy without her.

After reading a few articles about Stockholm Syndrome I knew that she might fall in love with me if I forced her to stay with me. She was still healing from the loss of her fiancee, so she was weak, unhappy, thus easily controlled. So I figured that by tying her up I could force her to stay near me and that was a better solution to my issues with her absence. The reason I moved towards this idea was that Ruben and Curtis both had girls they couldn't get over, and we hatched the plan to kidnap them all. It worked better than I thought it would, at least with her because I am fairly certain that she loves me even though she refuses to tell me that. I will not just lose her and my son. They can't win this one, I've got to come up with a plan...

But first, I must figure out where his new base is located, knowing Marcel's preference for abandoned buildings, such as warehouses, apartments, old hospitals, or even old houses. I pulled out my cell phone and called the one person who I knew could help me. This person I never thought I would ever call a friend because he hated me as much as she did in high school.

"Hey, man, what's going on? Did you find her yet?" I heard his rushed voice come over the line after the second ring. It made me happy to think that he was sitting by waiting for me to call him. He lived and breathed his job, his whole life centered around being a detective. 

I took a deep breath and prepared myself to ask the question. "Hey back, no I haven't found her yet and it is killing me. I actually called because I had a thought, so I could use your help. I know you are on paternity leave and everything but maybe someone owes you a favor or something?" I explain so fast, I was worried he didn't hear me for a second there since he was so quiet on the line.

I hear him clearing his throat after a few seconds of silence. "Yes, I do have a couple of people who owe me favors, what do you need?" he says in a low voice, perhaps he was trying to keep this quiet.

"Oh, I need a list of all the abandoned buildings in the area and let's say fifty miles out from here in every direction. Knowing Marcel he has set up camp in one of them." I said eagerly.

"Wow, it sounds as if you have really done some serious thinking. I do have a few guys who owe me a few favors. One of them is like a brother to me so I trust him, I will call him and then let you know!" he assured me over the phone in his smooth tone.

"Okay, thanks. I really appreciate all your help on this. I'm going to keep thinking about where else he would have taken her myself." I added in saying I needed this information but I wasn't going to just sit back and let him do everything.

Hanging up the phone, I turn it off and shove it back into my pocket and walk back to my desk to turn on my laptop. I pull up trusty old google and type in 'Old Abandoned Building Near Me' in the search engine and wait to see what it pulls up. I began writing down the addresses of ten buildings within a fifty-mile radius of me. As I finished writing the last address, my phone chimed and I took it out to see that it was a text from Jake. 

"Hey Dude"


"Okay, so my colleague in the department has 27 addresses he is going to email you. Let me know when you need anything else, Dude!"

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