26- Fighting for what I want

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Makena's POV

Opening my eyes, I observe my surroundings. I didn't recognize the room for a moment, gazing around, I realized how big this room actually was. The bedroom is double the size of my bedroom at home, jumping out of bed I walk over to the closet and grab some clothes for the day since I like to be comfortable more than anything else. I decided to take a shower, so I walked into the nice big bathroom off my room. It had two other doors in it, one that leads out into the hallway and one that leads out into another room. Both however have remained locked.

Turning towards the tub, I noticed the lavender scented candles lining the tub and decided perhaps a bath was better for me today. I'd probably try the candles another night, maybe after I have another run-in with him. A night I felt like I needed to relax, so I turned the water on and waited for it to warm up, before blocking the drain and letting the tub fill. I decided to add some Epsom salts I found under the sink into the water and then climb in, submerging my body into the nice warm water, letting out a low moan. The warm water soothed my sore muscles from him gripping onto me.

Hearing the door open, I glance up in that direction and see Mary enter the room, holding up a modest style dress. I glance at her curiously as she hangs the dress on the back of the door. "Master, says Miss must put this on today!" she says softly. I was so tired of him telling me what to do or what to wear, it was like he wanted to control everything. I wasn't the type of girl who would let a man dictate her life and tell me what to do with it. I wasn't going to let him tell me what to do, what to wear, how to act. I'm just not okay with it, not in the least. "Thank you, Mary, but I'm going to wear what I picked out!" I wave her away with my hand.

"But Master will be so mad, you should wear what he picked out for you Miss!" She replies. She sounds so nervous, she appears so scared of him. I wanted to comfort her.

"It'll be okay, I promise!" I say as she turns around and walks out of the room.

Getting out of the tub, I felt so much better. I wrap my towel around my body, and I grab another one and wrap it into my hair. I hear the door opening again and thinking it was Mary I turn to tell her I was fine and didn't need her help. Stopping short when I noticed that it was Jesse. He looked so handsome today, he was wearing a baby blue button-up shirt, khaki slacks, and a black-tie. He wore a black belt and completed the look with a nice pair of black leather shoes. I hadn't seen him dress like this in a long time, not since this whole thing began. Only once did he dress like this in his other home. "So Mary is telling me you won't wear the dress I told her about!" He says, raising one brow at me while his eyes were already a shade darker than usual.

"So?" I challenged him back, I wanted to show him that I wasn't just going to do what he told me to just because he told me to do it. There was no way in hell I was going to just follow him blindly like some fool, just because he wanted me to.

"You are going to wear the dress I chose for you today," he demands, folding his arms across his chest and tapping his foot in annoyance. "Don't make me be that guy that forces you into that dress!" he challenged.

I turn back to him and fold my arms across my chest. I puff it out tapping my foot, "No!"

"Oh my god, Makena! You're pissing me off, why the hell not?" he growls out.

"Jesse, I am sorry, but I will not wear that dress. There is nothing you can say or do that will make me wear it! I just don't want to wear it, okay?" I spoke calmly, but my eyes rolled towards the ceiling. I challenge him back by moving my hands to my hips. I watch as he takes a deep breath as I continue. "Why do you want me to wear the damn dress anyway?" I ask him.

"Because... I am not doing this. I do not have to tell you why just do it!" he raises his voice as he takes a step toward me. I step backward, not wanting to give him the chance to do something to me.

"I won't wear it unless you explain why you want me to." I say in anger. He was so smug, I wanted to punch him in the face, how could he demand it of me without an explanation? Who did he think he was anyway?

Raising his eyebrows, "Fine... we will be meeting with a reporter today and I need you to look nice. Are you happy now?" I look up at him as he takes a deep breath, "Will you just wear it for me please?"

It was almost like he was pleading with me to do it, he grabbed the dress off the door and held it out to me. As I take in a deep breath, I let out a loud sigh as I take the dress from him. "I thought you wanted to keep me hidden?" I ask in confusion.

"I've decided to approach this little issue differently from now on, you see, with everything that has happened. You know with the whole Curtis and Abby thing," he said in his usual cold tone. I stared up at him with confusion in my eyes. "Well, dear Makena, let's just say that everybody who wanted answers about your disappearance will get them today, including you." His smile was vindictive, I could see he had something important planned. I was so confused about what he was doing.

"Okay fine, I will wear the damn dress! But it's not because you wanted me to, it's because you asked me to." I say, looking back to his face, looking into his brown eyes. "Are you happy now?"

"Yes! You will see, my love. This all of this will have such a happy ending." He spoke softly, relaxing his body a bit, and he smiled at me warmly. "Thank you for not making me the bad guy here, I really didn't want to help you get dressed into that dress, just because you wanted to be stubborn."

"I am not stubborn, you big Ass!" I yell at him.

"Oh, but I admire that about you. Oh, and while we are speaking with the reporter you will be on your best behavior, right. Wouldn't want anything to happen to your family." He growls out.

I gulp down some air and stare at him, he was threatening me now? "I'll behave, Jesse, I swear to god that I will. Just don't hurt them!" I beg.

His smile widened, "I won't unless you force me!" he said through a soft chuckle.

I watched as he grabbed the pile of clothing off the counter, making sure to leave me with the things I needed. Then he leaves the room, taking the rest with him, leaving me no alternative but to wear the dress I held in my hands. I pull the fabric of the dress over my head. It was a pretty dress. Emerald green in color, knee-length, and form fitting. He paired the dress with some deadly-looking high heels, and I grabbed a white pearl necklace to go with it, and earrings to match. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I decided to do a nice little half-do, on my face I left it simple enough... black eyeliner, mascara, and a nice light lip gloss. I hear a light tap on the door as I head back into my bedroom.

"Come in..." I yell, I see Mary peek just inside the door. I see that she places a small smile on her face.

"I see you decided to wear the dress, Master will be very pleased! He is waiting downstairs for you, please follow me." with that being said she turns and goes back out the door, I follow her down the hallway stopping at the top of the stairs. I glance down into the foyer and see him standing there with another well-dressed man. I figure this must be the reporter that Jesse told me about, so I follow Mary as she descends the stairs, and as I get closer to the bottom, I notice the reporter pull out a camera and take a picture of me. Blinking against the flashes, I lose my footing. I glance at Jesse, the look of sudden shock on my face as I glance over. It was at that moment I realized I was going down, so I begged him with my eyes for help. Keeping my eyes closed, I prepare myself to fall to the ground. But instead of hitting the hard ground, I was immediately engulfed in his two strong, familiar arms as he protected me.

I smile and look into his eyes, "Thank you."

"It's no problem, my love." He says and sets me back down on the ground, offering me his arm for support. When I wrap mine up in his, he then turns me to face the reporter, before placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Shall we proceed and take this into the study?"

"Sure, that sounds like a good idea!" The reporter said, smiling. I kept my arm in his and was led into the study. I've never worn so many high heels in my life, and I used him to keep me balanced. It made my feet hurt, but I dealt with it.

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