34- Our Reception with a surprise visitor...

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Jesse's POV

In the limo, I watched her face as we pulled up to the estate I had rented for the reception. I noticed it light up and kept watching her in silence as she glanced out the window; a smile crept onto my face when I saw the excitement on her face. She looked absolutely stunning in this light. When the car came to a stop I grabbed her wrist, keeping her from exiting the vehicle. "So I want to make this very clear to you Makena before we go in there. You are mine now, therefore I better not catch you dancing or even talking to another man. Do I make myself clear to you?" I growl out at her against her neck, I knew I was driving her crazy breathing down her neck like this as I felt her shudder, but I didn't care.

I heard her sigh before she replied, "I understand, yes Jesse." I stared at her very carefully and saw the tear roll down her face and wanted to wipe it away. But instead, I pull her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her waist. I cup my hand under her jaw and gently tug it up to let me gaze into her beautiful eyes, then gently wipe a tear off her beautiful face.

"Why are you crying, my love?" I studied her face carefully, trying to figure out her reaction. I wanted to tell if she would be honest with me or not.

She said, "I'm just happy, Jesse. They're happy tears." I knew she was lying to me, which made me so mad. I couldn't understand why she would lie to me like that, and I felt my blood boil as my temper threatened to erupt.

"Why are you lying to me?" I growled at her. I had to know the reason and fast because we were about to have our wedding reception and celebrate our union with all our friends and family. Little does she know that many of society's richest and brightest people were coming to this event tonight. I had invited them all to celebrate my special day, so why would I allow my beautiful wife to cry in front of them?

The door opens and my driver announces our arrival, and I slide out of the car, pausing to place my foot on the pavement and turn to look back at her before hopping out, "I guess we will talk later because now our friends and family want to join us in celebrating our happy union, so wipe those tears away and let's go celebrate!" I tell her before dragging her out of the limo with me. I lace my fingers in hers and I pull her along with me as we walk toward the rented ballroom. While I wanted everything to be perfect for tonight, I also wanted to mix a little business with pleasure.


Makena's POV

Sitting in the limo this close to him, my nerves are shot. I saw a slight smile creep upon his lips before he reaches out to grab my wrist, preventing me from getting out of the car. "So I wanna be clear to you Makena before we go into there. You are mine now, so I better not catch you dancing or even talking to another man," he growls at me in a low tone. "Am I clear to you?"

He was pulling me so close, his mouth against my neck sending his hot breath down my neck causing soft shivers down my spine. I take a deep breath and let out a sigh before answering. "Yes, Jesse! I understand!" I spoke softly, tears streaming down my face as I realized he only saw me one way. I was nothing more to him than a possession, his trophy wife. I am trapped in this loveless marriage until he gets tired of me. I wasn't worried about dancing with other guys that part didn't bother me, but I might have to talk to someone tonight.

I felt the seat shift in weight as he scoots right next to me, pulling me close to his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist before bringing one up, cupping my chin, nudging my face up toward him so I am forced to look into his eyes. I watch as he gently wipes away the tear with his other hand. "What are you crying, my love?" he growls at me and I don't know what to say to him, he was glaring at me so I couldn't look away. He is my husband, but I was hesitant to open up to him because I thought he wouldn't understand. So I did the only thing I knew how to do, I lied to him.

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