Heading Out

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Alice POV

It's been a week since I got in trouble for hiding my injuries. Ema and Ukyo basically put me under house arrest, the worse part is that even at home I'm stuck doing nothing! Every time I get up to do basically anything, either Ema or a brother stops me and does it themselves, well everyone except Fuuto we usually get into an argument every time we see each other. Natsu and the gang had their visit cut short because I couldn't hang out. I had to reschedule my date with Raiden, but now I have his number.

I groan bored watching my legs up on the back of the couch as I watch t.v. upside down. I hear the elevator ding as someone came home, I don't look. I'm pretty upset with all my siblings minus Wataru of course. I could hear the voices of Ema, Kaname, and Yusuke I really didn't pay attention to it until I heard my voice being called.

"Alice? What are you doing?" It was Juli's voice.

I look up seeing Ema, Kaname, Yusuke, Subaru, and Juli looking at me confused.

"Nothing, " I pout more looking at them, "since I can't do anything!"

Ema sighed, "You're hurt and need to rest."

"But Onee-chaaaaaan I'm bored! It's already been a week! I've rested enough!" I whine loudly.

"A week isn't enough to heal up." Kaname chuckled a little.

"It is for me! I wanna do something! Anything at this point!" I fold my arms over my chest.

"Well um in that case, why not go to the basketball game with me...." Subaru said as he looked away rubbing the back of his neck.

"What? Really!" I smile perking up.

"She really shouldn't be going out.." Ema said worried.

"They would be sitting for most of it," Yusuke added.

"I could drive them their and back." Kaname smiled at me.

"Yeah," Subaru looked at me, "I would feel bad to go without you.. Well uh because you bought the tickets and all!"

"Please! Ema!" I turn over getting off the couch as I run to her and grab her hands, giving her my puppy dog eyes, "Please! Pleaseeeee!"
She sighed giving in and nodded. I cheered and hugged her, "Okay! I'll go and get dressed!"

I let go and run off to my room, I quickly get changed as well as put makeup on to hide my bruises. I brushed out my hair leaving down before putting on my socks and shoes.

"Where are you going?" Larique asked lazily watching me.

"To a basketball game with Subaru!" I smile as I look at her, "also I'm still mad at you for getting me in trouble."

"How was I supposed to know?" She rolled onto her back stretching out.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever traitor! Bye!"

"Have fun on your date," She waved.

My face grew hot as I blushed, "It's not a date! He's my brother!"

"Well, if you think about it he's Ema's brother. Rintarou never officially adopted you. So he's not your brother, so it's a date." Larique snickered.

" It's not a date!" I blushed harder as I left my room closing the door.

"It so is, " She called out as I shut the door.

I took a deep breath as I calmed my heart, I relaxed hoping my face wasn't too red as I went back into the living room. I walk up to the small group with my usual smile, "I'm ready!"

"Be careful please," Ema said as she patted my head.

"I will don't worry so much." I chirped back excited I could finally leave.

After waving bye, Kaname, Subaru, and I headed out. Unfortunately, I had to ride the elevator. I leaned against the wall as I closed my eyes trying hard to think of something else, I could feel the sweat dripping down my neck, my stomach twisted and turned as I covered my mouth.

"Are you okay?" I heard Subaru's voice from next to me.

I open my eyes to look at my worried brothers and I nod, I know if I speak now I was gonna puke. Much to my pleasure, the elevator ride was over and I was the first one out, "I'm free!" I huffed happily because I didn't throw up.

However my freedom didn't last long as I had to get into a silver car, I groaned as I got into the backseat. I put on my seatbelt as I took a deep breath, 'I can do this' I mentally encouraged myself as the car was turned on.


As soon as we arrived at the stadium, I shakingly managed to get out of the death on wheels. I wipe my sweaty cheek standing on my trembling legs, a tired smirk made its way to my face. I didn't puke, Alice: 52 Motion sickness: 9827462.

"Are you sure you're okay? We can take you home if you're not feeling well." Subaru said

"No way!" I look at him with a straight face, I'm not getting back in that car.

"Well you two have fun." Kaname hummed as he motioned for me to get closer since he was still in the car.

Confused I got closer, "What is it? Did I leave something?"

Subaru's POV

He chuckled shaking his head, then he reached out and grabbed her hand he pulled her down and leaned out the car as he got close to her. I watched as it happened so fast as he placed his lips on her cheek in a kiss. I felt a wave of bitterness, envy and spite hit me as it raced to my head.

"Whaaaa!!" She yelped pulling away, her pale cheeks turned a vivid crimson red color.

" Let's go on a date with me next time." Kaname winked at Alice.

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