Just Another Day

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Alice's POV

A few days passed and after a lot of whining Ema finally gave in and relaxed, I was allowed to leave only if I had someone with me. Its better than nothing. Ukyo and Masaomi let me help out around the house. Then one morning, I yawn waking up to the sound of Ema's shuffling about her room.

I sit up and stretch, "Good morning."

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Ema looked at me.

"Don't worry about it." I stand up getting outta bed. "Just so you know imma pick you up from the train station."

Before she could protest I scurried out the room, I could hear her sigh as I left. I hum to myself as I head to my room to get dressed. I get dressed in a plain white shirt, a black jacket, grey jeans and white converses. I take a look at myself as I look at my bruises on my face, for the most part they were healed up. The cut wasn't healing as fast but at least none of them hurt. I put on my magical make up and head out my room to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I finished getting ready for the day, I headed to the kitchen, sitting at the table I joined a few siblings, Juli and Larique, eating breakfast. After breakfast I helped clean up and I said to bye to everyone as they left for the day. I stayed and cleaned and when I was alone I secretly worked out, I had to bribe Larique to keep watch and to keep quiet about me working out.

The day went on pretty uneventful as I finished everything. I check the time and I decide to head out early so I could head to the college before going to the train station. Walking onto the campus I head to the soccer field, as soon as my teammates saw me they all rushed to me asking where i've been. I explained to them that I got hurt at work and was on bed rest. I ended up getting everyone's number and Miyu gave me my study material and I had to go or I was gonna be late. On my way out I stopped by the gym and visited Subaru but he didn't look like he was having a good day and got yelled at by his coach so I let him be and left before he could see me.

I made my way to the train station, I got there just in time as I watch the crowd flood out the train. I spot Ema and Yusuke as the two talked walking out the crowd. I call and wave for the two and they quickly find me and walk up to me.

We ended parting ways with Yusuke as the two of us head to the market. I smile as we walk and talk, its been a while since it was just us two. Juli sat on Ema's shoulder and chatted with Larique who was resting on my shoulders. I took Ema out to the cafe I found when I first arrived as we talked about just about everything.

We walked around as we went to the clothing stand and I talked to the kind shopkeep and paid for the clothes he let me take. I even brought Ema a few things before we left and headed to the bookstore.

I hum as we walk in, "Hey Ema can you help me find a book to help me with this?"

I hand her my study material and she smiled nodding as I followed her around and she grabs book and glanced at it before handing it to me, "This should be helpful."

I open the book and look at the pages, my smile dropped a little. 'I can't read this...' "Thanks it looks good." I smile at her and close the book.

"If you need any you can always ask." Ema smiled as we made our way to the cookbooks.

It didn't take long for Ema to find a book she wanted as she picked up a light blue one, "I'll get this one."

"Kay," I hum as we turned to head to the register. As we pass the DVD rentals, we spot Fuuto.

"Oh? Fuuto-kun?" Ema spoke.

'Oh great him.' I frown as she immediately got his attention and he glared at us, I did the same at him. He got close quickly holding a large stack of movies. Juli's tail flared up as I moved closer to Ema.

"Don't call out my name is a loud voice! You stupid woman!" Fuuto snapped at her.

"What?" Ema said shocked.

"Stupid woman?! How dare you call her a stupid woman!" Juli hissed as I glared more.

"Don't call her stupid! Jerk!" I snarled.

"What're you going to do if the other customers figure it out?!" He said rather close to Ema.

I couldn't tell what it was but every time we met he just gives me a headache. "Nothing! Let you deal with it!"

"You're a bigger idiot than her!" He glared more at me.

"Alice, He's right. I'm sorry." Ema said.

"Whatever." I huffed.

"Come on, seriously!" He turned from her.

Ema looked down at his stack of DVD asked, "are you renting all of those?"

"It's for work." He replied with attitude

"What?! Fuuto, you're going to be in a movie?!" She said shocked.

"Hey, you idiot!" He turned and reach out and before he could cover her mouth I caught his wrist.

I could feel the anger rush to my head as I tighten my grip on his wrist as I glared daggers, "Don't. Touch. Her."

As the two of us were having a glare fest in the background three girls whispered to each other, "Hey, is that Fuuto Asakura?"

"What?! No way!"

"But i've heard that he lives around here somewhere."

"Then, is that really him?!"

"Sheesh," He broke our glare contest to give Ema a glare and ripped his wrist out my hold, "now I can't take my time browsing because of you two."

"I'm sorry." Ema almost whimpered.

My headache continued as could feel a slight pain in the back of my neck while my anger continued to boil.

"Take responsibility and rent all these for me." He shoved the stack into Ema's chest and walked away quickly, "I'll be waiting at home."

Juli hissed as he walked away, I clenched my fist upset. I mean how can someone be that rude and think it's okay! I mumble mad because Ema told me just to let it go as we continued on our way to rent and buy the movies and books. After that we just headed home since the sun was going down and my head was throbbing. As we head up to the rooms, I sigh with a headache. "I'm going to head to see Masaomi real quick."

"Are you okay?" Ema asked concerned.

"Yeah, just a little headache." I lie, it was more of a migraine at this point.

She nodded as we parted ways. I went to my room first and dropped off my study stuff. I sigh again holding my head, just what is going on I ask myself. Is it because I've never stayed this long in this world?

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