Date with Raiden pt.2

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Alice's POV

The comment about my motion sickness was still bothering me as we arrived at the cafe. I forced it to the back of my mind as we headed in, finding a table in the corner, there weren't many people in the cafe making it quite comforting in a way.

Soon we began to talking as we looked over the menu, we order a couple of drinks. I got a honey citrus tea and he got an americano.  As we sipped on our drinks I relaxed our conversation continued well until he started saying or asking me about little things that i've never told him. It was very settle but it kept happening making it hard not to notice. First, he asked about my father and Miwa then, about my Fairy tail friends. By the time our food arrived it was pretty clear that he wasn't a stranger he knew things, that my family didn't know.

"I heard you had a hard time with your last job," He smiled at me, "have your injuries healed? I heard your leg was broken, I'm sure Ema was pretty upset with you and Eira."

"Who are you really?" I stopped smiling as I was now glaring. I never told him anything about my broken leg or about Eira.

"What do you mean?" He laughed a little.

"Drop the act." I keep my focus on him, "You know too much about things I haven't told you."

He leaned back in his seat with a fake pout, "Oh no, I've been caught."

"You're terrible at keeping a low profile if that was your goal."

"But you're slower on the uptake." He chuckled, "you should've notice something was up when we got off the elevator. I could've killed you already."

"Go ahead and try it." I take a bit out my food, "see where it gets you."

"Wow that was pretty scary," He looked at me with a smile, "I except no less from the Grimm's flower."

"I hate that name." I stated as I continue eating, it was silent for a moment as we both munched on our food, the air became tense before he chuckled again.

"Well, I'm not your enemy."

"Oh really?" I look up at him raising a brow.

"Yeah!" He nodded happily.

"Well then what are you to me?" I sigh.

He hummed for a moment thinking, "In simplest terms i'm your magical babysitter!"

"My what?" I nearly chocked on my food.

"The council was pretty upset you broke your seals and you should understand their concerns after all," He sighed with a smile still. He reminded me a lot of Tsubaki with how much he smiles, "Fairy tail is know for destroying everything to get the job done."

"ah...right," I look away forcing a small laugh, he got me there, "but still I don't need a babysitter!" I groan a little.

"Well too bad! I'm tired of hearing complaints about you. So i'm gonna train you myself since Eira is too busy to." He looked at me growing serious for the first time in the conversation, "plus I agree with her about telling you everything."

"You do?" I look at him watching him nod, as I grab my cup finishing off my tea.

"Although, I don't like how big your family is now, i do think its for the best for you to tell them about everything as well. Since it would be for their protection. Especially since I don't think they targeted your little brother's elementary school by chance."

"What," I gripped my cup as it began to crack.

"Calm down, its just a guess." He looked at me, "However, I don't wanna take any risks. If we send anyone to guard your family and the guess was wrong it could draw attenion to them and put them in even more danger."

I took a deep breath and relaxed letting my cup go, he took that as a cue to continue and his smile came back, "I'll train you to fight in this world without magic so you can better protect your family, and another bonus would be that council would back off you so it'll be easier for your family to keep this secret."

I couldn't really argue since it really was the best choice, "so is Raiden your real name?"

"Yup," He laughed. "And I'm glad you're not like your hardheaded friend Natsu. Although, you are pretty gullible!"

"I'm not gullible!" I pout looking at him.

He laughed and poked my cheek, "You're pretty cute too! I'm not the only one who's noticed!"

"What!" My face began to burn as I blushed.

He laughed more as he teased me, I pout telling him to stop but it seemed to make him just continue. After he was satisfied we got up and paid our check. We left and walked around talking and joking around, time went by so fast and soon we were heading back very late from the given curfew.

Our laughter filled the empty street as the street lights illuminated our path. Slowly his laughter died down as he looked at me with a smile, "seriously though, how's your body adjusting? This is the longest you've been here right?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me!" I smile back. "Oh wait, there is one thing thats been bothering me."


"Well, whenever I get upset I get this pain in the back of my neck and a really bad headache that lasts for way too long to be a normal headache."

"Well..." He hummed thinking as he moved his hand up to his chin as he held his chin with his index finger and thumb, "Anger can cause headaches and if you add in your body is still probably adjusting to be here for so long combine it with the fact that you got into a fight, could be why you're headaches are so bad and lasts so long but I'm not sure about the pain in the neck. There have been cases where tension headaches cause neck pain that could be it."

"Ohhh," I smile relieved it was normal.

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