Chapter 29- Happy

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Y/N p.o.v.

I smiled at the picture of Georgie, he was absolutely adorable. I wiped a tear away as I thought about how similar he looks to Bill. I was about to tell him that when we heard shouting downstairs, I could hear Beverly's voice. I handed the picture of Georgie back to Bill then rushed downstairs, Bill following close behind. I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Bev and Mike trying to shut the front door as someone was shouting outside.
"What the fuck's going on?" I asked, raising my voice so I could be heard over the yelling.
"Nothing, just go downstairs." Mike said calmly.
"Who i-is that?" Bill asked while walking towards the door.
"Is that B-B-Billy I hear?" I heard the person outside shout with a terribly fake stutter.


"I said go downstairs. it's fine Bill." Mike insisted.
"What the fuck is Henry d-doing here?" Bill shouted as his brows narrowed.
"Bill just go downstairs for fucks sake!" Bev shouted at him as he approached the door.
"You heard her! Go downstairs birthday boy!" Henry mocked.
Bill clenched his fists as he clenched his jaw. He pushed Mike and Bev away from the door as they protested, but Bill didn't listen and went outside. Bev, Mike and I watched from the porch.
"What the fuck do you want Bowers?" Bill yelled. "What could you p-possibly want?" He asked again as he pushed Henry's chest. His eyes widened as an evil smirk grew on his smug face.
"Billy boy's got a temper, better watch it before you get hurt." He warned.
"Can't you just leave me the f-fuck alone for once? It's my birthday for fucks sake! Just g-g-go!" Bill shouted as he pushed him again.
"I said watch it, B-B-Billy. Or else." Henry said in a deep voice as he reached into his back pocket.
"Or else what? You'll b-beat me up? Nothing fucking new!" Bill said as he threw his hands up in the air.
"Bill just come inside!" I cried. He's gonna get hurt. Bill turned around and looked at me as Henry grabbed his switchblade from his pocket and ran towards him.
"Bill! Move!" I screamed.


He turned around and Bowers lunged at him. He tackled Bill to the ground. A sob escaped my mouth as Bill fought to get Henry off of him, the knife nearly touching his face. Mike ran off the porch and pushed him off Bill, knocking the knife out of Henry's grip. As Bill got up and ran inside, Mike kicked Henry in the gut before following him into the house.

"Holy fuck." I panicked as I closed the door, making sure everyone but Bowers got in.
"What's going on?" Richie said as he walked up the stairs with Stan by his side.
"Is everyone alright?" Mike asked, ignoring his question.
"He's drunk. I sm-smelt the alcohol on his b-breath." Bill commented as he panted, trying to catch his breath.
"Who's drunk?" Stan raised a brow.
"Open the door birthday boy! I dare ya!" Henry's voice sounded muffled.
"Was that-"
"Call the police." Bev cut Stanley off. I ran into the kitchen and dialed 911 on the home phone.
I told them what was happening and the address while Bowers was yelling and threatening us from outside. The police said they'd come over, but we'd have to wait 25 minutes at least. I ran back over the losers huddled in the main entrance and hugged Bill. I was scared.

Bill's p.o.v.

By the time the police arrived everyone was clearing out of the house except the losers. Bowers had made a run for it when he heard the sirens. The chief of police, Henry's dad, asked us numerous questions, but in the end they said that they couldn't do anything since we didn't have any proof.

"Henry's awful lucky his dad's the chief." Eddie said as he hung his head low with crossed arms.
"He could've killed you, Billy. You could've died." Y/n said in a hushed voice as she stared wide-eyed into space. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug, she immediately cling onto me.
"Geez Bill, you're paler than usual." Richie said as he took a step closer to me.
"Just sh-shaken up, that's all." I shrugged. "You know, th-this buh-birthday kinda sucks." I said as I rested my head on top of y/n's.
"It's not all bad," Ben chimed in. "The party was fun while it lasted. And it doesn't even stop here."
"What a-are you getting at, Hanscom?" I asked with a smile.
"Here, let's go downstairs first." Stan said as he walked down to the basement, the rest of us following like ducklings.

"So we all have a brilliant time together, right ? And this year there's been a new addition to the losers club this year that you, Billy Boy, have been particularly fond of," Richie said in a horribly fake British accent.
"And we wanted to remember all the good times we've had together. So we made this." Stan cut in, taking a flat, wrapped object out of his backpack. He handed it over to me and nodded, telling me I could open it. I unwrapped it carefully, taking note that the white paper was covered in birthday wishes from everyone. I smiled as I held up the present, taking it in.

It was a poster. A poster covered with polaroids, at least one for every time we've all hung out. Sometimes it looked like I didn't even know someone was taking the picture.
One showed Richie dunking my head underwater at the quarry. Another was of the Snowball fight we had at Mike's barn. There was a picture of y/n and I snuggled together as we watched The Goonies, that one was my favourite.
"Aw, guys," I said through a smile. I couldn't stop, I was so happy.
"Eds took most of the pictures, remember that ol' camera he got for Christmas last year?" Richie added as Eddie gave a bashful smile.
"thank you. Thank you s-so much. This is the best present I could ever ask for." I said as I stared at the poster. My lip started to quiver,
y/n must've noticed since she pulled me into a hug, and one by one the rest joined in.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I said over and over, I didn't even stutter.
"No problem, it's the least we could do for our fearless leader." Bev said with a smirk.
"You guys have n-no idea how happy I am." I whispered. My heart sang, my stomach did flips, I was happy. Happy happy happy.
"If you're happy, I'm happy." Y/n said.
"I-I love you guys." I said as I hugged my friends tighter.
"Love you."
"Love you guys."
"I love you."
"Love ya."
"Love you, Billy boy."
"Love to all."
"Love you, you losers."


1180 words

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