Chapter 18- Dinner

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*f/c- favourite colour*

Bill's p.o.v.

I biked home from school on silver, the snowflakes sticking to my lashes. I put silver into the garage before taking off my heavy winter jacket and mittens. As I walked into the house I saw my mother looking extra chipper. Too chipper.

"Sweetie," She walked over to me and planted a kiss on the top of my head. "How was school today? Did you see that girl, y/n?"

I was confused as to why she wanted to know if I saw y/n, she never wants to talk about her. The only time we do talk about y/n is when mum tries to convince me that I shouldn't see her, I'm 'too young'.

"Um, y-yeah I saw her. And s-school was fine. Why do you ask?" I questioned

"You should invite her over, Billy. You know, for dinner or something." She pitched.
"Uh, I-I don't kn-know if that's a good i-idea. You d-don't even like h-her." I got nervous, my stutter getting worse.  Why would she want her to have dinner with us? I fiddled with my

fingers before saying, "I'll ask her t-tomorrow if sh-she wants to, okay?"
"Okay, Billy. Thanks."
She gave me a warm smile and one more kiss on my head before I climbed up the stairs and into my room.

I took my Walkman out of my desk drawer and turned my favorite music on, turning up the volume as I stared out my window. The snow fell, making the night sky look rather orange.

'Why does my mom do this?' I thought as I took out my sketch book and started to draw.

Y/N p.o.v.

I rode my bike to Bill's, as usual, before school to meet up and ride together. Soon the snow will be too much and we won't be able to ride together which makes me gloomy but I pushed the thought away.

To no surprise, Bill waited in his driveway for me. I was greeted with his beautiful smile, showing his pearly white teeth.

"Hi, Billy." I gave him a smile in return then kissed his cheek before starting our ride to school.


"Y/n?" He asked. I looked at him, the snowflakes landing in his hair, and responded, "Yeah, Bill?" He looked at me then back at the road.
"Do you want t-to come over f-for, uh, dinner at my house sometime?" He looked really nervous for some reason and I didn't want him to be even more stressed.
"Yeah, yeah, sure! I'm free tonight, if that works with you of course." I said with a little giggle at the end of my sentence, which made Billy giggle too.
"I-It works, love." He smiled


I anxiously waited for school to end the whole day. All I could think about is what I was going to wear for dinner, I really want to make a good first, well second, impression. I know that Bill's mother already hates me and I don't want to mess this up.
Not for Mrs. Denbrough, but for Billy.

God I love that boy.


I rushed home on my bike. It took a bit of convincing but my mom let me go to dinner at the Denbdough's.

first I took a shower, then I dried and curled my hair. I put on my f/c dress with a pair of simple black heels. I did my makeup and brushed my teeth to make sure there wasn't anything in them before heading to Bill's.


I thanked my mom for the ride and got out of the car. I walked up to Bill's front door and knocked 3 times.


Make a good impression.


Don't make a fool of yourself.


Just please don't fuck up.

The door swung open which caused me to jump a bit. My body relaxed when I was met with the kindest blue-green eyes in the world.

I smiled and kissed Bill's cheek before heading inside.

"Ah, y/n! So glad you could come tonight. Lovely to see you again!" Mrs. Denbrough said almost too excited. Nonetheless, I responded in the most polite way I was capable of.
"Lovey to see you too, Mrs. Denbrough." I said with the biggest smile.
"Where should I put my coat?"
"Oh, Billy can take that for you." She said before walking back into the kitchen.

Bill took my coat and neatly hung it on the coatrack.
After putting away my jacket Bill curled a finger as to say 'follow me'. I followed him into the dining room and after I sat on a chair Bill pushed it in for me like a gentleman.

The table was covered in food from chicken to peas and mashed potatoes. It looked like a Christmas Dinner it was so big. I'd assume they'd have tons of leftovers after tonight.

Bill's parents took a seat on the opposite side of the table from us. We all filled our plates with the mouth watering food and I showered Bill's parents with 'thank you's.

"So, y/n. How's school going?" Mrs. Denbrough asked. Mr. Denbrough didn't seem very interested, he sat in silence while scarfing down his food.
"It's going good." I nodded.
"Well." She said.
"It's going well."

I took a deep breath in and clenched my fists under the table. Bill saw and wrapped his hand around mine.
"Yes, sorry, it's going well." I gave my best fake smile. She smiled back, and just like mine, it was fake.

"The food is delicious, I can't thank you enough." I commented and Bill and his father nodded at the same time.
"I know." She smirked.

"M-Mom." Bill said.
"Yes?" She tilted her head, acting clueless.
"W-What are you, t-that wasn't n-nice." Bill spoke up. I squeezed his hand, thanking him silently.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Y/n, was I being rude?" She asked me.
God she was getting on my nerves.
"Oh, it's okay." I took a sip of water.
"I asked you if I was being rude. Not if it was okay." My blood started to boil.

"Yes, you were being rude." I blurted out. "Excuse me?" She put her hand on her chest and shaped her mouth into an 'o'.
"You asked me if you were being rude, and you were." I looked at Mr. Denbrough and even now he won't look up, he was probably was scared of his wife.
"And you say I'm the one who's being rude?"

"Mom!" Bill raised his voice.
"What are you t-trying to do? A-Annoy my girlfriend to th-the point of insanity?!" He stood up and hit his fist on the table.
"Billy do not raise your voice with me!" She stood up too.
"D-Do not try to scare y/n away!" He looked into my eyes and took my hand.
"C-Come on, I'll walk you home."
I nodded and put my jacket on.
"If you walk out that door-" Bill slammed the door before his mother could finish her sentence.


We walked down the snowy sidewalk, nothing but the moon and streetlights illuminating our path. We walked hand in hand in the cold silence, until Bill broke it.

"I-I'm sorry, y/n." He looked down at his feet.
"It's okay, it's not your fault." I glanced into his sparkling eyes.
They weren't sparkling because of the snow, or the moon, but because of the pure frustration.
I hate seeing him like that.

"We'll have dinner at my house next time."
Bill giggled and so did I.
"I love you." He smiled.

1293 words

An Author's Note:

Bill's mom's a real Karen.

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