Chapter 3- Georgie

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Y/N p.o.v.

I had a dream last night. Well, not a dream, a nightmare.

I was walking down the road in the middle of a rainstorm, the rain all the way up to my ankles. I saw Bill standing on the road facing away from me with just a shirt and pants on, no jacket, not even shoes. I ran towards him, my boots kicking water up behind me. I stood behind Bill and tugged on his shoulder but he didn't move at all. I moved in front of him and looked at his eyes, they looked like they were staring right through me. I turned around to see a drain, nothing more. But when I turned back to Bill he was crying, but his face was straight. No emotion could be seen.
Just tears.


I woke up with sweat dripping from my temples. I looked at the clock. 5:47am. I was too scared to go to sleep again so I just got ready for school. I knew I'd feel better as soon as I saw Bill. He always knew just what to say. Sometimes he didn't even have to say anything to put a big dopey smile on my face.

I put on a plain white sweater with jeans. After I was done getting ready I made myself a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. It was only 6:30-ish once I finished my breakfast so I called Bill on the home phone.

I dialed his number and waited for a response. After 2 rings I heard a croaky, tired voice.
"y/n?" I heard Bill say.
"Hey Billy! I was wondering if I could ride with you to school today?"
"Yeah, yeah for s-sure." His tone was more excited than tired now. "Great I'll come by at... 7:45?" I ask. "That works f-for me! I'll see you th-then y/n." He hung up the phone.

Bill's p.o.v.

As soon as I hung up I slid down the wall with a stupid grin from ear to ear. I quickly got ready and ate some pancakes that my mom made me. She didn't bake as much as she used to since Georgie.
Mom's pancakes were his favorite.

I had to tell y/n about Georgie sooner or later. It's been a few years, my family is still sort of shaken up by it, but things have been better since y/n came into my life. Even though I'd only known her for about a week, it felt like a lifetime. The losers had all been more excited and happier, especially me.

I turned on the TV after eating and waited for a few minutes. Then I looked at my watch. 7:45am. I ran into the garage and hopped on silver. I opened the door and to no surprise I saw y/n riding down the street.
"Y/n!" I say as I join her. "Hey Bill!"


When we were walking to Mr. L's class she asked me something.
"Do you maybe want to ride to school with me, like, everyday?" She said as she twiddled her thumbs nervously. "That sounds great." I gave her a warm smile even though my heart was going 1000 miles an hour. I really like y/n and I couldn't mess this up. I have to be completely honest with her, so I decided that I'd tell her after school, just us. No Bev, no Richie, no losers, only me and y/n.

Y/N p.o.v.

A few minutes into Mr. L's lecture about not leaving our garbage in the desks I felt a tap on my shoulder. Bill handed me a note.
'Come with me after school? Just me and you.'
It read. I blushed faintly and nodded. Why just me and him? Does he need to tell me something? Does he not like me or something? The last time a boy asked to meet alone was just him telling me how I was a bitch and I should stop 'stalking' him. I had a small crush on him but my old friend told the whole school I was a crazy stalker.
I still talked and passed notes with Bill through the class, but there was still worry in the back of my head.

Bill's p.o.v.

I sat down at the usual seat the losers sat at. Everyone was there except for y/n.
"G-guys.." they all looked at me.
"I, I want t-to tell y/n about Georgie." They all looked at me in surprise.
"Bill, are you sure you want to do this so soon? We know how hard it was for you to come to terms with it. One of us could come with you if you need someone to be there for you." Bev said, she was like a sister I never had.
"N-no, I don't n-need anyone to come w-with me. And I want to tell her. She needs to hear it from me." The table was silent until y/n came and sat down next to me.
"Hey! So what were we talking about?" "N-nothing." I blurted out, blinking away the tears brimming my eyes.

Y/N p.o.v.

As soon as the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and met up with Bill. We grabbed our bikes and started peddling.
"Where are we going?" I was so curious yet nervous. "It's a s-surprise." He turned around and winked.


He pulled over and parked his bike as I did the same. There was a gate with a 'no trespassing' sign but we just hopped over it. He led me to this beautiful meadow. There were a few wild flowers but it was mostly tall grass and one big tree in the middle. He held out his hand and I grabbed it. He led me to the tree and we sat down across from each other.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"
"Uhm..." I could tell he was nervous. "There's no easy way to s-s-ay this b-bu-b.." his stutter got so bad he couldn't finish his sentence.

"Hey, hey, breathe. Just breathe." I gave him a smile as I placed my hand on his.
"Ok-k-kay. Well, I had a b-brother. His name was G-Georgie,"

Oh god, had.

"I l-loved him more than a-anything, he was m-my b-b-best friend. H-He was smart too, r-really smart," Bill smiled.
"But o-one day, it was r-r-raining. A-And I didn't want t-to go outside. S-So, he w-went out th-there, alone, a-and n-n-ne-never came b-back," Bill said through sobs.

His tears started streaming down his cheeks. I pulled him in hugged him tight without hesitation. No one deserves what Bill went through, not a single soul.
Especially not Bill.
I didn't want to see him like this. He cried onto my shoulder for a few minutes then pulled away and wiped his tears. "Th-They never f-found his b-body, we d-didn't even have a f-f-funeral." He said through sniffles. I hugged him again as he started crying once more and stroked his hair in a comforting manner.

"I know it's hard, but it gets better, it does. You heal with time, it never goes away, but it gets better." I kept saying. I kept telling him it would get better, but how would I know? That's all I could say, I didn't know what else to say.

I just hoped I was right.

1282 words

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