Chapter 13- Disappointment

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Y/N p.o.v.

I woke up with a terrible migraine.
The room spun slightly as I sat up. I was confused why I had the headache at first but then all the memories of last night came flooding back rather quickly.

After Bill brought me home and explained to my parents what happened he left, then it was time to face the consequences. My father grabbed my wrist and dragged me up the stairs and into my room then threw me onto my bed, my mother stood in the doorway.

"What did you think you were doing?!" He yelled close to my face, it hurt my ears.
"I was having fun! But it's been hard lately because my dad thinks he's too good for me all the sudden!" I yelled back. I was intoxicated and didn't know better. My father grew red with anger.
"What did you say to me?" He cocked a brow.
"I said I was having fun! It's not a big deal, quit overreacting!" I argued.
"I am not overreacting and I won't have a disappointment like you under this roof!"
My mother interrupted, "Take it easy-"
"Take it easy my ass!" He yelled at my mother this time. I could see him making fists.
"Hey, don't yell at her!" I warned him.

Then he turned around and slapped me across the face, my skin burning and turning red on my cheek. My mother gasped and I saw her eyes watering.

"Get out of this house!" She screamed, tears escaping her eyes as she ran towards me, wrapping her arms around me in a protective manner. My father looked as if he saw a ghost, he was so shocked, and hurt.
"Get out, right now!"
Without a word he grabbed his car keys and walked out the door.


I placed a hand on my cheek, remembering the stinging sensation. How did yesterday get so out of hand? I just wanted to go to a party like any other 15 year old.

Then my heart shattered when I remembered. Billy.
I had to apologize to him today, I couldn't stand the thought of him being mad at me.
I just couldn't, it hurts too much.

I stood up and tried to walk as straight as I could down the hallway but my stomach turned and I ran to the bathroom and put my face in the toilet bowl, puking my guts out.

After a few minutes of gaging and crying I cleaned my face and made my way to my mom's bedroom.
I slowly opened the door as a small creaking noise came with the action. Then I saw my mother, she was sleeping while holding tightly onto a pillow. I could see she had been crying because of her puffy, red eyes. I walked over to her bed and crawled in, laying down next to my wonderful mother. I just wanted to be with her and forget about what happened.
Bill can wait.


I must have fallen asleep for a few hours in my mom's bed, my migraine turned into a small headache, but it still hurt. I turned to face my mom but she wasn't there, she must've been downstairs so I got out of bed slowly and made my way down the stairs.

I saw my mother sitting on the couch and flipping through channel after channel until she found her favorite movie, then she took a long sip from her mug.
"Morning momma," I greeted her with a soft smile.
"Good morning sweetie, how's your," She paused to collect herself.
"Your cheek?" She said in a shaky voice while starting to get teary eyed.
I walked over to her and hugged her as I planted a kiss on her cheek. She didn't deserve this, neither did I.

"I'm fine mum, really." I gave her one more peck on the cheek before pouring myself a bowl of cereal and taking a seat at the dining table. I made sure to get a big glass of water to help my headache. After I finished my breakfast, I went upstairs to get ready.

I had to apologize to Bill, I fucked up. We were supposed to have fun last night. But I had to go and ruin it. I opened my dresser and looked through my shirts with a sigh.

Bill's p.o.v.

I woke up later than I usually did, probably because I couldn't sleep last night. I stretched and yawned before rubbing my sore eyes because I cried so much yesterday.
I know that y/n didn't know what she was doing last night, and I knew that she would come to apologize any minute now, but I was still mad.
I love y/n so much and it hurt me to see her like that, so wasted, she wasn't even herself.
It's like she was a completely different person.
I felt a sting in my eyes, telling me that my tears were returning.
I didn't bother wiping them away this time,
I just started getting ready.

Y/N p.o.v.

I had just finished my ride to Bill's house.
I put my bike in the driveway and walked to the door.
This was it.
No turning back.
I had to make things right again so Bill and I could have fun today instead of being pissed off. I knocked 3 times on the front door and waited.
"Bill get the door!" I heard a masculine voice say, probably his father. I've never met Bill's dad, he probably hates me like his mom does. My thoughts were interrupted by the door swinging open. I saw Bill, his eyes were red, his hair was unkept and he had no emotion in his face.
"Billy..." I whispered slightly, stepping closer. "What d-do you want, y/n?" He said, still showing no emotions.
"I think you know why I'm here, I want to apologize." I looked down at my feet. Bill just kept looking at me, his eyes were getting glossy. He stepped outside and closed the door behind him, probably so his parents wouldn't hear.

"I fucked up Billy. Im so sorry. I just wanted to have fun, and I never had a drink before. I didn't know what I was doing and Bev told me to try some so I thought it was fine if I did,"
My eyes started to water, why would Beverly tell me to drink? I still continued.
"I trusted her, Billy. I really didn't mean to ruin the party. I wanted to have fun and dance with you." My tears started to flow from my eyes.
"I really haven't had a lot of fun lately." I said through sobs while trying to laugh it off.

I had lost control of my feelings, I stood there crying. Then I felt arms wrap around me. "Billy." I whispered as he held me, stroking my hair.
"It's okay, y/n. I-I'm here. I'm always g-going to be here." I started to calm down from his touch, he always knew what to do to make me feel better.
"Wh-Why aren't you having fun lately?" He asked, looking rather concerned.
"Oh, nothing, just my dad. He, he's not been himself lately." I said, starting to wipe my tears. I didn't want to talk about how my dad hit me right then.

"I don't know why I'm crying so much," I chuckled, "Guess I really don't want to loose you." I looked up at him, still trapped in his comforting embrace.
"You'll never loose me."

I looked into his beautiful sea green eyes, and how they shimmered in the sun. He returned my gaze and we both slowly got lost in each other's eyes. I looked away but then he lifted my chin and we both leaned in, connecting our lips.
I felt that tingly feeling run all over my body, and I melted into the kiss even more. I pecked his lips once more before pulling away, the kiss would've last longer if we weren't outside for the whole neighborhood to see.

"I should go now.." I say while grabbing his hand.
"Okay. I'll s-see you tomorrow at school?"
I nodded my head before releasing my grip from his hand.
"See you tomorrow, Billy." I say quietly with a big smile. I walked over to my bike but before I could ride away Bill called after me.
"Y/n!" I turned around and raised my brows.

"I love you." He said while a big dopey smile grew on his face.
"I love you too, Billy." I returned the comment.
My smile might have been even dopier than his.

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