Chapter Fifteen

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"Why do you look much happier than you usually are?" Changbin asked, clearly noticing the excitement showing all over Felix's face.

"I've talked to Chan-hyung tonight," Felix explained, not adding any more details, aware that Changbin knew everything already.

Waking up that morning had been both a blessing and a curse. The idea of leaving the dream was something he didn't like at all but, at the same time, he couldn't wait to tell everything to his best friend, even though there wasn't much to say that he wasn't already aware of.

"He finally got the courage to tell you," Changbin thought out loud, sounding both proud of Chan and incredibly happy for Felix. "What do you think about it?"

"I'm so happy, hyung. I feel like he's the best soulmate I could have ever hoped for," Felix confessed, his cheeks turning a bit darker while his voice tinted with the softest of tones.

"It almost sounds like you like him," Changbin teased, even though his eyes never left Felix's face on the screen. When all Felix did was blush a bright red and cast his eyes down, Changbin had his confirmation. "You do? How come I'm just hearing of this now?" he asked. He had already guessed there was something more between them but hearing about it so suddenly still came as a surprise since Felix usually told him everything.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Felix quickly apologized seeing the slightly hurt expression on Changbin's face. His friend was good at hiding his emotions but he was like an open book to him by now. "I just thought you would find it annoying, me crushing on your friend as soon as I stepped in Korea, I mean. Besides, I thought it was just a fleeting crush on a cool guy who would never feel the same anyway," he explained, his ears burning pink even through the camera of the phone.

The fact that he had always found Chan attractive and really charming didn't come as a surprise to him. He tended to have small crushes on people who caught his attention but they usually didn't last more than a couple of days, it was infatuation more than anything. So, when he had started wanting to spend time with Chan and be in his company all the time, he had simply thought that it was the case again. When those feelings didn't falter even after coming back home, he started to realise that maybe it wasn't just a small, fleeting infatuation.

"Lix, the guy has been crushing on you since basically the first moment you talked to him," Changbin said incredulously, not believing Felix had really never noticed Chan's obvious crush on him and still doubted it now.

"H-He has?" Felix stuttered obliviously, his blush coming back in full force.

Changbin facepalmed. "I really need to stop saying things I'm not supposed to," he shook his head, "I thought he told you that as well in your dream."

Felix had guessed that if Chan was so eager to tell him about them being soulmates, he couldn't be totally indifferent to him. Despite that, no official confession had been made by neither of them. Felix reasoned they had all the time in the world to speak about their feelings. After all, they were soulmates meant to be together forever.

"We haven't got there yet," Felix explained, "he just explained what Jisungie told him about the dreams and how he understood we were soulmates."

"What do you plan to do now? About the dreams and everything, I mean," Changbin asked, his voice taking a more serious note.

"It's not like there's much I can do, hyung. It's already amazing I get to spend time with him even if we're oceans apart," Felix confessed.

After all, it was true. Finding his soulmate was a blessing and having the chance to spend time with them, even if there was no logical explanation behind it, was even better. Hanging out with Chan when their souls met and their bodies were asleep was the best and only thing he could keep doing right now.

"You can always come here again," Changbin suggested a hopeful tilt of his voice clear as the day.

"We have already talked about this, hyung. I'd love to but I have school and travelling to Korea so soon again is really expensive. I can't just take a plane and fly there in a blink of an eye," Felix tried to joke, chuckling lightly even if there was no amusement behind it.

Ever since leaving Korea, he had found himself constantly thinking about travelling there. It was true that his friends, and now his soulmate too, were there but he really couldn't explain the sudden longing to be there. He loved his mother, his sisters and all the friends he had in Australia but that still didn't stop him from realising that he would fly to the other country in a heartbeat if he could. Sadly, he didn't have the time nor the money to do that just now.

"It was so weird to have you here for so long and now everything is back to normal. We all miss you, Hyunjin and Minho-hyung have been dying to show you a dance they choreographed and Jisung is already planning the next tour of the city for you," Changbin said, his voice soft and just a bit sad.

They were good with long-distance, they had got used to it when Felix left all those years ago. Now that they had had the time to be together for so long and Felix had made so many friends there too, it felt like they were back to square one.

"These are the last few months of the semester here, so it means I'll have a lot more free time once it's over. I'll make sure to plan everything out and come visit again then," Felix decided, already organising everything in his head. "I miss you guys like crazy," he confessed.

"We miss you a lot too, Lix," Changbin simply answered, no more words needed, "at least you get to meet Chan."

"I do and I'm so thankful for that," Felix confirmed, "but it's still not like being there with all of you."

Felix loved Australia with his whole heart.

It was and always will be his home country, but, for the first time, he found himself thinking about how much he longed to leave everything he had there. It was crazy and it was hardly possible but he still couldn't stop his brain from picturing a future in a country so foreign, but that felt more like home than any other place had ever done.

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