Chapter Three

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The day after finally arriving in Korea, the tour Changbin, Chan and Jisung had organised weeks before finally began. The first place they decided to take him to was simply downtown Seoul, where they took a walk around the town before taking a break in the cafe the three of them always visited.

Felix felt over the moon at not only being able to finally spend time with his best friend but also to have made a good impression on Chan and Jisung as well. Jisung was very loud and affectionate, that Felix had understood from the very beginning. Chan was a bit more reserved and quiet but every time he had talked directly to Felix he was nothing but friendly and nice to him. Felix couldn't be happier to have clicked with those two, too.

Even if the weather in Korea wasn't anywhere as hot as summers in Australia, it was still very warm and the air conditioning in the cafe made them instantly cool down. Shaking his head fondly, Changbin ordered for Felix's drink since the younger preferred not to address other people besides his friends in Korean and when the waiter left them with their orders written down on her notebook, the silence she left between the four of them didn't feel tense. 

"So, when am I going to meet Minho?" Felix asked in Korean. Ever since he had arrived, he had always tried to speak only Korean, knowing that Chan was the only one who could fully understand English and he didn't want to leave anyone out of the conversation because of his poor skills in the language.

"It's Minho-hyung for you," Changbin pointed out, not scolding him but rather teaching him. "I know honorifics are weird for you but you need to remember those, yeah?" Changbin advised and Felix nodded a bit guiltily.

"Minho is with his family now, right? When is he coming back?" Chan asked sipping on his iced Americano.

"He should be back on Monday, he's spending his weekend with them," Changbin explained. They had, in fact, asked Minho to come over for dinner on Monday so he could meet Felix, together with Hyunjin, Jisung's boyfriend. "By the way, Lix, when are you planning to go back home?" Changbin asked the younger.

"I just got here yesterday and you're already thinking of when I'll to leave, Binnie?" Felix asked pouting, fake-offended. Changbin chuckled, knowing him too well to take him seriously, slapping his arm playfully.

"Binnie-hyung," Changbin corrected once again. "And you know what I mean," he whined.

"I'm probably going to fly back home the day before my birthday or around that time," Felix explained. He still hadn't bought his plane ticket so he had a wide range of options.

"Or you could spend your birthday here. It's been ages since we've celebrated either of our birthdays together," Changbin sulked, not looking like the twenty-one-year-old boy he was supposed to be at all.

"You know what happened when mum got the tattoo. She wants me home when I get mine, just in case," Felix reminded him, his voice taking a slightly worried tone.

When Felix's mother had got her mark all those years ago, it had hurt her incredibly bad. She hadn't been able to move for a couple of days, her calf burning so much that she just wanted to make it stop. Thinking back at it now, Felix realised it might have been a warning for the terrible partner his mother found later on in her soulmate. Nevertheless, she was worried that it could happen again to one of her children, so she had begged Felix to be home that day.

"Yes, of course. It makes sense," Changbin said, thinking back at the story Felix had told him on a particularly emotional day. "It just sucks I won't be here when you mark appears," Changbin mumbled, a bit embarrassed but not any less truthful.

"Come on, hyung. You know you will be the first one I show it to anyways," Felix tried to reassure the older, leaning slightly against him.

Felix and Changbin had always been really close, ever since they had met on their first day in high school. When Felix had announced he was moving back to Australia because he had been admitted to the college of his dreams, Changbin had felt a bit left behind but was nothing but supportive of his decision. Their friendship had remained strong even against the distance and Felix couldn't be more glad of that.

"When is your birthday?" Jisung asked Felix when the atmosphere relaxed again and the silence settled down.

"September 15th, I'm turning twenty this year," Felix said, his voice more excited than it was before. He was a bit scared to end up like his mother but he couldn't help but feel warm at the possibility of someone out there meant just for him.

"Really? My birthday is just a day before yours and I'm turning twenty too!" Jisung exclaimed loudly, excited by the information and by the idea of finally matching his boyfriend's rose.

"Oh, so you're also getting your soulmate mark!" Felix said, to no one in particular.

"Jisung actually already has a boyfriend even though he doesn't have the mark yet. There's no way they're meant for anyone else, when you see them together you will get what I mean," Changbin teased from beside him, making gagging noises at the squirrel-faced boy sitting on the other side of the table.

"As if you and Minho weren't just as bad as those two are," Chan pointed out, Felix laughing at his words and Jisung thanking him for sticking out for him.

"Yeah, hyung, I haven't even met the guy yet but from what you've told me you two are absolutely whipped for each other," Felix teased Changbin, the red covering Changbin's whole face making both Felix and Chan laugh out loud.

"Look at you two, you don't even know each other and you're already teaming up against me," Changbin whined, hiding his head between his crossed arms on the table.

"Aussies have to stick together," Chan proudly said.

At the words, Felix turned to Chan, smiling brightly at him and the older felt his heart skip a beat at the beautiful sight in front of him. Chan guessed that there was no reason to feel guilty about finding Felix absolutely ethereal.

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