Chapter Four

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When Monday came, Chan was happy at the idea of hanging out with his friends but slightly worried about it as well. He loved them, he really did, it was just that sometimes, without wanting to, they all focused on their own boyfriends, forgetting about Chan being left alone in his own company. Despite that, he found himself at Changbin's that evening, arriving ten minutes later than all the others, since he had just finished his turn at the local convenience store he worked at.

Apparently, Felix had already met both Minho and Hyunjin considering how the three of them were particularly engrossed in a conversation about dancing, Changbin watching them with adoring eyes. The idea of his best friend clicking so quickly with every single friend he had in Korea was extremely heartwarming to him.

"Isn't it cute how all three of them get along so well? Sungie too," Changbin asked Chan as soon as the older made his way beside him. Chan couldn't help but agree. What he found even cuter was the oversized sweater Felix was wearing, swallowing up his whole body. Chan guessed that, for now, that was a thought he could very much not share with Changbin.

When Felix raised his eyes and met Chan's stare, the younger smiled brightly, waving cutely at him. Chan's ears turned pink, his own smile making its way on his lips. Chan reasoned that it was absolutely normal to feel shy at such an adorable sight. What he couldn't really reason with was how his soulmate mark had started to feel warmer for the past few days.

An hour later, when the pizza was eaten and the dishes were washed, Chan found himself alone with Felix. Exactly as he had expected, Changbin and Minho were currently in the kitchen, washing up what was left from dinner, while Jisung and Hyunjin were giggling to themselves, cuddled up on the armchair in the corner of the room.

Every time that happened, Chan would find himself alone, just scrolling through his phone or directly heading home. This time though, Felix was there, watching him expectantly. The older swallowed heavily, sitting down next to him on the floor, struggling a bit to fit between the sofa and the coffee table.

When more giggling came from the armchair behind them, Chan scoffed lightly but couldn't help the fond expression on his face.

"Those two are so gross," he announced starting the conversation. He wasn't being serious, of course, but it still couldn't hide the slight bitterness he was feeling. Not because of Jisung and Hyunjin specifically, just because of his poor luck.

Even though he didn't know the older that well, he could still clearly understand that he was kidding. "You're such a grump, hyung," Felix said giggling, quickly switching to English now that they were alone. "They are all so cute together," he sighed, his voice sounding almost dreamy. Chan guessed Felix was thinking about having something like that in the near future.

"Let's talk about that at the end of your weeks here," Chan said, chuckling lightly, noticing how Felix suddenly smiled at the sound.

"What about you, hyung? No lucky soulmate in your life yet?" Felix asked curiously, nothing but genuine interest in his expression. For the first time, Chan didn't feel annoyed about talking of his nonexisting soulmate to someone else.

"Nope," he said popping the p. "I've got my mark but still haven't seen a trace of them," Chan explained, watching as Felix's expression didn't change in one of the pity people always seemed to feel for him. 

"Ah, I get it, hyung. Well, it's their loss anyway," Felix nudged his shoulder, his smile nothing but sincere. It didn't seem like a comment meant for any particular reason but Chan felt that warm feeling in his body again, almost as if the sun had suddenly shined on him only. Above all, Felix was the first one who hadn't asked him about where his soulmate mark was or what it was. It seemed like many people thought they had the right to know even though it wasn't their business at all.

"You were talking with Hyunjin and Minho about dancing before, right? Do you dance, too?" Chan asked, interested to take advantage of the time he had alone with Felix to get to know him better. He was glad that they both shared the same language so that Felix was comfortable with talking to him without having to translate everything in his language first.

"Oh, yeah, I do. I mainly dance hip-hop but I'm not really good at it," Felix clarified, his hands gesturing wildly as if he was suddenly afraid of Chan having too many expectations on him.

"That's bullshit, he's actually great," Changbin said out of the blue, making his way in the living room holding Minho's hand. Felix just shook his head but stayed silent, his eyes staring at the ground.

"And did you know Chan-hyung is a great rapper and producer?" Changbin asked a surprised Felix. Chan couldn't understand why Changbin was suddenly playing matchmaker. 

"I was actually just about to tell him before you came here," Chan mumbled. He was pretty good at rapping and producing but it wasn't something he'd usually say out of the blue. He guessed that was why Felix was so reserved about his dancing, too.

"For real? That's so cool, hyung! You should let me listen to something someday," Felix suggested excited, his shyness suddenly forgotten and being replaced by pure awe instead. 

"Only if you let me see your dancing," Chan countered, smiling at the younger.

Too busy finally having his first proper conversation with Felix and trying not to make a fool out of himself, Chan didn't notice how Jisung and Hyunjin were watching them with knowing eyes, giggling to themselves. What he also didn't realise was how the skin where his mark was tattooed was suddenly stinging in a ticklish way. 

People said that it was one of the effects of being near your soulmate.

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