Chapter 13: Unlikly allies

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Belfast's perspective

It's been a full day since S/N left to take down the Covenant corvette and hasn't returned. I just passed in my room back and forth, chewing on my fingernail as a million different thoughts raced, all coming to an end as my door opened. Snapping my gaze over, my heart sank as I saw Commander enter.

Belfast: "Sir?"

Shikikan: "Come along Belfast, we have a battle to plan for."

Belfast: "W-what do you mean?"

The Commander gestured to follow him as he walked out. I followed soon behind as he handed me an iPad. On it was a pinging signal from inside a Siren stronghold.

Shikikan: "Drift was able to find him."

He said, and I felt relief wash over my body.

Belfast: "S/N."

Shikikan: "Yes, from what we can gather, they captured him. For what reason, we don't know. I'm just glad he's still kicking."

I nodded and let out a heavy sigh of relief while a tear fell down my cheek.

Belfast: "Thank the gods. What's the plan?"

Shikikan: "That's what we are planning at the moment."

Shikikan said, then took a right and into the war room. Around a table stood the leaders of each of the four main factions. Enterprise, Nagato, Bismarck, and Elizabeth. Drift also was among them as he ran a tentacle over the counsel, the Commander taking his place next to the alien squid.

Shikikan: "Alright, what do we know."

He asked while looking over the girls, Enterprise being the first to respond.

Enterprise: "For starters, we don't know anything about the inside of the stronghold, though from prior skirmishes, we know this stronghold, in particular, is well defended."

Elizabeth: "So why don't we attack it full force?"

Bismarck: "Because that would leave all other fronts unprotected, we can't send all of Azur lane into this."

The older German said, glancing over at the queen as she scoffed.

Elizebeth: "Do you doubt our ability to end this in one swift action?"

Bismarck: "No, I doubt your ability to plan, child."

Bismarck said with irritation, Elizbeth's face flushing red, and went to retort, but Nagato placed a hand on the table. Her stern gaze was stopping any retaliation from the queen before it shifted to the Commander.

Nagato: "Then we run counter op's on multiple fronts. Dragon Empery can lead small skirmishes against the siren forces along the eastern Pacific."

The Commander nodded as the holographic map shifted, showing a perceived projection of the plan proposed.

Shikikan: "Good idea Nagato. I'll get in contact with Sovetskaya. Northern Parliament can cover the western Pacific."

Elizebeth: "Then that would leave the French and Italians to cover the Atlantic and Medatiranian."

Enterprise: "Well, we have our true attack covered then, but how are we going to-

As she was speaking, the digital map flickered for a moment before a fuller battle plan was displayed. All of us turned and looked at Drift as he removed his tentacle from the table and nodded.

Belfast: "Well, S/N did say he was an organic supercomputer...."

Shikikan looked over the plan for a few moments, in awe of the complexity, before he patted Drift lightly on the head.

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