Chapter 4: Eagle Union

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S/N's perpective

S/N: "Ships log number 34. It's been two weeks now since I landed on this version of Earth. The repairs my ship are coming along thanks to the help of the Commander's workers and Drifts Around. Most of the titanium A plating has been repaired in welded over the hull breaches. As for internals, well, everything has stopped catching fire and sparking, so that's a plus. The artificial gravity is back online, along with the point defense and secondary coil gun batteries, thanks to work from Drift. As for the bad news, the MAC is still being detrimental and needs more work, the engines are still sputtering out on activation attempts, and worse of all, the Slipspace drive is offline. At this rate, with what little we have for parts, it'll be at least a year until it's even capable of a jump, if at all. At least the locals don't mind my presence here. End ship's log."

I said, ending this week's recording and sat back in my captain's chair. My new alien friend was floating around as he did what he desired.

S/N: "Anything new?"

I asked as Drift turned his head to face me and shook it. Letting out a sigh, I rubbed my temple and waved a dismissive gesture.

S/N: "Great, just do what you can, Drift."

He let out a little squeal and went back to work as I took the final sip of my coffee. Placing the mug down on my armrest, I got a communication from one of the terminals. With a slight groan, I got up and walking over, accepting it as the face of the Commander popped up.

S/N: "Morning, Commander."

Shikikan: "Morning, Captain, you remember what day it is?"

S/N: "Um, Monday, why?"

Shikikan: " *Sigh* Do you not remember what I told you after we boarded your ship?"

S/N: "Ummmmm........


Shikikan: "Well, now that repairs are underway, I believe it's time you met everyone else on base."

S/N: "What do you me to sit down and have tea with all of them?"

Shikikan: "Knowing Royal Navy, that probably will be what you end up doing. Anyway, I'm giving you two weeks to repair your vessel. After that, every Monday, you will meet at the dorms of each nationality. You'll be going to Eagle Union's first."

S/N: "But-

Shikikan: "As long as your ship is stuck on my base, you follow my rules. Are we clear?"

He said and gave me a slight smirk as I sighed.

S/N: "Alright, commander."

Flashback ends

S/N: "Oh.....

Shikikan: "You know what you have to do now."

S/N: "Yeah, I'll head down there now."

Shikikan: "Have fun."

And with that, he ended the call as I let out a sigh and grabbed my cap.

S/N: "I'm heading out for a bit, don't blow up my ship."

The engineer just turned his head and gave me a tiny glare before going back to his work. Rolling my eyes, I made my way down to the hanger and used my new Gunship airlines to descend from my metal castle. I watched as the gunship re-entered before a voice with a signature southern draw yelled from behind me.

Hornet: "Howdy S/N!"

S/N: "Hey, Hornet."

I said as I began the trek up the beach to the dock where she waited.

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