Chapter 38

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"The Volturi are on their way. They're going to be here in three days, on the day of the seventh Spring storm... And they're coming with an army."

Three days ago Alice spoke those words to her.

Three whole days had passed of total and complete preparation. All night and day they spent strategizing, running through last second training, drilling the plan they'd come up with into each others skulls over and over and over. They spent three days hunting the animal population practically to death, not to mention the crime rate of Forks was at an all time low, having also been hunted to near nonexistence by all the vampires working hard to be at full strength.

Three days of being with Alice and her family for what could possibly be the last time. Three days of wishing she could tell her father goodbye, just in case. Tell him she loved him one more time, and call her mother up in Phoenix to tell her the same. Three days of wondering about where her friends would go when they graduated a month from now and wishing she could have been there to walk the stage and get her diploma with them.

Three days.

Seventy-two hours had never gone by so fast for Bella.

Now she stood in a wide open field of softly swaying grass as the sun shone gray light through thick, boiling clouds. They crackled ominously, as if God himself were ready for war. Still, the day seemed too bright despite the storm rolling in.

She was surrounded by the Cullens and the nomads. The wolves stood all throughout their meager crowd, each partnered off with a vampire, their fur swaying like the grass with the rain scented breeze. To her right stood Alice, who gazed out over the field, her eyes glassy and far away, peering into the future, watching the Volturi with all she had.

Three days ago, when the first vision had struck, Alice explained to them what was going to happen. The Volturi were finally ready to fight. They would fly into Forks en masse, on the day of this seventh Spring storm, which promised to be nasty and loud. There would be so much thunder and lightning that it would drown out the equally loud sounds of vampire on vampire combat, so as not to alert the nearby Forks population.

They had unblocked themselves to allow Alice to see this out of pure show of strength. The Volturi didn't do sneak attacks, didn't try to hide the fact that they were going to come after you. They weren't afraid in the slightest, and their pride would never let them do anything else but boldly and totally boast complete domination.

Probably because that's what they were used to.

Bella watched Alice, feeling far too calm even as electricity danced in the sky and in the air as they all stood together silently, awaiting what fate would bring, for the Volturi to walk from the trees on the far side of the clearing with the hundred vampire soldiers Alice promised they would have.

She admired her, even now, always. Alice's apple cheekbones, her soft heart shaped lips, the sway of her short black hair over a perfect jawline, and those expressive golden eyes, peering into what was only known to her second sight.

Though Bella adored that beautiful shade of golden in Alice's eyes, she wished with all her heart that it was bright blue instead. She'd tried to convince Alice to drink her blood because she knew it made her stronger, tried to convince everyone to drink from her, but she was flat out refused, much to her frustration.

Nobody wanted to risk weakening her in any way, though Bella couldn't remember feeling weakened at all when Alice fed from her. The look Alice gave her when she suggested doing it again was so furious that she couldn't even make an argument for it. All she wanted was to give these people the best chance she could to live... Give Alice whatever she could to help her survive the oncoming battle.

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