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Eunki POV

I stared at the screen, watching Jimin's live speech in front of the entire ARMY. It was very inspirational and eye opening for those who are closed minded with relationships.

I smiled, I'm honestly not surprised at this point. I knew how he would react despite my letter and words. When Jimin wants something he will get it.

I finally unblock him to see his texts about his plans and what he felt as if he was talking to me. On one text he said he will be coming here tomorrow for good. After so long we are together, hopefully.

The twins have been ok. Keep wondering about dad but overall since Jimin hasn't been away for too long it wasn't much of a problem. Adjusting to school was easy for them since they are cute and kind which makes those two lovable.

I personally have changed into my new job quite well. Thankfully the distance between our old house and new house isn't that far only enough to being able to switch places. I'm sure Jimin thought we moved out of the country though.

I sighed turning off the tv and staring at the photo album in my lap. We wanted to contain our memories in a book which we would love to go back to and look at. It definitely was a flash of the past seeing our young faces. And the one picture where Jimin and I first met.

It wasn't only our love but also our connection. We have been through so much as a couple but as friends. And our bond was just strong. It's unfortunate that the people we wanted to know that didn't understand. Which is why it was difficult for us.

We wanted to be accepted as a couple that is in love. That's together, but not many saw that.

Anyways I should clean up. Jimin is coming back tomorrow. I just don't know what he is going to do now that he doesn't have a job.

I hope he will be ok. I hope he looked over it well before doing it.

Next day

"Cupcake?" Jimin opens the door peeking in.

"Hey," Eunki smiles as Jimin smiles back staring at one of the people he missed the most.

"Nothing will get between us. I won't let it happen again. I'm so sorry you had to go through that," Jimin immediately engulfed Eunki in a hug.

"It's ok, we will always get through it together. It's not anyone's fault. We just need to move on," Eunki feels Jimin hug her tighter and sees him nod since he is nuzzled in her shoulder.

"How are the twins?"

"They miss you. But they are ok, you haven't been gone for long although it felt like an eternity. Raejin and Misun are currently at school so you'll see them later."

"That's good, are they making friends?" Jimin asked, concerned.

"Yup, they have had a couple of new friends over. Their friends are sweet too. Don't worry like I said we are doing fine."

"Can I not be worried for my family?"

Eunki gives a light smile as they break their hug and walk towards the couch to talk.

"What are you going to do? Are you sure about this? I don't want you to do something that you'll regret. I'm worried." Eunki started the conversation.

"I'm sure. I've been focusing on my career too much and not being the father I should be for five years. I know now I need to put my eyes on the future which is you. Eventually I'll have to go to the military and in that time I want to spend it with my girls."

"Ok, I'm supportive with whatever you want to do. We will get through it all no matter what happens."

"Also may I have the honors to being your boyfriend again? You clearly said you broke up with me... so."

Eunki laughed while nodding, "I'm sorry. For everything, leaving you. I should have been stronger for you and the girls."

"I understand, there is not need to apologize. You have been through hard times and deserve nothing more than pure happiness."

"How about the boys? How did them and the company take your proposal?"

"They were very sad but understood immediately. And gave me a lot of support. The boys, they kept telling me that they'll be fine but in someways I'm still worried. Still, all of us decided this.

"I don't want to get between you guys. You love each other too much. I'll talk to them later."

"They really like you Eunki. Anyways it's not like I'm never seeing them again. We will still keep in contact. I think the boys loves the twins more than us." Jimin chuckled remembering his last day as a Bts member and how his best friends talked more about his daughters than actually saying goodbye to him.

"I'm not surprised, Raejin and Misun really likes them as well. I'm down if they babysit."

"Noted..." Jimin says giving me his infamous eye smile.

I finally get to be with him after all this time..

After all we have been through, it has been a rollercoaster. But thankfully we were able to get through all, the things the world has thrown at us.

Boring Chapter
I know
Hopefully some important information about everything
Almost the end but since no one reads my books this is most likely useless information😂
I really hope you liked this book.

Never Ending Love                                           A Jimin FF CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now