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Day 4

Shocking the world will be fun
Sorry ARMYS prepare yourself

*Aesthetic photo of Jimin*

"What in the world?"

"Relationship hello?! Does anyone read my comment?"

"Fun?! We're all going to die!"

Eunki POV

We arrive in Seoul safely. I check both of my sides to see my two daughters next to me. Ok, luggage check, daughter one Misun check, daughter two Raejin check and other backpacks check!

"You ready girls?" I asked as we walk to the entrance of the airport to hail a cab.

"Yes!!" The twins smile excitedly, it's their first time seeing their dad and my boyfriend in five years. We are definitely excited.

We settle at our hotel, unfortunately can't live in Jimin's apartment but that was obvious. Thankfully BigHit paid for the room.

"Girls, sit down I need to tell you the plan," I say as they come and sit on the opposite side of the bed.

"What is it, mom?" Misun asks.

"When we are going to meet your dad, ok?"

They nod furiously giving me their full attention.

"We won't see him till later at night because your dad is a busy man. So we are going to explore Seoul and have some fun. When meeting dad stay with me the whole time until we arrive at the room. If anyone asks you just say your meeting your dad who works at the company. Do you understand?" I explain looking at both of their faces. They understood cool.

"Yes, mom," Raejin answered back first. As Misun nods as a response.

"Great! You know your dad and I are really lucky to have such wonderful children. We love you!" I exclaimed while hugging both of them in my arms.

"We love you both too!"

Time Skip



The girls and I step out of the cab, walking towards the building as usual. I hold their hand tightly as we step inside the building.

No cameras... makes sense I probably look like a wife taking my children to work.

"Are you Park Eunki?" I hear a woman call out my name.

"Yes I am," I nod then bow. The girls do the same.

"Perfect! I'll take you to the boys," she says gesturing with her hand to follow her.

Staff woman (short) POV

As we walk through the halls and into the elevator I spoke, "I'm really happy for you both. All of us staff have been hoping for this moment for the boys to find that one person. We want them to be safe and in loving arms. When Jimin announced this news we were happy because they were taking another leap. For Jimin more like triple that but we trust you to take care of him. He is our cute, lovable mochi we adore him a lot. I'm speaking for the entire BigHit staff not myself. I hope you understand." I smiles genuinely.

"Thank you so much. I will do my very best as well. You have made it possible for this meeting. And being a part of this family is wonderful, thank you for taking care of him when I couldn't." She smiles back.

She's absolutely perfect for him. I can't see a single trace of attitude from her. Just those small words made an impact. To convince me that they are truly in love.

As a staff we want what's best for our idols. But we can only do that in a limited amount of time. As we know Eunki, Jimin and the twins will be together for the entire week. This was the time to see more about her.

We are only a staff to make our idols ready and prepared for the stage. We don't have the right to say who Bts dates. But we can voice our opinion to the idol in which case if us staff sees anything wrong.

Now I represent the staff to see anything wrong.

There wasn't.

Eunki POV

"Ok here we are, step inside when you're ready."

I stare at my daughters that were holding my hand tightly.

"This is it!" Raejin jumps up and down in excitement.

"Mom, you ok?" Misun asks tugging my hand to get my attention.

"Yeah, just it's actually happening," It felt like a dream. I'm seeing him again after five cruel but memorable years.

"Let's go in hmm?" I say releasing Misun's hand to grab the doorknob and open the door.

There he was dancing beautiful as usual. Until the music stops and everything stops. Like slow motion he turns to look at me smiling brightly. I see his eyes staring down to see his two daughters. He tears up kneeling down opening up his arms.

"DAD!!!" The twins shout running quickly to their father that they haven't seen, now finally meeting for the first time.

I step inside a little as the staff woman comes in closing the door. I wait to give more time for him to see our daughters.

They started crying while hugging tightly as I see him kissing their forehead. I start to cry as well but was busy wiping my tears that I missed to see the figure standing right in front of me.

I stare up to see the face I longed to touch and love for five years. My tears were endless and his were as well.

"Hi cupcake..." He spoke cupping my face with his two hands, connecting our foreheads together. I lay my hands over his.

"I've missed yo-you s-so much," I stutter over my words because of my eternal sobbing. I definitely think that missed was a huge understatement.

He takes a breath much calmer than I ever could be, "I love you, Park Eunki.."

Jimin pulls me into a light, gentle kiss clearly wanting to shower his affection on me more than that but can't knowing that there are people around him including our adorable twins.

Jungkook POV

We were focused on dancing that we didn't even hear the door open until one by one all of us noticed the beautiful woman by the door.

"DAD!" Two little girls come running to Jimin Hyung. Which is obviously Jimin's daughters, Misun and Raejin just don't know whose who.

Jimin has the most biggest smile on his face as he hugs the life out of the cute twins. He was so ecstatic the entire day with a huge eye smile that all of us love.

We all stare as he slowly let's go of the hug then walking to his girlfriend, Eunki who was crying the whole time that she didn't notice Jimin coming towards her.

The moment they give eye contact, they both have this instant spark of happiness and love from one another. It's obvious to tell how much they have missed each other's touch and physical love.

We all stare smiling. Sounds creepy but we are so overjoyed to put these two back together and more so their entire family.

"Come girls," Jimin says opening his arm for them to join. And the twins immediately go towards their parents.

The family is finally together after five years.

I'm soft....
Long distance for five years is difficult....

Never Ending Love                                           A Jimin FF CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now