Chapter 8: Oak Knows

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As the group make their way towards beach , there is a argument on how did Aaron defeat iris so fast and badly

"Hey Iris, are you feeling okay?" asked max

"Yea im totally fine we dont even need to go to the beach" she replies

"What do u mean?" Clemont says nervously 

"I know you guys are taking me to the beach so that i can cheer up" said iris

"Yeah...." said Brock

"Well , i dont feel bad as its my fault as what i did out there" she says

"What did you do?" Asked Serena

"I actually tried to mock him even before the match started, to which he didnt reply as i expected him to, as this tricks works on everyone but it felt like he dont care what i said to him" said iris

"Yea he does look like he have lost something or someone very close to him" said Trevor

A while later they reach the beach.

Ash on the other hand went into forest where he played his ocarina for his pokemons after their 2nd training session of the day. Ash always played this ocarina when he felt alone or the pokemon around him weren't feeling comfortable. 

But this time the ocarina sounded very cheerful nothing like before where it sounded pure depression and anxiety, Lucario notices this.

"Master that was beautiful!, i haven't seen you play it like that ever before" Lucario said

"Thanks buddy" ash says smiling.

He recalls all the pokemon back in there pokeballs and starts walking back to his room. On the way back he encounters the cloaked figure once again.

"Oh look who it is " said giovanni 

"what do u want giovanni?" Ash says

"Im satori kid , also if i were you i wouldnt waste my time talking and go find my friends hoping nothing happens to them or specifically HER" he laughs and walks off

Ash upon listening that felt like his heart skipped an beat and rushed towards pokemon center. He opens the gate and sees none of his friends there , he inquired nurse joy and she said they have headed to the beach. Ash quickly runs to the beach along with Lucario and pikachu.

Upon searching a bit he saw the group playing peacefully and realized Giovanni was bluffing so that he can try to play his fear game with him again. Ash sighed in relief and started to walk back when he saw something large in water coming straight for the group. Upon further inspection he noticed its a Gyrrados heading straight for them. The girls of course playing water polo didn't notice this first but misty looked at the water seeing a large snake type figure approaching them , she screamed "Run EVERYONE RUNNNNNN!" and starts running to shore upon realization what it is May dawn and iris started to run towards  to the shore , Serena was standing facing them and couldn't see the monster also she was the closest to the beast till the time she turned it was very late to run or throw a pokeball to defend her. The Gyrrados fired an hyper beam at Serena who covered her face hoping for the impact , but after a few moments she opened her eyes as she didnt feel any impact.

She opened her eyes to see Lucario standing in front of her and she is in a aura bubble created by lucario. when the attacked stopped lucario jumped up and threw a shadow ball at the Gyrrados hitting it directly which made it retreat to the ocean. Before even she could react to what has happend , lucario flee the scene returning back to ash who is standing in a distance with blue blowing eyes , he shared his aura powers with lucario to save serena. After seeing that she is safe he starts to walk back to the hotel room. The group didn't see where the lucario went but only Gary saw it and he ran back to the hotel Aaron was staying in as it was the same as theirs.

Lift opens and Aaron is about to open his door when he hear a voice.

"You saved her again , Ashy boy" Said gary

Ash stopped for a second , his pokemons faced gary and then did ash and he said "Sorry?"

"Sorry? you son of a bitch where were you?" Gary said shouting

"Im sorry but i think you've mistaken me for someone else" Replied ash

"Oh really?" He comes towards ash and whispers "I've seen the recordings"

"What recordings?" Ash inquired 

"The same where you broke into my grandpa's lab and stole your pokemon"

Ash now knew he was caught. "Hm, what do u want?" he said cold hearted

"Lets go in your room first so you dont get exposed" Said Gary

Both nodded and walked into his room.

"Alright first of all , Where were you? for the 6 years. Do u know what have you done to your friends? Serena is depressed from past 6 years , she wakes up having a nightmare about you every now and then" Said gary in a concerned tone

Upon hearing this ash feels like his head is getting heavy as he holds back his tears from coming onto his face. Lucario seeing this starts to growl at Gary, he gets interrupted by Ash.

"Dont lucario , he's a person i can trust" says ash

"Ok , Master" He says , which Garry hears and says "Woah , that lucario can talk?" 

Ash Replies " No not really , only with those whom i trust"

"Ok thats cool , but anyway ash you have to come back to us and SPECIALLY  HER " said gary

"Gary.... its not as easy as you think" he says

"Well what do u mean u faggot?!?" Gary is now angry

Ash unmasks himself to reveal a person Gary could have never even imagined when he thought about ash.

"What happend to you?! Your eyes , your voice , your confidence? " It feels like you have no spirit

"Im used to living alone from the last past 6 years, I've seen everyone's achievements Serena Becoming Kalos Queen , Bonnie becoming a gym leader , Iris becoming dragon champion, May and Dawn becoming best Hoenn coordinators , You becoming a famous researcher , brock becoming a successful pokemon doctor, but it feels like i failed.... i failed in accomplishing my dreams , i couldn't become a pokemon master , i couldn't defeat Giovanni and i couldn't achieve Serena infact i unwillingly left her alone and depressed but i had to do it to keep her safe , to keep you guys safe."

"A-Ash .... dont worry this conversation will be a secret , why are you here though?" Asked oak

"He's here , giovanni is here i want to stop him from winning the prize pool which he'll use to put team rocket operational again, i need to beat him so this can end. Gary i trust you with this please keep this a secret and most important thing keep an eye on serena she is getting herself in new dangers now a days......"

"You can count on me Ashy boy, Win this league fast so this can end! , I need to go before they notice im here" Gary heads out after telling this.

"lets see what is gonna happen Lucario , im a bit relieved as he will keep an eye on Serena" Ash says looking at lucario.

"She will be safe master" lucario replies with a smile

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