Chapter 2: A Broken Performer

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In Hoenn a girl with honey blond hair is sleeping but facial expressions on her face is not looking very peaceful but full of sadness and pain.

"Ash! its not safe to go back in!!"
"I'll meet you in the rescue boat now go fast"
"B-but" She gets cut off by ash placing a warm hug and whispering "Ill be alright just go!"
"o-ok but be there fast"

She runs onto the rescue boat which already had the rest of the gang Brock,Misty,May,Dawn,Max,Clemont,Bonnie,Iris,Trevor,Gary,Paul waiting for the couple.

"Where's ASH!?!?" Brock asked the honey haired girl. "He Said he'll be here so..." Suddenly a large explosion happens to the main ship which sends the rescue ship a bit back but its safe and sound. The explosion was big enough to tear the massive ship apart as it sinks rapidly. "ASHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

Serena Wakes up screaming which instantly make dawn and may rush into her room hearing her scream. Serena soon realizes it was dream and tears starts to form in her eyes. Soon she see her friends rushing into the room with a concerned look on their face.

May:"Serena are you okay?"
Dawn"Yeah are you okay?!?" dawn then realizes and says "it was that dream again wasn't it?"

Serena nods slowly.

May and Dawn now both have a sad look on their face as they make their way to Serena's bed. "Serena you need to get over it" Says may. "Yeah Serena its been 6 years since the tragedy and there's no way anyone on-board could've survived the explosion." Dawn says with tears rolling down her own cheek.

Serena:"I CAN NEVER GET OVER HIM , I THOUGHT YOU GUYS KNEW" serena says angrily with tears rolling down on her cheeks. Both coordinators become sad and starts to sob a bit.

Serena:"Im sorry i didn't mean to shout on you guys" the coordinators stops crying. May:"N-no you dont have to be sorry , we keep on trying to tell you to get over him"
Dawn:"Yeah its us who are sorry Serena."
Serena tries to change the topic:"So whats for breakfast?!" says in a forced smile.

Dawn:"Oh you wont believe but clemont and brock finally have made delicious breakfast today , now get ready and come down to eat , we're waiting for you"

Serena:"Alright , i'll be there." the coordinators leaves the room, Serena gets up to get fresh but sees herself in mirror standing there very sad and broken. "Ash.... please come back" she says in her mind.

After a while

Serena:"walks down seeing everyone sitting on the dining table having their breakfast"

"Good Morning Serena" Says Bonnie happily.

"Morning Bonnie" She replies. Her eyes rolls over to Clemont and Gary who have concerned look on their face.

"Was it that dream again?" asks Gary.

Serena nods slowly."Have a seat Serena lets try to divert our self away try the food and tell me how is it!"

Serena Takes the empty chair and clemonts passes the breakfast to her. Upon eating the first bite her face changes from a frown to a really happy smile reaching her oceanic blue eyes.
"Its SO GOOD Clemont" is all she can say.

Clemont:"Oh cm'on i don't deserve the credit , its Brock's Recipe."
Brock:"Oh but if you didnt help me out it would'nt have been possible to make such a good meal" Says brock laughing.

Their pokemons also seems to be having a great time eating the food.

Suddenly Nurse Joy walks in holding a letter.

"Whats up nurse joy" Asks Brock

"I got this letter and its for Iris" She says

Iris gets up and takes the letter , after giving the letter nurse joy leaves the room. She opens the letter and starts to read the content out-loud.

Dear Iris

You and Your Friends (Gary , Paul , Serena , Bonnie , Clemont , Dawn , May , Max , Trevor , Misty , Brock) are invited to take part in Pokemon World Championship held in kalos. Which Starts from 16th March so make sure you are there a week before to register.

Event organizer Mr.Mount

"An Pokemon Championship??" Says excited Iris.
"I'm Taking a part as well" Says max jumping.

"Well well then i'll beat you in the arena" Bonnie says to max.

"Pathetic but i'll take part in it as well" says Paul

"I'm in as well" Says Trevor.

"I'd rather not take a part but i'll come along to support you guys" says Serena. Brock Clemont Misty May and Dawn nods in agreement with her.

"Alright so lets go!" Says Clemont Flicking his wrist up which makes the glass held in his wrists to fall and break. "I guess after cleaning this.....humh..."

Everyone Laughs and they proceed to book their tickets for the event which is a month from now.

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