Chapter 1: New Day!

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A new day arises in our hero's life with the sun rising early morning , the tender sunlight reaches onto the room of Ash where he is already getting ready for training.

Ash: "You ready buddy?" ash says in a cold tone

Pikachu:"Pikaaaa" with that he hops onto ash's shoulder and they both starts walking out of their little cottage and on towards a forest.

After a while they reaches their destination

Ash:"Alright come on out everyone" he throws his pokeballs up in the air and with that all of his pokemon he's been carrying comes out revealing Greninja, Charizard, Feraligatr, Venasaur ,Blastoise,Typhlosion,Torterra,Pidgeyot. Each looking happy and ready to fight.

Ash:"Alright guys training beings now..."

After 4 hours....

Ash:"That would be enough , now return guys!" as ash holds up the pokeballs the pokemons retracts back in with the red light except for pikachu.

Ash with a tired looks on his face with a lot of scratches and pain from training:"Alright buddy, lets head back" pikachu agrees and hops onto ash's shoulder once again.

Both of our heros starts walking through the forest again, its afternoon with a sun so bright it can burn your skin out but that seems to have no effect on ash or pikachu

Ash:"Do u know pikachu i really miss our friends"

Pikachu:"Pika-pi Ka chu"

Ash:"Yeah , we'll see them again but only after we've accomplished our goal." ash says that with a emotionless cold tone.

Pikachu:"Pikaaaa pi" pikachu agress but with a frown on his face seeing his ever so joyful trainer being heartless and depressed.

Ash in his mind:"Man i really wanna see everyone and her again...."

ash even though he misses everyone,he just cant go back and put everyone's life on risk , he continues to live on his own in his cottage in Alolan island near a beach. He's no longer the cheerful person he was , his eyes have lost their charms , his voice feels very broken and so does his attitude.

Suddenly a loud bang voice can be heard nearby in the forest which was enough to divert ash's attention to it.

Ash:"What was that sound?" ash starts to run towards that sound

Upon reaching to the source of the sound he discovers some people with a box and its shaking on its own like it has something living in it. Upon closer inspection he realises they are the pokemon poachers of the Alola region. He quickly runs to them

Ash:"Drop the box" ash said in a cold tone enough to send shivers in the two poachers spine.

Poacher 1:"Else what? go Empoleon!" the pokeballs break open to reveal the majestic penguin pokemon standing in front of ash.

Ash"Pikachu you know what to do" says in a very calm tone.

Pikachu:"Pikaa" pikachu's ears starts to light up with sparks of electricity and he releases a powerful thunderbolt hitting the two poachers and empoleon but soon the empoleon attacked with hydro - pump making pikachu hit a tree hard.

Ash:"Pikachuuu, are you alright?" pikachu stands right back up like nothing happend which surprised the poachers.

Ash:"Ok now electroball" Pikachu makes a electroball from its tail and sends it right at the empoleon which takes a direct hit and causing a explosion. When the smoke fade away the empoleon is fainted, seeing this the poachers returns the empoleon to its ball and starts to run away with the box.

Ash Sees this and says:"Not so fast" while tackling the one that has the box , ash along with the box and the poacher fells to the ground.The poacher gets up and starts attacking ash with his arms which has a brass knuckle hitting the face of ash while it leaves a big scratch on his forehead with blood coming out of it.

Ash not to pleased with what has just happened , his eyes turns blue and he punches the poacher back in his stomach which now gets up and starts running with immense pain and joins his friend. The two poachers leave the box behind and run for their life.

Meanwhile ash goes to the box and picks it up and can hearing sobs coming from it, he tears the box apart to reveal an scared Riolu in it sobbing in a very bad shape with lot of scratches and wounds.

Ash picks up the Riolu and without thinking starts to run back to his cottage with riolu in his arms and pikachu on his shoulder.

Upon reaching the cottage he places the riolu on the bed and starts to wipe out the blood from riolu which causes immense pain to the riolu who try to fight back but ash does stop. In the process he gets hit on his arm by riolu's claw making an scratch on his left arm but he doesn't acknowledge his own wound and keep cleaning the blood and applying potions onto him which riolu sees and stops fighting back.

After a while

Riolu is sleeping in ash's bed with a peace on his face while ash washes off his own wounds and applies bandages to them. Ash and pikachu notices movement in his bed and sees that riolu waking up. Ash looks at it with a emotionless smile but that smile was enough for the riolu to know he was safe.

Ash:"Hey there champ, you feeling alright?"


Ash:"Thats good! here have this" ash leans his hand to the riolu with the blue berry that pushes an smile on riolu's face when he eats it.

Ash:"Dont worry, well get you back to your family!"

Riolu's happy face quickly turns into a frown and tears starts building up in his eyes. Then it hits ash that what might have happened to the riolu.

Ash:"They killed your family, didnt they?" Riolu nods while sobbing

Ash hugs the riolu:"I'm sorry,also i know this might not be exactly same as your family but if you want you can join us! my name is ash and this is my buddy pikachu" Riolu then looks at ash with a reassuring smile on his face then looks onto pickachu who is on his arm and is also happy listening what his trainer have just said.

Riolu Nods with a smile. The smile passes onto ash's face and pikachu's face when he realises something have crawled up in his lap. He sees the riolu smiling jumping on his lap. Ash takes out his pokeball and leans it towards riolu who gently taps it with its paw. After a second a click can be heard and riolu has now joined ash's journey.

Then the pokeball opens up with riolu coming out and starts to say something to ash.

Riolu:"Rio Ri lou Lo Ri Rio"

Ash:"Oh i see you dont like being in pokeball too, well you can always be outside with us then!" Ash looks onto pikachu on his shoulder while saying this, the mouse pokemon smiles looking at his trainer aswell.

Riolu then jumps on his other free shoulder and with that they both go outside to enjoy the sun setting in the ocean.

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