Time Passes

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         It was a long while before the doors of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria swung open again. It was now being run by four different people. Mike, William, Scott and Jeremy. No longer would anyone be working alone. It wasn't long before new faces applied and new additions to the establishment were added, dedicated to the friends that had left them. Instead of covering up what happened and the people involved, they chose to acknowledge this one, answering any questions and making up for it. Somehow, it worked a lot better than when they kept everything a secret. People proved to be more forgiving and trusting when they owned up. William didn't have to worry about taking heat alone anymore, he was the happiest he's been in years. His only regret was it took a disaster for him to finally see what was really needed. The four of them have grown closer than ever before, becoming more like one big family rather than just friends. Everything was running smoothly and it seemed like the bittersweet ending they were all hoping to achieve.

        It had been open for a year now, the date landing on the exact one of the murders. William was locking things up and heading home for some rest. As he got in the car, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. The date had been looming over his head all day, almost as if he expected something to happen on this twisted anniversary of betrayal. As he drove, his mind began to wander.
        It occurred to him more than ever now that he still had no idea what Henry's motive was. He seemed so nice and what happened seemed horrendously out of place. He wondered if he was just too blinded by trust to notice. William felt in his heart that the peace wasn't meant to last, it never did. However, he tried not to let it bother him. He was happy now and he didn't want to let paranoia and doubt ruin things again. As he passed a certain highway, he caught sight of where Fritz had crashed, unwillingly having a tremendously vivid flashback, causing him to take the same detour as before and pull over, finding it hard to breathe normally. He was recalling Fritz's cut up body, the look of horror. Most importantly, he remembered the exact moment it dawned on him that his best partner had betrayed him, everyone even.
        "C-calm down... That was a year ago..." He whispered to himself. He thought it was over it and the road never triggered that strong of a reaction. He figured it must be his nerves acting up. He wondered if it was all payback for what he himself did years ago. He knew that both him and Henry were terrible people, only difference being Henry got caught. He waited for his head to stop spinning before driving off again.
        When he got home, things felt unfamiliar. Nothing had been moved, broken, or disturbed in any way. It was more of a sensation he had, only feeding his paranoia and worries. He closed the door behind him and sat on his couch, trying to calm himself down. It was then at that moment when the phone rang. Startled, he stared at it for a bit. He then reminded himself that he was indulging in silly behavior, proceeding to get up and answer it. He was met with a few seconds of silence.
       "Hello...?" William waited a bit before asking again, this time with more confusion. "Hello?"
       "Check your bear and grab your microphone, for the phone and corpse both look alike." A deep voice sang softly before hanging up, the tone echoing in William's panicked mind.
        William slammed the phone down and stared at it, trembling and trying to decipher what he had just heard. He repeated it in his mind a few times, the only closely deciphered thing being microphone and Mike. He immediately assumed the worse. If phone had been an indirect hint to Scott, he assumed he was already killed. Considering Scott was usually with the other two, the odds weren't looking so great. However, he had to be sure. He ran out of his house and back into his car, starting it up and immediately speeding off to check on them. He was so hellbent on getting where he needed that he overlooked one small thing.
        He sped off to a shortcut through the woods. However, something went wrong and the engine stopped itself. Confused, he tried again. It was then that someone's cold hands grabbed him from the backseat.
        "You're too late."
        Those were the final words he heard before William's throat was slit, blood splattering onto the windshield. Henry had escaped prison and finished what he started. In the end, he had the final laugh, granting false security before he ended their lives. This was his game that nobody had won.

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