Chapter 8 - Speed Demon

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      Fritz wandered into the office alongside Marley into the now vast and desolate office. He couldn't help but notice how surreal it felt to be in there without the others. His mind went back to a time where the pizzeria would be full of activity by this time. Chris would be sweeping, fritz would be maintaining the animatronics, Jeremy and Mike would be in the office alone usually unless the night was a group effort. Sometimes even Fritz couldn't calm the animatronics down. They'd all play games and goof around while they worked and, even if someone didn't want to be a part of it, they'd be dragged in anyways. Now, it was just him and Marley. Marley was normally in charge of the day shift so already it felt weird. It was almost as if it was an entirely new world that he was thrown in to. Everything he once knew was twisted and darkened to a jet black, no trace of what it once was.
     With a soft sigh, he sat down and flipped on the cameras. Soon, Marley's voice rang out. "The office seems really big."
     "...It didn't when there was more of us-" He chuckled. "Now the whole establishment feels like it's empty. I'm... Glad you're here though. The night shifts here when you're alone are... a little stressful."
     "You've had to do that before?" Marley scratched his head a bit. "Seems counterproductive-"
     "You're a bit newer here so I'll fill you in." Fritz thought for a moment. "Years ago the security guards were required to manage the night shifts alone and the animatronics would be up and about. That was... a dark time. Many applied but not many lasted too long."
     "That sounds...scary-"
     Fritz nodded. "It was." he then rolled up one of his sleeves. "But I got this sick scar!"
     "Oh- You nerd!" Marley giggled and playfully shoving his arm out of the way.
     Fritz giggled. "Speaking of which I-"
     "Hello there~!" A familiar voice chimed. To their shock, Henry had come back. He placed bags of food on the desk. "I brought snacks!"
     "I- thought you were heading home?" Marley tilted his head
     "I was but I figured I shouldn't leave the two of you here alone." Henry chuckled. "If four barely got out alive then two would be an even worse shot."
     "Welcome regardless-" Fritz smiled at him.
     "I got your favorite-"
     "Strawberry donuts-" Fritz and Marley spoke at the same time. They quietly cheered when Henry nodded and dug in. Henry pulled out a soda and sipped it quietly, watching the two.
     "You two are just like kids-" Henry giggled
     Fritz looked him in the eye and smiled. "Thanks dad-"
     Almost immediately, Henry started wheezing. "Fritz- why-"
     He shrugged. "I saw an opportunity and... Well I took it!"
    Henry smiled and pat him on the head. However, there was something off putting in his eyes. he sat down and the night began. A few hours passed before Henry stood up.
    "Oh! I just remembered something-" He smiled and looked at Marley. "Marley, come with me. Fritz, you stay here and keep an eye on things."
    "Alright!" Fritz smiled at them as they left, listening to their footsteps echo along the corridor. He was now alone. He glanced around for a moment, now unsure what to do with himself besides watch closely. A chill ran down his spine as he recalled the older shifts, allowing worries to fill his head for a moment before shaking them away. And, this time, it wasn't just the animatronics he had to worry about.
      It begged the question, why would Henry walk off like that with Marley when there's a killer loose? Fritz's eyes then noticed something in the corner on top of the monitors. There was a faint, red light that temporarily kept shadows at bay every time it flickered. Curious, he moved over to the stack of monitors and moved them aside, revealing an old phone. Had someone left a message? He clicked a button and listened.
       "H-hello? Hello hello? Uh...Well... I went to the parts... a-and service room- something knocked up the old generator- not sure who might've stuck around but uh.... I found Fritz's tools by it and-" there was a light cough. "I might die so I'm leaving this here- There's something in here- Think- Someone got into the old suit- a yellow one- I-"

       The transmission didn't end there. He could hear the recorder drop and Scott's shriek rang, followed by what sounded like a brief fight. He then heard the whisper and immediately his mind went to work. When the sounds died down, he heard something pick up the recorder. "Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, Mr.Smith-" This time, the voice wasn't disguised. There was no mistaking it.
       Almost immediately after the ending beep rang, the lights all went out and so did the monitors. Fritz clenched his teeth in fright and grabbed his flashlight. He was instantly terrified and bewildered. Since now he knew exactly who was responsible. The fact that his name was said proved that this was all planned. He knew full well that it might already be over for him. However, he'd be damned if he didn't go down without any attempts to fight or at least escape. However, he knew one thing.
     Marley wasn't safe.
     Unsure if it was too late, he clicked on the flashlight and began running. As he ran, he drew his gun with his other hand just in case he was attacked. He stopped at the back room. He reached out and his hand hovered over the doorknob for a moment. He could hear his heart pounding in his head. However, something inside him screamed to not open it, that something was waiting beyond the door. And so, he ran away from the door.
     In the corridor, he stopped. Far from him, he saw a figure standing there, it was eerily still. Not wanting to take any chances, he shined his light only to be met with the back of Marley. He let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god- Marley, we need to get out of here-" There was no response. He knew something was off. "Ma-" he froze when he realized something. People, when standing still, normally shift every now and then. Sometimes they have the slightest sway or motion, and the shadow would move along with it. However, Marley was completely frozen.
      He knew that Marley was already dead, somehow positioned upwards to lure him in. However, now he had to quickly figure out whether or not the killer would come from the side or behind. His blood ran cold and he held a hand over his mouth. He had to be quiet and listen. Now he knew he had to get out alone. That's all that mattered. If he could escape, he could warn the others. He then remembered the feeling he got from the back room.
      Immediately, he ran forwards as fast as he could, praying to whatever was above that he guessed correctly. Oh, how he despised guessing games. Sure enough, he heard footsteps from far behind. He was grateful for once that he paid attention to small details enough to recognize a classic horror cliche when he was met with one. Had he stayed longer, said too much, failed to listen, it would've turned out much differently.
      He zipped to the door and tried it. The door was locked and he immediately grabbed his keys, only to find the key hole and manual lock were covered. He quickly scanned the room for something to break it with. When he couldn't find anything and determined that he wouldn't be able to make it through the window, he could hear the footsteps getting closer. And so, he made a desperate move. He ran to the desk, jumped, and turned so that his feet would end up on the edge. He then launched himself at the door with enough force to break it so he could leave. His legs and the entire right side of his body hurt, yes. But he couldn't waste any time.
      He got up and ran to his car. Once he got in, he locked the doors and went to start up the engine to no avail.
      "Shit-" he whispered under his breath. In the mirror, he could see the silhouette of someone running at the car. He tried again. "Come on- come on-"
      The killer climbed onto the back of the car and Fritz screamed. The engine finally started up and he floored it best he could, doing his best to knock the threat off of the vehicle. "NOT TODAY FUCKER!" He spun the car around as quick as he could. As the killer slipped off, a gunshot rang out. The front window cracked and Fritz nearly spun out of control as he shrieked. However, he was able to steady his car and speed his way to victory.
      He caught his breath for a moment. He processed what happened for a moment before he started laughing. "Woo! Yeah! Gonna take your two-faced lookin' ass to jail, boy! Oh my god I can't-" He then began to tear up and sob slightly. "I can't believe I pulled that off... A-and he's dead... M-Marley's dead." He drove, sobbing quietly for a few moments at what he had just gone through. The rain had begun to pour and water was getting in through the broken windshield. He looked up at a red stop light and went to stop the car.
      The brakes didn't work.
      "...N-no-" he kept trying "No no no no no no no- This can't be happening- This-" he looked down and realized that his Brakes had been tampered with. He grabbed a pen and a random napkin and quickly began to write something down.
      A horn rang out, then a scream, and then a loud crash. Fritz car had collided with another at full speed, sending his car tumbling down a hill with great force. Once it hit the ground, Fritz was already dead from the impact. The only thing that went undamaged was the napkin and what he managed to write before the impact.

       "K = H"

From the Scraps they Came (Fnaf Murder Mystery Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz