Chapter 4 - Pbzvat Fbba gb n Onfrzrag Arne Lbh

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           Although falling asleep was easy, his mind was horrendously rough. Mike was no stranger to terror filled nights, often waking up crying, in a cold sweat or even screaming. He'd vividly remember every detail as well. Sometimes it'd seem so real that his memory of the dream would often get mixed with his memories of reality. Familiar shapes and concepts, they morphed into something larger. Something that could be described as troubling, nauseating, and even saddening. Despite all the terror, he couldn't wake himself up. It threatened to keep him there for as long as possible. It threatened to force him to endure hours of familiar figures hitting the floor and staining the ground a crimson red, a color that was beginning to make him feel sick on sight. He witnessed and played out his own trials, running from something or someone or hiding from a sickening fate.
         Despite all this, he remained silent and still within the real world for quite a many hours. It was around 8 p.m. when Jeremy woke up. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes and looking around. He didn't recall coming back home after that night. All he remembered was lending a hand in cleaning up the backroom, everything after proving to be too blurry for him to recall. A part of him wondered briefly if it was all just a terrible nightmare. However, Jeremy knew better. He laid back down and stared at the ceiling, the events of the incident rolling through his mind until all it could repeat was the body of someone that was once a lively friend.
         In an attempt to push these thoughts away, he rolled out of bed and made his way to the door. He lingered on the knob for a moment before slowly opening the door, practically using it for support. He was still quite out of it, it was almost as if he'd fall asleep at any moment. Keeping an arm to the wall, he sauntered his way to the living room. His eyes fell on Mike, who was passed out face down. This confirmed his previous suspicion that he was carried back to his house. He figured that he should make it up to him some how. After all, Mike has been so exhausted recently. Jeremy was just thankful that he wasn't stubborn enough to try to make it home in such a state.
        Suddenly, the sound of  the phone ringing pulled him out of his thoughts. He glanced over at it before looking over at Mike. The fact that he wasn't waking up concerned him a bit but he didn't dwell on it. He briskly made his way over and picked up the phone, immediately fidgetting with the chord. "H-hello?"
         "Hello there!" Henry's voice chirped.
         "O-oh uh... H-hey there-" Jeremy felt a bit uneasy. "You're- awfully chipper... c-considering what happened-"
          "Ah- well, it was quite unfortunate..." His voice shifted to a somber tone. "I... Do miss him but he wouldn't want us dwelling on it-" Almost immediately, his voice went back to normal. "I just wanted to check up on ya! I know you're quite squeamish when it comes to things like that... You always care so deeply for everyone, you're like me!"
          "Ah! W-well... Not really... Y-you're much more confident than I ever will be-"
          "It takes time, sweetheart. I'm sure you'll learn eventually, Mike just might rub off on you!" Henry chuckled. "You both hang out a lot despite having opposite personalities-"
          "Well, we aren't too d-different... When it comes down to it....." Jeremy chuckled slightly. "You'd be surprised."
          "Two of you are like brothers..." Henry paused for a moment. He eagerly wanted to get back on track. "Back to the previous topic, how are you holding up."
           "O-oh uhm... S-same as everyone else, really." Jeremy thought for a moment. "Still a bit shaken, it was so sudden..."
           "Aw, I could make it up to you!"
           "...W-what-" Jeremy raised an eyebrow.
           Henry chuckled a bit. "You heard me, silly! Like I said, I know you're usually the most sensitive to things like this and... well... I want you to know I have your back."
           "O-oh well there's no need for that-" Jeremy chuckled slightly. "It's not like you're the one who committed the murders, you have nothing to make up f-for."
           "Yes but it was in my establishment. Since I wasn't there I'm still partly to blame." Henry paused. "I'll pick you up at your house after your shift, alright? Make sure to tell no one either-"
           "Wait- w-why?"
           "Because, then everyone else will find out I treated you and I'll feel guilty and inevitably treat them too, spending more money that could be used on the pizzeria." He chuckled
            Jeremy had his sudden suspicions and took a mental note to bring a weapon. Then again... He thought. This is Henry we're talking about. "...right. Okay-I won't tell anyone."
            "See you tonight!" Henry hung up.
            Jeremy was frozen for a moment, in thought before putting the phone down. He knew that something wasn't right but also didn't want to make a fool of himself. If he acted all paranoid and it turned out nothing was wrong, he'd feel real bad about it. After all, Henry behaved more like a father than a boss. He pondered for a moment before making his way over to the kitchen. He planned to make some food for both him and Mike.
           Once he finished, he set the food on the table before heading over to wake up Mike. He gently shook him. "Mike, it's time to get up-" When he got no response he tried again. "M-mike?" He paused for a moment, feeling a bit concerned. He then tried again. "Mi-"
           He was interrupted by Mike jolting awake and grabbing onto Jeremy's arms roughly, seemingly in defense. Jeremy squeaked loudly. "H-h-hey now- easy- i-it's just me-" Mike blinked and looked at him. His frightened expression soon softened and faded over to shame and guilt.
           "S...Sorry I-...I..." Mike trailed off and let go. "...Nightmare..."
           "'re... still having those nightmares?" Jeremy sat down next to him. Mike slowly nodded.
           "They've already been getting more intense but...I think the incident caused a spike." Mike chuckled slightly. However, it quickly died off. He held his arms and stared at the floor, recalling what he saw.
           "... You... Feel like talking about it?"
           Mike stared at him for a moment before hugging him. "I wouldn't worry about it. After all, it was... o-only a dream." Jeremy hesitated before hugging back gently.
           "I-if you say so." he pat his back gently. "...I-I made us some breakfast so we could eat before tonight's shift-"
           "Aw, I love your cooking so much!" He smiled at him before pulling away and going to the table. Jeremy followed behind quietly.
           The two had learned to eat quickly so it didn't take long before they had finished eating and were back in the car. A brief moment of silence passed.
           "... T-thank you for taking me home, by the way..." Jeremy looked out the window. "A-after all, I know you were extremely tired..."
           Mike chuckled a bit. "I wasn't about to leave you alone at the pizzeria." He paused. "Especially after what happened...Do you... Promise to be extra cautious around everyone?"
           Jeremy looked at him. "Y-yeah I could do that. Only if you promise not to do anything reckless-"
           "God damn it, Jeremy-" he playfully stuck his tongue out at him. Jeremy returned the favor. "...I'll be sticking with you more than ever, I'm not certain who to trust. Though, when I go interrogate Scott I want you to stay in the office. If anything happens or if you feel unsafe for any reason, come find me. Alright?"
           "Alright... Though... On the off-chance that Scott was associated with the murder... Please be careful..." Jeremy looked at him. "If you die, I'll kill you-"
           "That's fair I suppose-" Mike laughed slightly. "How will that work?"
           "I-I'll find you in the afterlife- We're both going to Hell."
           "Pretty sure that's just me. If there is a hell, that is."
           Jeremy nodded quietly.
           Mike thought for a moment before glancing over at Jeremy. "...Scott being capable of murder is actually quite terrifying. Not that he did this but... If he was..."
           "He'd p-probably be like The Zodiac Killer. Only h-he'd use phones i-instead of letters to taunt people." Jeremy chuckled slightly.
           "Guy was never caught too. No doubt Scott could be just as careful."
           Soon enough, they pulled up to the pizzeria. Somehow, the bear that smiled at seemingly nothing now seemed unnerving to say the least. Then again, it was in a logo's nature depending on the location. They left the vehicle, slamming the doors behind them before entering the building, ready for another shift.

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