Chapter 5 - Bump in the Night

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           The two stepped inside, footsteps echoing along the dark corridors. Someone had left the light off. Mike tried the light switch to no avail. The power must've been out. Mike and Jeremy felt the need to be extremely cautious. Although they had arrived early, the pizzeria appeared to be barren of anyone else. They turned on their flashlights and proceeded to the stage room. They glanced at the stage that held the three iconic figures, frozen in place from a recent jig. Mike tilted his head, wondering if they had changed position since last night. Since the pizzeria was supposed to be shut down, it seemed unlikely.
          The sudden clatter of an animatronic falling over earned a startled yelp from Mike and Jeremy. Mike had pulled Jeremy behind him protectively and he shined his flashlight directly at the character that was to blame. It appeared to be Freddy Fazbear, hung over the edge of the stage like a puppet that had it's strings cut off, lifeless and limp. They slowly backed away from it, instantly having flashbacks to what the shifts were life before everyone had to work in a group.
         As Mike backed up, keeping Jeremy a little ways in front of him so he could push him out of the way if it charged, he walked straight into someone. He instantly swung his flashlight at whoever it was as hard as he could, the person instantly hitting the floor.
         "Augh- I- I had that coming I suppose-" A voice reckoned quietly.
         "...Scott, you bastard, what the fuck-" Mike sighed and calmed down. "What were you doing lurking like that-"
         "It was dark, I was walking by to fetch my flashlight-" Scott got up on his feet again, rubbing his cheek. "...Oh, it appears I'm bleeding-"
         Mike hissed slightly through his teeth in slight guilt but quickly covered it up. "Well maybe, just maybe, don't linger around right behind someone, dumb ass."
         "I didn't see you, you backed up right in the doorway as I was walking-"
         "That's bull-" Mike shined his flashlight around a bit in an attempt to prove his point. Instead, the rim of the doorway reflected back at him. "...Shut the fuck up-"
         Scott snickered "Ha-"
         "I said shut the fuck up-" He huffed slightly. "So... Where is everyone?"
         "Well, Henry had Fritz take the day off..."
         "He fucking what, mate?" Mike stared at him. "He's the only one who knows how to properly stop a rampage once one of these fuckers goes haywire-"
         Scott nodded. "Yeah, that's what Fritz brought up-"
         "And he went anyways?"
         "Well, Henry wouldn't take no for an answer." Scott shrugged.
         "Th-that does sound like him..." Jeremy said quietly.
         Mike shook his head at the mere thought. "Just- And William?"
         "Currently in the security office." he paused for a moment. "He knew Fritz not being here would be an issue."
         "I'm surprised he hasn't collapsed yet." Mike scoffed. Scott nodded in agreement. "And... Is the power out?"
         Scott hesitated "...Yes."
         "And... The office... has no doors..."
         There was an even longer pause. "Yes..."
         "And aren't the animatronics more active in the dark?"
         Scott went silent for a moment. "The older ones, yes... Not sure about the newer ones-"
         "Well Freddy fucking died already-" Mike gestured over to the bear.
         Scott looked over. "...Huh-"
         "I say we lock them up in the back room and board the door up." mike chuckled.
         "I don't think that's a good idea-"
         "Fuck you, I'm dragging you with me to do it anyways. Jeremy, go meet up with William."
         Jeremy nodded and walked away quietly. Scott raised an eyebrow and looked at Mike. He was about to say something but was then pulled to the corridor, right by the back door. "Talk, rotary coon-"
         Scott stared at him. "Mike- What do you mean-"
         "You shot a glare at William when he claimed that there was no extra exit or back door." Mike crossed his arms. "Something your not telling us?"
          "Not me, him." Scott shook his head a bit. "There was something that rubbed me the wrong way."
          "And you said nothing?" mike raised an eyebrow. "You're normally on top of things-"
          "I only said nothing because he might've had a reason."
          "Cut the vague shit and tell me already-" Mike tapped his foot impatiently. "You know full well I could beat the shit out of you out of suspicion."
          "...Well... I suppose we should all work together in this situation." He hesitated for a moment. "I glared at him because there is another back door. The fact he hid it made me a bit uneasy. Maybe he forgot I knew, I don't know."
          "Maybe he figured you'd keep your mouth shut." Mike sighed. "He must be dumb as hell if he didn't figure out you knew better than to keep something like that for long."
          "Well, I have nothing to hide." Scott thought for a moment. "But he might. Even if it's not directly with the murder, he had a reason to hide it."
           Mike nodded slowly. William always appeared a bit unnerving to him. He wouldn't be surprised if he had more than a few screws loose. "So... Where's the back door?"
           "In the back room which just so happens to be where it took place." Scott paused for a moment. "It's designed to blend in with the wall so... It's no wonder no one noticed a thing." he froze, looking at Mike. "You're not very bright are you?"
           "The fuck you mean?"
           "I-" he tilted his head. "Why the fuck a- oh shit..." Mike immediately sped off, just in case. To no one's surprise, he ran straight into a wall. As Scott sped by him, he grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him, shaking his head. He figured he shouldn't comment in this moment. When they got to the office, William's head was down on the desk and Jeremy was slowly spinning in his swivel seat. He looked up at the two. He gave a small wave and almost immediately relief washed over the two.
           However, Mike wasted no time. "Alright-" he walked over and pulled Will's head up by the hair. "No more fucking around- The fuck is up?"
           William smiled at him. "Aw, I'm just trying to rest here, Mike-"
           "The fucking back door, why didn't you mention it?"
           Immediately, William looked at Scott who was quietly hitting his head against the wall. Scott knew that this was going to end badly. If Will was the killer, he'd be able to escape if the animatronics did anything. Scotty boy was just trying to stay alive and this buffoon might compromise the idea. William then looked at Mike. "...Mike, if I was the killer, do you know how badly this would've turned out for everyone in the room?" he laughed maniacally. "I only kept knowledge of the back door hidden originally to narrow down suspects-"
            Mike glared at him before letting go. "Then who does it narrow it down to?"
            A loud screech caused everyone to freeze. It wasn't a metallic screech, but a robot screech. Jeremy started shaking, Scott pressed himself against the wall and turned off the flashlight, listening closely so he'd know when to flash it, Mike stared down the corridor and so did William, who was now growing pale. The familiar sounds of footsteps and shuffling were heard.

           12:00 A.M.

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