Chapter 10 - Closure

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      It wasn't too long before they pulled up to Mike's house first. Mike stared at it for a moment before leaving the vehicle. Scott stared as he left. He thought for a moment before looking at William.
      "...You can drive home, I'm staying here with Mike..." He paused and looked away. "Just in case, you know..." He then got out of the car and went after Mike. Upon hearing him behind him, Mike turned to face him.
      "The fuck you want-"
      Scott placed a hand on his shoulder and stared him down. "I'm staying with you to make sure you don't do anything stupid, you dingus." Mike stared for a moment before Scott continued. "Let's go inside." Mike nodded and began walking once more.
      He unlocked his door with a series of loud clinks and chinks, mostly from the keys all clanging against each other. He opened the door and stepped in, immediately going to his couch. He didn't bother to turn his lamp on. His living room was quite small and didn't have much to take note of. In front of the couch was an old television and right in the middle was a coffee table. In the corner was a stand that held a small pile of books. Instead of curtains, he had blinds that were mostly shut, letting small rays of light through.
     Scott sat down next to Mike. "Aren't you going to sleep soon? I mean... It's been a long week-"
     "Not a chance... I'd end up lying awake or in a nightmare, what's the point?" Mike laid down and stared at the ceiling. "It'll probably be a long time before I'm able to sleep."
     "I... Suppose that's fair." Scott stared at the ceiling as well. However, he then redirected his gaze over to the floor.
     "...How long are you planning on staying?"
     "Probably for a while..." Scott looked at him. "If I had to be honest, I think being alone is the last thing we need."
     "We made it on our own before." Mike sighed. "I can't wrap my head around how we all became so close and dependent on each other in the first place."
     Scott slowly nodded. "Yeah... I suppose it's a bit tricky to-" he stopped as he watched Mike get up and grab a cold beer from the fridge. "...Mike-"
     "Fuck off-" He casually opened it. "I'm not dealing with my own shit today, alright?"
     "Look, at least wait till the police finish up their search. You usually can't stop yourself after one-" A moment of silence passed as Mike stared him down, glaring intently.
     "...Yeah, fuck you-" Mike immediately started chugging the bottle. Pretty soon, he managed to finish it and placed the empty bottle on the counter. "You can't tell me what to do- I'm an adult!" Mike then looked at the bottle and flicked it, making it fall on it's side. "It's only one, I'll be fine."
     Scott looked at him and then stood up, earning a hiss from Mike as he proceeded to grab two more bottles. "Mike, drop the bottles-" Mike looked at him and then the beer. "Mi-" Mike immediately chucked one but then ended up choking and holding onto the counter.
     "Augh- Fuck!" he managed to say between coughs as Scott slowly shook his head and took the other bottle from him as he managed to stop coughing. He then started pulling Mike back to the couch.
      "Just stay here for a bit, will you?"
      Mike crossed his arms for a moment and glared at him. After a short while, Scott feared that he was about to get attacked but then Mike laid down again. "... I just... Really miss him..."
      Scott nodded in understanding. "Yeah... I know... I just don't want you going back to your old habits, you were a wreck." He sat back down next to him. "You still are, really."
      "Fuck right off-" Mike sat up and playfully shoved him.
      Scott chuckled and shoved back. "Would rather not-"
      "Oh, a fight aren't we?" Mike shoved back a bit rougher.
      "You're so on-" They went back and fourth, exchanging shoves and occasionally trying to block each other, getting rougher each time but not too rough since Mike knew Scott's arms were still injured. However, as Scott went to block and counter an attack, his arm lost feeling for a moment. It caused him to fall slightly on the couch. Had he not grabbed the top of it, he would've landed on Mike. They were currently only inches apart. Scott quickly cleared his throat as he sat back up normally. He coughed slightly"Ah- you win this round-"
      Mike coughed as well. "I suppose so-" They both looked away from each other, now feeling a bit awkward. After a brief silence, their attention was directed to the door as they heard a knock. Mike got up and looked through the peephole. "...Holy fuck- My son has returned-" He threw open the door with a squeal and immediately hugged the Jere bear that was on his doorstep. Jeremy was looking a bit pale and was injured in many ways. He was covered in bruises and scratches, his lip was bleeding ever so slightly. Mike pulled away slightly and cupped his cheeks. "What happened? W-we were worried sick-"
      "H-Henry took me to his house... H-he gave me something and I passed out, waking u-up in his basement." He paused for a moment. "H-he cut m-me up real badly. W-while he was away I-I managed to escape and I waited for him to return- I-I-... O-oh god I-I knocked him out and c-called the police-"
      Mike stared at him in disbelief. "...You did all that?" Jeremy looked away and nodded. "...My boy is growing up- I can't-" He hugged Jeremy gently, beginning to tear up. "I-I'm so proud of you- Y-you did a great job!"
      Jeremy paused for a moment before hugging back gently, about to cry as well. "I-I'm sorry f-for worrying you-" he squeaked quietly. He hid his face and hugged more.
     Scott was watching the reunion from the couch, smiling widely. He didn't want anything to interrupt it so when the phone rang, he sprang up to answer it. "Hello?"
     "It's me." William paused for a moment. "The police already arrested Henry. It's... It's finally over."
     "That's good..." Scott paused. "...Jeremy just returned home, he's alive and well."
     "Oh my god- That's wonderful!" The relief was clearly in sight. "I do say...I do say..."
     "... So... What now?" Scott had asked the question that William had on his mind the whole time.
     "Well... I might have to close up again..." William paused for a moment. "I lost my business partner and... Many of our beloved workers... I'm truly lucky that the three of you survived this fiasco. I... Don't want history to repeat itself again... Plus, there's no way I can pick things up again on my own."
      "... William, you're not alone. You never were. It's okay to ask for help." Scott hesitated for a moment. "This job is all we knew and... We enjoyed working with you... Maybe we can all start over together." He smiled a bit. "Nothing too big... Nothing too major... Just a small come back to remember those that had left us... For Fritz, Marley and Chris."
      "...S-Scott..." Scott froze when he heard William's shaky voice utter his name. He listened in carefully. "... I-I'm so glad you've stuck with me for that long... Th-thank you..."
      Scott's smile returned. "... Any time... Mr.Afton..."
      "Then it's decided... We'll start over."

      Whenever the sun sets, a new day is bound to start. The previous is lost but it makes way for a new beginning, much like life after a disaster. It'd be a matter of time before things spin like they used to. However, it wouldn't be too long before it slowed to a stop again.

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