Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End

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      stomp! stomp! stomp! stomp!

      The sound of frantic footsteps interrupted the silent and tranquil evening. The sky was slowly being consumed by a soft amber gradient as the air slowly chilled and the wind picked up, failing to mask the echoes of heavy feet along the pavement. Among a wire, a crow turned it's head and gazed onward to observe the short and slender figure racing on by. It cawed loudly  before taking off, the fluttering of grand wings becoming audible. A feather danced it's way down as the stomping ceased, followed by labored breathing.

     "Oh dear-" a strained, wheezy voice managed. "Wh-what time is it-" There was a small click as the figure's shaky hands flipped open a cell phone to check the time. "Oh dear- I'm terribly late!" Despite current exhaustion, he pressed onward with as much effort as he could manage.
     Our friend here, Jeremy, was normally quite punctual. In most cases, he was normally a tinge earlier than everyone else. Currently, he was running over half an hour late and was on the brink of collapsing. His bike had been compromised while he was at the park and he wasn't aware until it was time to leave. It crossed his mind halfway that he should've called someone. The distance didn't appear all that far until he had to walk it himself. He was cold, exhausted and anxious. He was unsure what everyone would say or think of him. Despite the fact that most of the guards loved and supported him no matter the situation, he couldn't help but feel like a burden and that he was letting people down.
      Before too long, he wound up exactly where he needed to be. He stared up at the lifeless cartoon placed right in the middle of bold text that read "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza." Relieved, he sighed and quickly made his way over to the entrance. Upon slowly opening the doors, he spotted a few figures in the hall. A lanky man with a messy ponytail, William, and a random woman standing by who he thought was her child. As he stepped in and attempted to sneak by without being noticed, he listened in.
      "-but I mean, it's just not all that exciting anymore. I'd recommend brighter colors and a bit more...well...highly energetic decorations... maybe a new animatronic."
      "I see... thank you for your input madam. Have a wondrous day, I do say."  The lady soon left and William addressed Jeremy. "...Mr.Fitzgerald."
      Immediately, Jeremy's blood ran cold and he froze up. A small squeak escaped before he turned to face him, immediately growing too anxious to speak normally without fidgeting and his voice began to tremble. "I-I know I'm- I'm late- I'll try to make s-sure it w-won't ha-happen again... H-honest!"
      William studied him for a moment. "Take it easy, Jeremy. You're not in trouble. I'd just like to know why you're so late this time. I trust you have a fair explanation, knowing you."
      "M-my bike was stolen-" he admitted, shifting his eyes to the ground. Whether it was understanding or disappointment written on Will's face, he didn't want to know. He couldn't bear either possibility. In a way, he felt ashamed that this had happened in the first place.
      "And you... Didn't call anyone?"
      Jeremy tensed. If one listened close enough, they could hear him internally screaming at himself. "I...i-it didn't seem that far at first...c-clearly I was wrong..."
     William stared for a moment before gently placing a hand on Jeremy's shoulder, causing him to finally look up at him. "It's fine, try not to let it happen again."
     Jeremy swiftly nodded. "Y-yes sir..."
     William knew to be gentle with Jeremy. The poor lad was always so jittery and jumpy that even an abrupt tap could make him uncomfortable. He figured that his nature was one of the main reasons Mike, seemingly the most physically strong and hotheaded one of the group, took to behaving like an older brother around Jeremy, they calmed each other down. It was also why he didn't want to do anything too harsh. While he and Henry could easily take advantage of their position to do anything they wanted to the staff, he knew it wasn't in their place to be needlessly harsh and cruel. He also knew that they weren't in any way, shape or form safe from backlash given by employees or the general public.
    "Mike was getting pretty antsy without you here, you should probably let him know your here."
     Jeremy nodded before walking off. He glanced at the reflective tiles below, concluding that someone had just cleaned up the place. Sure enough, the night shift was about to commence. He went over to the main show room, looking around for Mike or anyone else.
     "Jeremy!" A gruff voice called out briefly before the sound of footsteps tapped over to where the anxious lad stood. Jeremy looked over and, sure enough, it was Mike Schmidt. His face appeared as worn as ever since he barely slept anymore. Despite this, he wore a large smile upon spotting Jeremy.  "It's great to see you! We were wondering when you'd show up- We were getting a tad worried." Mike gestured over to where Fritz and Scott were. Everyone else was either wrapping up the day shift or got a head start.
     "O-oh um-" he glanced over at them before turning his attention back to Mike. "S-sorry for worrying you all... I-I guess- um..." Jeremy fidgeted for a moment. "...Someone- someone stole my bike and I-I didn't think to call anyone- it didn't seem that far-"
      "They did what now?" Mike's eyebrows raised in disbelief.
      Jeremy knew that look. He smiled a bit. "P-please don't do anything too uh... b-brash-"
     "No, I won't." Mike claimed as he proceeded to plan out how he was going to get the bike back. He'd place a nice, friendly notice that he was looking for them. Jeremy knew what he was thinking and stared him down for a moment. "...Alright alright, I promise." Satisfied, Jeremy smiled at him.
     "How'd it get stolen anyways?" Fritz asked, looking up from a small figure he was fiddling with. It appeared to be a miniature endo-skeleton.
     "I-I was reading at the p-park on the bench- G-guess I didn't see it was gone 'till i-it was too late-"
     "The park you say?" Mike thought for a moment. "Probably one of the crotch gremlins then."
     "Either way, no use dwelling on it now." Scott looked at them for a moment. "Until he's able to get a new one, someone should pick him up from now on."
     "Can it, phone-line swine. I was already calling dibs on picking him up." Mike's tone was casual despite the contents. Scott stared at him for a moment.
     "That's... a new one-"
     "I try to keep my insults and remarks up to date." Mike chuckled a bit. It was no secret that he took pride in the way he worded things. To many, he wasn't just an asshole at times... He's a creative asshole. Universe have mercy on whoever angered him enough for him to come up with a new method of revenge.
     Scott chuckled. "One of these days you'll say something that might count against you-"
    "Chances are the other person will too."
    "Knowing Mike, He already has." A fruity voice remarked. Eyes shifted over at the figure that lingered in the doorway. They were met with Henry's toothy and pleasant grin.
    Mike shrugged and rolled his eyes "What's up, old man?"
    "Oh, the usual. Trying to get this place back on it's feet!" Henry chimed enthusiastically.
    Mike stared for a moment. "I say it's a lost cause, give it a rest."
    "That's what they said to the original establishment." he chuckled. "Oh, the joys of proving someone wrong!"
    William walked by the doorway for a moment before promptly stopping and going over to Henry. "I'll be in the office overnight again."
     "Again? Mr.Afton, you've been working nonstop for us- maybe it's time to take a breather and sleep-"
      Henry was cut off by an audible crack that arrived upon the arrival of William's uncomfortable smile. "Sleep is for the weak-" Upon closer inspection, the lad was shaking a bit.
     Henry tilted his head, his face screamed concern. " okay?"
     William didn't answer. Instead, he turned away and attempted to walk away. He walked straight into the wall with a light thud before turning and continuing where he left off.
    Scott stared for a moment. "...Well that happened."
    "Sometimes he scares me, that fellow." Henry sighed.
    "I'll say, he's more unhinged than the window in the back room." Fritz chuckled. "All that aside, did anyone quit today?"
    Henry thought for a moment. "Jessica and Tenna are in the back room, cleaning up the animatronics, Todd went home early because he wasn't feeling well, Gretchen quit-"
    "No surprise there." Mike remarked. "What about the others?"
    "Christian is still cleaning up the place and Marley is-"
    "Fritz!" A voice called out from the hall. "Come help a man out with the arcades, will ya?"
    "Well speak of the devil-" Fritz stood up. "Coming!" He briskly left the area.
    "... Well now you know where Marley is-"
    "Fucking Marley." Mike chuckled. "Always getting tangled up in wires somehow and Fritz has to help him out of it like he does with everyone else when they have an issue."
    Jeremy nodded. "Y-yeah. Fritz a-always goes out of his way to h-help someone out-"
    "Yeah, that's fritz for you." Scott thought for a moment. "Well, I'm going to the backroom to check on Jessica and Tenna, don't need another incident."
    About a year prior, someone had gotten into the back room and tampered with the animatronics. This caused them all to go on a rampage upon activation the next day. Many kids received a one way ticket to therapy that day. Only one kid received injuries that proved fatal. Ever since then, there was always someone there to monitor the back room. Usually it was Scott himself, he worked at that location the longest and was the most trusted member.
    Scott turned and walked away. He wasn't in a rush so his footsteps were gentle and faded away rather quickly the farther he got. A moment of silence lingered before Henry cleared his throat. "Well, I'll be heading home. You two be careful." Soon, he too had left, leaving Jeremy and Mike behind.
    Mike placed a hand on Jeremy's shoulder. "Let's go to our office, alright?" They began slowly walking. "And, don't worry, I'll drive you home if needed."
    "Y-you sure?" He looked up at mike. "I-I don't want to trouble y-you or anything..."
    Mike smiled at him. "I can assure you it's no trouble"
    "You're in a good mood today-" Jeremy chuckled. He felt safer around Mike, especially when he was in a good mood.
    "I just have a feeling about tonight is all." He pat him gently, ruffling up Jeremy's soft hair in the process. "I think we'll grab food along the way home, how's Chinese food sound?"
    "Yes." was all Jeremy said. His face appeared to light up the second he heard 'Chinese'.
    "Aw, you're like a little kid, it's adorable!" Mike thought for a moment. "...Say, if we save up for a bit maybe we can afford that Japanese steakhouse that just opened. We could bring the whole gang, it'll be fun."
    "We haven't d-done something l-like that in so long." Jeremy paused for a moment, recalling the last time the group got together. Everyone had gone to Fritz's house for a Dungeons and Dragons session.
    "Well, since things are slow we'll have more opportunities." he wandered into the office and dropped into the dark swivel seat. "...Can I tell you something?"
    Jeremy sat down next to him and looked over. "Y-Yeah?"
    "I honestly don't know what the fuck I'd do without you all-" he chuckled. "Before I started working here I was quite the heartless bastard." He began gesturing as he spoke in a mocking voice. "It was always 'Ey! Watch it asshole!' or 'I'll pummel you if I see you again'" he chuckled a bit. "Thought I was better off alone and brought myself up to be a fierce and tough guy, doubt anyone took me seriously though. I can't tell you how many fights I got into or how many walls I punched. It's nice to have people you can trust... people who help you calm down and inspire you to be a better person. Now I don't see what I was so uptight and have people I feel like standing for."
      Jeremy nodded. "That's so s-sweet-"
      "Yeah, well... You didn't hear it from me, kid."
      Mike's eyes shifted over to the clock. He watched as the time went from 11:59 p.m to midnight. The night had begun and mike was looking through the cameras. Since they now worked in groups during the night shifts, keeping the animatronics still and under control became quite easier.
      The nights were so quiet now...

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