Chapter 21

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[21— Miles]

   I lunged into him, tackling him to the floor. His gun went off, yet it had missed entirely. The gun had flown out of his hand and off across the floor.

   The man writhed underneath me, my hands desperately flailing about to keep him down as I had the scientist straddled. My teeth were grit as I snatched both of his arms and slammed them onto the floor, nails digging into them as I did so.

   "Do you have any idea what you've done to me?" I screamed out as he continued to struggle underneath me. The wrath was surging through my veins.

   A snarl overcame his face. "You're supposed to be dead!"

   "I'll do what I need to survive and tear this place down!" I snapped, further digging my nails into his flesh through the cloth of his white coat.

   Miles writhed around once more. "You're a deranged, sick fuck!" He heaved once more, managing to actually force me off of him.

   All of our movements were too blinded by rage. It was a messy, uncoordinated fight with no skill and barely any thought coming to play.

   I immediately fought my way from where I was on the floor, scrambling after him as he had rolled off his back and was desperately making his way for the pistol. My hands desperately gripped his coat, attempting frantically to pull him back. It was only stuttering his movements. Fumbling my way onto my feet, I tackled him once more.

   "I will kill you!" I seethed.

   "How haven't you died yet?"

   "Shut up!" I snapped, noticing his hand stretching towards the gun. My hand went to his throat. "Just shut up!" I took him by the cloth around his shoulders and tugged him back further from the gun. His weight caused me to drop him halfway.

   The man rolled, knocking my feet out from underneath me and I crashed down onto the floor. Pain shot through my chin upon impact, and I was slightly winded. However, it wasn't enough to keep me from hastily lashing out a hand and grip him once more.

   "How do you even know who I am still?" Came from him in his own spitting anger as he whirled on me as he was halfway up the floor. One of his large hands gripped my face mercilessly as he used his other to rip my own off of him.

   I fought where I was, squirming around on the floor as he forced me onto my back. A gasp shot its way from my lungs as I was abruptly struck in the face by a fist. It happened again, and then again. I flung out both of my hands at the next blow, managing to wrap my fingers around his neck.

   Not answering his question, I began to squeeze where I was clutching him. His eyes were bulging, face evidently covered in sweat as much as mine was. Miles, with a yank of his body, sent the both of us to the side and he crashed down to the floor. The man rolled away from me and once more made his way for the gun.

   He reached for it, but I tackled him again, causing him to only push against it. The gun slid further across the hall as I pinned him, giving a heavy blow his face when he attempted to throw me back off. He cursed for me to get off as he continued to struggle, and I refused.

   One of my hands wrapped tightly around his neck whilst the other had taken his face. I dug my nails into his features as I squeezed his face, watching as he squirmed and let out a long grunt from the pain. The hand around his neck began to get tighter and tighter as well.

   Yet, once more, he managed to overpower me and slipped one of his hands up and gripped my jaw, pushing my face away there and disorienting me momentarily. He seized the opportunity, forcing me off of him. He was able to get back up onto his feet before I was.

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