Chapter 19

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[19 No Man's Land]

|| Your P.O.V ||

   A chilled air clung to my exposed skin, my entire body aching by the joints. Sucking in a breath, I instantly coughed from the unexpectedly sharp intake. Fluttering open my eyes, my surroundings were almost as dark as behind my eyelids. Gradually, I shifted my hands against the ground. It was filthy, and rather cold in itself. The process was slow, but I was pulling myself up as I looked around.

   The floor was identical to the walls, being a dark, dusky green brick. An ominous black substance was strewn about everywhere on it, appearing as if it were some sort of dried jello. Nowhere around me was any sort of light source, so how I was able to see was unknown to me. The roof was only a few meters above me, not being very high up. The room itself was rather small.

   On my feet, my eyes were wide as I fully processed my situation. Where... Where am I? I scanned all around me, seeing that the walls were separated into hallways. There were eight of them, and I was only able to see about a few feet into each of them.

   I suddenly realised that it seemed a lot like the mucked up room me and 049 had passed earlier.

   Before I knew it, my breaths were suddenly abnormal, each rise and fall of my chest being hastened. Every exhale I performed was a near-wheeze, my head starting to feel a little light. Why am I here? What had happened? What was the thing that had grabbed me? Is there a way out?

   "There... Has to be..." My eyes rapidly switched between all of the corridors I could have chosen. There wasn't anywhere else to go.

   Realising I was hyperventilating, I remained where I was, beginning to try and calm myself down. One of my hands went up to my chest, feeling my strong heartbeat as I did so. My mouth was dry, and my excessive panting wasn't making it any better, but I was more focused on something else. I scanned my surroundings once more, not being able to help the nauseous feeling that was gradually consuming me. I figured out why soon enough, noticing there was another odd thing within my surroundings.

   I squinted, unsure of what exactly I was processing. It seemed as if the room was slowly expanding and contracting. That can't be right... Can it? I stared a little longer, now unable to tell whether it really was my surroundings that were shifting repeatedly, or if it were just my vision messing with me.

   Shaking my head, I dropped it, and was settled down once more. There had to be a way out somewhere, and I was certain I was going to find it. And once I get out, I'll... Oh, 049. Is he okay? What's he doing, now? He isn't here somewhere as well, is he? No... No, he would be here in this room with me if he was, right?

   To better ease my mind, I just went with that, and began to pace around the room, staring down all of the corridors one by one, considering my fate with each option. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I pushed past my anxieties and chose a random direction.

   My movements were slightly hindered, but it hadn't stopped me as I continued on into the unknown. The darkness swallowed me soon enough, as if the depth of the hallways were what was swallowing up all of the light.

   A chill ran down my spine, eyes wide as I strained my ears to try and listen out for any obscure noise. Not having a clue what was lying in the blind for me, my pacing was slow and cautious. Hesitantly, I had outstretched my arms to the sides of me and towards the walls. My fingers-tips lightly grazed them, and they were cold to the touch like the floor had been.

   Through my airy breathing and lagged footsteps, I was able to hear something else gradually getting louder and louder. At first, I wasn't sure what it was, it sounding like some sort of heavy rain. I soon identified it to be static.

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