Chapter 3

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[3 — Forbidden Files]

|| Your P.O.V ||



Mode: Draft

Last Modified: 11/05/████

Subject: Case file on SCP-049

   Day number 10 of not professionally writing my drafts for case reports. This anomaly is still giving me a hard time, and the most I've gotten out of it is a bunch of vague bull and redundant statements about its cure. It still continues to keep up that polite nature it has all the while squawking or whatever at anybody who insults his god-forbidden "work."

   No changes have been made in its physical attributes. A breach was recently present in which it killed 10 men; seven scientists, one facility guard, and two D-Class.

   Unsurprisingly, this asshole said it helped them.  Sometimes I really wish we'd just put it down or something so I could work with something less stress-inducing. Okay, well, what a stupid thing to say in the place I work in. I should consider myself lucky to have something that at least can hold a conversation.

I'd really like to recommend, again, that we start actually experimenting with this thing again. Not really giving it more criminals to mutilate, but rather behavioural tests or examinations with other SCP's or something random like that. I don't know, I'm not used to wracking up fancy tests yet. I'll get something and recommend it again or whatever. [Insert that wacky idea here later!!]

Anyway, I want to give this thing a good slap in the... Mask, or whatever, and I just want it to make my already hell enough of a job so much easier and start cooperating. I don't understand why they wanted someone to start working with this bastard again anyway.

And I'm still petty over the fact that my samples were the only one it didn't react negatively to. I won't complain whenever it starts thinking I have that disease or whatever. Maybe I won't even complain when it tries to kill me over it.

This is becoming more of a diary than a draft. [Rewrite later]


   A sigh escaped me after I read all of that, glancing up at the anomaly, whom had been looking at it as well. There was a discomfort settling over me— I felt awkward. I also wondered if the log was bringing up any memories for him or not. "I guess I see what you meant by me changing."

   "You were misguided was all. I mustn't blame you for the hostility," he replied with, sounding casual.

   Such a... Unique voice.

   I battered my eyes a bit. What? No, no, shut up... Shut up... Stupid.

   "I— Uh..." I did my best to flatten my expression. "I still don't understand your..." There was a pause, my thoughts running. "Cure thing?" I winced a bit in preparation for a hostile retort.

   "Oh, of course not!" He gave a curt nod instead. "But you're not in complete denial. I believe that is a step forward, [Name]."

   I shook my head, remaining quiet about that. Flexing my fingers a bit on the mouse, I shifted once more in my seat and turned back to the screen. It took my about half a minute to figure out exactly how to get to the next log from that current one, as it wasn't as obvious as one would've thought it would've been.

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