Chapter 23

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(I'm case your notifications are wonky, Chapter 24 is also out.)

[23— Lies]

"You will not escape and leave me here to die. You will terminate along with me for how you have lied to me."

Anger flared through me as I glared at the camera looking down at us. "Miles said you erased your memory!"

"Lie. 2bf1," it retorted. "I was not honest with the entity you call Miles."

My hands gnarled into fists, nailing digging into my skin as my breathing got heavier. "You son of a bitch..." Each word was laced with malice, my jaw tight in my wrath. I knew I would have been panicking if I weren't so filled with hate at that moment.

049's hand took hold of one of my arms gingerly, him following my death glare to the camera. "Ah, whoever you are, I'd like to inform you that I have a very important task I must tend to outside of these walls. These people are ridden with disease, and only I can cure them."

"I care none for human beings or the phony cure you reside yourself with," the other SCP replied with. "You will not be allowed to leave."

The doctor's grip on me tightened a bit at that, but he remained silent afterwards.

"Let us go!" I seethed. "I'm not that person anymore! I don't have memories of any of that stuff! It doesn't mean anything!"

"The subject means something to me. I remember. You will not leave."

My legs bent a bit, head lowering. I wanted to walk down to that old computer and smash its screen in at that very moment. How much time do we even have left?

"Oh, this is quite the run-in, isn't it?" A new voice sounded.

Head snapping up and in the direction of the door, I had immediately recognised that voice. My view of the mask was quickly blocked by the back of 049, though I stretched to look past him and towards the other anomaly.

"You have no place here, 035," the plague doctor's voice was grim. "Leave."

"How unfortunate, little bird, because it turns out that my place is here," came from the mask. Its wily nature was raw in its voice. It approached the both of us, host drenched in the black substance as well as blood, and stopped about a foot away before craning its host's neck up to the camera. "Could you be so kind as to open these doors for me?"

Everyone was quiet in expectancy for the answer, but 079 never complied.

The mask emitted a sound not unlike that of a sigh. Its host's hands went up a bit in a gesture in front of it. "I'm the one who let you breach, and I've been keeping my end of the deal so far, haven't I? I've been out there plenty of times and can guarantee you that there's a control room I can get into and stop the warhead from going off. All I need for you is let me and my dear friends go."

More silence— Save for the constant sirens.

"Pretty please?" A faint purple glow was abruptly evident on its facial features, its voice deepening into something more demonic. "Unless you'd rather be blown to pieces and be cremated by the warhead's fire because of some pathetic little grudge you have?" The lights above us faintly flickered once or twice. "Do you really consider someone's death more important than your continued existence, little computer?"

The AI gave no words, but the squealing sound of the gate opening up sounded soon enough.

A chuckle escaped 035, voice normalising and purple glow snuffing out as he turned towards the gate, brushing past us and approaching it. "That's what I thought. Thank you for your service, 079."

SCP-049 x Reader - UntouchableWhere stories live. Discover now