Chapter Seventeen

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Depa found Caleb in the dojo in the morning following his return to the temple, working through Form III. It was her preferred form, and she watched him with a critical eye- but the smile playing at the corners of her mouth told him she was pleased.

"Soon you will be as good as I am," she said, pulling her hands from her cloak to clasp them in front of her.

"It's not nice to lie, Master," Caleb said, switching his lightsaber off. "You know there's no chance of that."

"Oh, there is more than a chance, Padawan. Have you been cleared for duty by the infirmary?"

"Not yet."

"Well, you had better do so today."

"Why? Did you get our next assignment?"

"I received your next assignment, yes. Master Windu would like you to accompany him to Ryloth. The Senate has agreed that the Twi'leks, who are in dire need of assistance, cannot wait any longer for our aid. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano are currently en route and will attempt to break through the Separatist blockade."

For a second, Caleb was too surprised to speak. "Me? Just me? Why?"

"I believe your actions during your ordeal on that moon- in particular, your use of the Force- impressed him. And..." she hesitated for a moment, and then continued, "He is planning to seek the assistance of Cham Syndulla and his freedom fighters. I believe Master Windu hopes that bringing along the Jedi who saved his daughter's life might smooth his path toward that end."

Caleb's mouth fell open. "Wait. What? Are you saying Master Windu is using me butter up Cham Syndulla?" At the very least, Windu's request of his presence made more sense now. "Besides, she hasn't been able to contact her family. Her father probably doesn't even know what happened."

"He was informed when it was discovered that the Allegiant II had disappeared from our tracking system, Caleb. We do have to inform the families when their loved ones are missing or killed. And the temple has quite a significant communications center- many more options than a Judicial Academy cadet would have access to."

"Oh. Right."

"He was also alerted when the two of you were recovered, and it was decided at that time to disclose the fact that his daughter's life was saved by a Jedi."

Caleb rolled his eyes, annoyed that the Order was using him- not to mention unsettled at the thought of meeting Hera's father while standing next to Mace Windu.

Depa gave him a stern look. "Syndulla has been very reluctant and prickly in his dealings with the Republic," she said. "The Council agreed that we must do all we can to ease relations and make our attempts to come to the aid of an entire planet of suffering Twi'leks go more quickly and efficiently. However you might feel about the situation on a personal level, what matters is that the people of Ryloth need our help."

Her tone carried an undercurrent of exasperation, and Caleb felt shame for his selfishness. "Yes- of course. You're right, Master."

Depa nodded, appeased.


"Yes, Padawan?"

"Do you have any advice on dealing with Master Windu?"

Depa laughed. "My Master can appear aloof and unkind at times. What you must understand is that he often takes a great burden on himself. He has his flaws, as we all do, but he always has the very best of intentions. Being a good leader means accepting that the decisions you make might have terrible consequences, and that is your burden alone to bear. Even to accept that truth can be a burden. Some deal with heavy burdens by keeping the people around them at arm's length. You and he are very different people, but as Jedi, I see many similarities. I believe that if you follow his lead and show him what you are capable of, he may see a little of his training- and his skill- in you, and he will be pleased."

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