Chapter Fourteen

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"Hera. Wake up," Caleb hissed, shaking her as forcefully as he could without hurting her.

She raised her head from his shoulder, groaning sleepily. "What's going on?" she mumbled.

"Stay here," he ordered, jumping to his feet with his lightsaber in hand. "Do not come out."

He didn't wait for an answer. Stepping out onto the ledge, he peered into the darkness, trying to see the creature below. He could feel it in the Force much more clearly than before, and he was surprised to learn that the dark side festered within. It was full of rage and hatred and hunger for blood. Yet the creature did not understand its own nature. It didn't know how to use the power that had corrupted it. It snarled, and Caleb heard the clacking of claws on stone. He got the distinct impression that he was being evaluated as a threat. His eyes adjusted a bit, and he was able to make out the outline of its enormous bulk, but nothing more.

Through the Force, he tried to connect with it, but it was like trying to connect with a permacrete wall. For several interminable moments, there was no sound but the wind sighing through the crevices in the rocks, and the rustling of conifer needles. Then the creature growled- a deep, terrifying rumble that shook the ground he stood on. Caleb took that as the beast's answer and ignited his lightsaber.

The brilliant blue light seemed to give the creature pause. Where it had previously regarded him as a potentially entertaining meal, now it hesitated- something about the lightsaber seemed to suggest that Caleb was a good deal more dangerous than previously believed. It growled again, this time in frustration.

It was then that Caleb noticed Hera standing behind him, carrying a rock so large it seemed unlikely she would have been able to throw it any significant distance. Under different circumstances, he might have laughed at her poor choice of weapon, but under the current circumstances, he was just exasperated with her for not listening to him.

He raised his lightsaber in what he hoped was a threatening sort of way, while also trying to communicate through the Force that he was a very skilled and dangerous warrior and would defend himself. The creature hesitated, snorting with rage. It gave a final bloodcurdling roar, sending loose gravel skittering down the slope beyond the ledge he and Hera stood upon- and then Caleb heard the large, sharp claws clicking as backed away slowly. Toward the bottom of the slope, it turned and lumbered away into the trees.

He stayed where he was, lightsaber raised, until he was sure the beast had gone and would not return. Only then did he thumb the switch to turn off his lightsaber. Hera let the rock she was holding fall onto the stone ledge with a clatter, gasping in relief and pain.

"What was it? Could you see it?" Her voice was more high-pitched than usual, but she managed to maintain a level of calm that impressed him.

"Not really. Why didn't you stay put like I asked?" he demanded, annoyed.

Her scowl could have curdled Bantha milk. "Oh, I didn't realize I have to do everything you tell me to do."

"I'm trying to keep you alive."


He frowned. "Huh?"

"Why are you trying to keep me alive?"

"I'm a Jedi. That's what we do."

She grunted and turned away with a toss of her lekku, climbing back through the fissure in the stone. He stayed where he was and watched her disappear, feeling very befuddled indeed. A couple of seconds later, he heard a thud, a pause, and then another thud. He stuck his head through the crack.

Hera was leaping into the air with her arm outstretched, wincing, as she tried to grab one of the branches that made their roof. They were all just a bit out of her reach. She jumped again, and her fingertips brushed against the dark blue needles, but it wasn't enough. She turned her head and saw him staring quizzically at her.

Darker the Night (A Star Wars Rebels AU)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara