Chapter Twenty-two

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Lessu was Ryloth's capital city, but it was also a fortress. Surrounded by a deep gorge, the only way to access the city was by a single plasma bridge, or by air. The city spiraled skyward from a base surrounded by high, thick walls. It was not an easy city to breach- unless you had access to an apparently unending supply of battle droids, like Wat Tambor.

Hera's blurrg let out a derisive-sounding snort, stamping impatiently. "I couldn't agree more," she murmured. It was well past time for Wat Tambor and his droids to leave Ryloth, and she, too, was impatient to begin the battle that would end the Separatist occupation of her homeworld.

Caleb's wrist comlink beeped and flashed red, and he tapped it to open the channel.

"I need you up here," Master Windu said. "Bring Razor and Stak. General Syndulla has requested his daughter's presence as well."

Caleb glanced at her. "On our way," he told Master Windu, looking over his shoulder to signal the two clones behind them to follow them. They headed to the front of the company in a single file, with Hera's blurrg leading the way at a trot.

They found her mother, Gobi and Val standing apart from the larger company, a short distance from the edge of the ridge overlooking Lessu. Her father, Master Windu and Commander Ponds of Lightning Squadron were just rejoining them, macrobinoculars in hand- she guessed they must have been doing some visual recon of the city. She, Caleb and the two clones dismounted and joined the group. She tried to catch Val's eye, but he avoided her gaze. She let out a little sigh. Unfortunately, the situation with her brother would have to wait.

Master Windu, who had been having a quiet aside with Commander Ponds, now turned his attention to the newcomers and addressed Caleb directly: "Tambor is still there."

"That's good news," Caleb replied, looking relieved.

"Yes," Master Windu agreed. He wasn't a particularly emotive man, but he did look pleased. "However, Tambor is moving the residents outside the gates."

Hera's eyes widened, and the other Twi'leks in the group made sounds of disgust and anger. It was an exceptional show of cowardice by Tambor to use the people of Lessu as a shield.

Caleb frowned. "That's bad news."

"How are we going to attack with my people so close?" her father asked.

"Your people will never be in danger if our walkers can cross the bridge into the city. The key is getting control of that bridge," Master Windu said. "The question is, how?"

Gobi leaned towards her father and spoke a few sentences in Ryl.

"Ah!" her father exclaimed. "There are two transports making their way to Lessu right now- my scouts believe those transports carry treasure. It is not enough for the Separatists to enslave and murder us- they must rob us, too. But...perhaps that is your way," her father said to the two Jedi.

Master Windu's interest was piqued. "You think we can use them to get across the bridge?"

"It is risky," her father said. "They are usually scanned while crossing."

"Still, it might be the best chance we have of getting that close to the city undetected," Master Windu said.

"And the only choice we have if we want to capture Tambor before he can escape," Caleb added.

"Agreed," Master Windu said. "General Syndulla, I'd like to speak to my people separately for a moment, to work out some of the logistics."

"As you wish, Master Jedi. I wish to speak to mine, as well."

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