Chapter 8

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-Lauren POV-

Dad and father stopped fighting, well that i know of. Things went on like they did before their first fight. Happy and loving. Father took me to the park every Saturday to hang out with Brianna Meg, Julain and now Jack. At the park i try to stay away from Ryan Jr.. Its his moms fault that Father and Dad fought. I know i shouldnt blame him but if he didnt want to talk with us, they never would have fought because Father wouldnt have talked with Laurie.

One Saturday, Uncle Geoff said he needed Father, Uncle Michael and Uncle Gavin for work so i couldnt go to the park. Dad had something to do on the computer and xBox with his friends. I had to stay in my room. I didnt have a problem with this because my room was is were all my toys are.

-Rays POV-

Geoff needed Ryan to go in the office and do some work with Michael and Gavin. First time ill be streaming with Lauren in the apartment. I dont think it will be a problem because Lauren is the best little girl and daughter ever. Told her that i had something to do with my friends on the computer and xbox so she would need to stay in her room. She said to me 'i would be there anyway, my computer is in there and my toys. Outside my room is boring unless im watching TV with you and father.' I laughed. This is one of many reasons why i love my daughter.

About an hour and half into the stream, I hear a loud banging noise coming from Laurens room, then Lauren scream and start crying.

"I'll be right back." I say to the stream. I mute the micphone, take off my head phones and run into her room. "Lauren are you alright, what happened?" I say kneeling down next to her, she was on the floor.

"I was playing with my legos a-and i stood on my bed so i could finish my t-tower and i fell k-knocking over my t-tower and my k-knee scrapped some legos." Lauren said. She was holding her knee and there are legos all over the floor.

"Let me see your knee." I said removing Laurens hand from her knee.

Her knee was bleeding and bruised. "Lets get a band-aids on this some ice." I said and picked her up and walked to the bathroom. Its were all the medical supplies are.

As we walked passed my setup for the stream i could see the chat going crazy. I knew they were able to see her because i didnt turn of the camera, i didnt care. Taking care of my daughter is more important than what they think. I love my daughter i dont care what the fans say anymore. She and Ryan is the best things to ever happen in my live.

I cleaned up her cut and put a really big band-aid on it because the cut was pretty big, good thing it wasnt deep that it wouldnt need stitches. I got an ice pack and carried her back to her room, placed her on her bed than put the ice pack on her knee. 

"Keep the ice on her knee, ill tell my friends i have to go a little earlier than we could play what ever want." i said than kissed her forehead.

"Alright. Wait Daddy could you hand me my iPad?" 

"Sure, here you go sweetie." I said, kissed her forehead again.

I went back to the stream and continued it like nothing happened. Everyone asked what happened and who Lauren was in the chat. I wanted to lie to shut them up but lieing never solved any problems. I wanted to tell them the truth but i dont want to without Ryan permission. Speaking of Ryan he just came home.

"Hey Baby." I said turned to look at him

"Hey, Babe." He said quickly pecking my lips.

I muted the mic and told him what happened to Lauren. "Should we tell the fans? They already saw her. When i walked by carrying her to get the medical supplies to clean out the cut then back to set her down on her bed. It doesnt matter to me if they know anymore. They cant affect anything."

"Sure, although she might want to stream with you sometimes."

"Ill see how the fans react and maybe she can. Can you go get her. I dont want her to to bend her leg."

"Yea." Ryan pecked my check than went to get Lauren.

"Alright guys, sorry about having to mute so much and not answering questions. We are going to take a little break of the game." I said to the stream. I also made the camera full screen. "There is someone i want you to met and that might answer some questions."

"Dad who are you talking to?" Lauren said.

"The fans. You see, im able to play a game on my xbox, and make it so other people can see the game." I took Lauren from Ryans arms and placed her on my lap. Ryan got a chair and is sitting next to me. "They could also see and hear us. Say hi and tell them your name last name to."

"Hi. Im Lauren Haywood."

"How old are you?" I said reading the chat. Most of the chat was cool and saying how adorable she is.

"Im eight."

"We adopted her two years ago." I said answering questions from the chat.

We answered some questions from the chat, ones I thought were apportate at least. Than Ryan went to make Lauren mac and cheese. Lauren wanted to help, so Ryan took Lauren off of my lap and placed her on the counter behind me. Although she didnt know it she was still in camera view. I went back to the game, although i didnt play for to much longer. Only about 15 minutes. I was streaming for a bout two hours which is how long I normally stream anyway.

I'm glad that some of the fans know. I thought they would freak saying that we shouldnt have adopted a child. Although i was wrong. The fans that watch the stream are totally cool and wouldnt mind seeing her in a steam some times.

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