Chapter 2

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~Rays POV~

The next morning I showered and is getting ready for the day when the door bell rang.

"Who the fuck rings the bell at 8:30 in the morning." I said under my breathe.

I open the door to see a half sleeping Gavin and Lauren who is still in her pj's. "Dad! Hi Daddy!" Lauren said hugging me.

"She missed you and Ryan." Gavin said still half asleep

"We missed you too Lauren." I said bending down to hug her. "Thanks Gavin, you better get ready for work."

"Micool and I dont have to be until later." Gavin said.

"Ohh right right."

"Dad, wheres father?" Lauren said breaking the hug. "I want to hug him to!"

"Hes in the shower. You can hug him when he gets out."

"Ok."she said happily.than ran into her room.

"Wait dont they have school?" I said to Gavin.

"No its veterans day.  I'm going to go back too sleep ill talk to you later X-Ray."

"Bye Vav."I said than closed the door.

Lauren can't come to work with us, and I don't want to leave her with Tina and Conner. I dont see why we cant take the day off to spend time with Lauren. Yea thats what we could do. Hope i dont wake Geoff when i text him.

"Hey Geoff can Ryan and I have the day off to spend time with Lauren?" R~

"Yea sure. I'm going to be doing the same." G~

"Awesome thanks Geoff!" R~

"Dad do you and father have to go to work today?" Lauren said walking out of her room with her teddy bear in hand.

"Actually i just spoke to Uncle Geoff. Your father and I have the day off, so we can spend time with you."

"Really?!" Lauren said very happily

"Yep." I said picking Lauren up.

"What going on whys my little angel so happy?" Ryan said walking out of our bed room now dressed for the day.

"Dad said that you two have the day off!"

"We do?"

"Yep, just spoke to Geoff. Even hes taking the day off."

"Awesome, so what do you want to do today Lauren?" Ryan said taking her from my arms he saw i was struggling to hold her.

"Can we play with my legos and maybe take out the play station and play CTR?" Lauren said.

"Of course we can." Ryan said.

We than went into Laurens room and played with the legos. Lauren made me a rose and she made Ryan an Edgar, only thing with Edgar is that he wasnt in a hole, she doesnt know about that part yet. Probably tell her more about her about that until shes like 16, 14 earliest. We dont want her to be exposed to the extant of our job yet because its innapporiate for a 8 year old. After we played with the legos we played some Crash Team Racing for the play station one. Ryan and I let her win but we didnt tell her that. Although she is very good at the game. 

Thats how the day went. We got to play with our little girl all day. She was very happy. For dinner we made mac and cheese, her favorite. Then at about 8:30 we tucked her in for bed. Ryan and I went into the living room to watch some tv.

"You know, we cant take off from work everytime Lauren doesnt have school." Ryan said

"We could at least try."

"Ray you know we cant do that."

"I just dont want to expose her to that environment! You got guys bascily drinking almost all day. Geoff. The jokes Gavin makes. Shes to young for that environment." I said raising my voice alittle Immediately lowering it remembering that Laurens sleeping. "Not to mention the fans, some of them would fucking flip if they found out we adopted a child."

"Who cares what the fans think its our life. Why should they tell us what we can and cant do in life."

"I just dont want them to stop watching our vidoes, they are the reason we have the best job ever, we cant afforded to lose them."

"Fan come and go its not that big of a deal."

"Alright fine but still, i dont want her around that environment not yet! When shes older. And its not as bad is she heres Gavin's hypothetically questions and all the cursing and being around drunk Geoff."

"Alright. Either way we cant take off for every day she has off."

"Yea, i know." I sighed.

~Laurens POV~

After Dad and Father tucked me in for bed, i didnt go to sleep right away like i usually do. I couldn't i was still full of energy from playing with dad and father it was so much fun.

I was playing with my teddy bear - yea im eight years old and still love my teddy bear deal with it - when i heard dad and father fighting. this is the first time they have ever fought. I feel as if its my fault. Should i talk to Uncle Geoff and Aunt Griffion, see if he could take me in until i found somewhere else to go? I love Dad and Father but i dont want to be the reason of there fighting. From what they told me when i asked how they met, they seemed like they had a perfect marriage and relationship. I wouldn't want to ruin that, i love them to much to make them fall apart.  Yea, ill talk to Uncle Geoff, and Aunt Griffon. I'm sure they will understand.

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