Chapter 26

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They barely stepped into the parlor before Lord Riley called with a casual smile and gleam in his eye "Mr Mastin, there you are, I was about to invite Mr Cotton and my brother-in-law to go shooting tomorrow, would you like to come?" He gestured for the young man to join them in conversation. "My hounds are long due for a hunt!" Mr Mastin obliged. 

Miranda saw Miss Cotton was occupied by a game of cards with her mother, Edwin Lawrence, and Aunt Lawrence, so she settled her focus on Matthew Westbrook who read a little way from the rest. 

"Have you found tonight's novel?" Matthew looked up from his own, glancing between Isabel and Mastin's retreating back. 

She walked to him and displayed the cover for his study, then sat in the chaise across from him and opened the first pages to read. 

He watched her. "'O, when she is angry, she is keen and shrewd. She was a vixen when she went to school; and though she be but little, she is fierce.' That is a worthy choice, it suits you well." 

Her eyes snapped up to his, her first instinct to take offense and retaliate...but she was in a humbled mood this night, still feeling ill and trying not to let the trembling in her fingers show, so he received naught but a wry chuckle for his halfhearted tease before she returned to Oberon and Titania in Athens.

Matthew knew her well enough to know her mind was uneasy; he tried to cover his concern with playful jest, "Now, Em, what has you so pensive tonight?" but was wildly unsuccessful.

"I am not pensive; I am myself, same as ever, unchanged." She laughed lightly as she lied. 

"I do not believe it." 

"And I would like to read my book without distraction." smiled she, attention remaining fixedly on said book. 

She felt his eyes continue to observe her, until finally with a sigh she once again met them with her own. Where is the glimmer I am accustomed to? thought she then I have not seen it in his eye a long while. Neither of them, it appeared, were in the mood for cheerful banter these recent days. "And what of you, Matthew, what of your pensive mood? I haven't been scolded or made fun of in so long I shall begin to miss it." this was said genuinely, not to be laughed at. 

"I think I know you well enough to declare that false. You shan't miss it in the least." He focused on the book which he held in his lap, remaining too long on one page to convince any one he was reading it. 

"And I declare you know me little if that is your understanding." She huffed, a little irritated. "I put on a great act, but in my heart, you should know, I quite enjoy it..the teasing I mean. The scolding I don't enjoy, but I am not too self-righteous to admit the task needs must be done regardless of how unpleasant it may be for me, especially with Izzy now away." 

"I will quit Thornhill soon, you will have to depend on Lord Riley to scold you." 

Her book closed firmly and she demanded his meaning. 

"You know I have acquired and renovated a townhouse in London, I thought it might be a natural thing to assume I may make it my permanent residence. I mean to take permanent residence there in two weeks' time." 

"So soon?? Why have you waited until now to tell me?!" at his annoyed gesture towards the others she recalled they were not alone in the room and lowered her voice. "You cannot leave on such short notice! You should not leave at all; you belong at Thornhill!" 

He attempted to comfort and explain. "I'm not about to give up Thornhill, I shall return often; but I must move on with my life at some point." 

"Move on with your life?! You are not content with us?? Are we not enough for you??" Her words came out as a hiss in her attempt to remain quiet, she did not wish to share the argument with the small party on the other side of the room. 

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