08. Jiju Island

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(n.) A relationship by fate or destiny. A binding force between two people.

Entering in hotel room they put their stuff at a side and he straight walked to window to look at the beautiful scenery shown. He turned to look back at her.

Jungkook : "OK I am sorry I had no idea about this. Now don't ruin your mood."

Yn :" I am not used to this"

Jungkook : " I won't eat you now"

Jungkook : "OK cmon look such a beautiful scenery it is"

Her mood was a bit off since Jungkook really wanted to stay in this Hotel since they had the best service and was also near such a beautiful scenery and the problem was it was weekend and a school brought students for a trip and the rooms were all booked. Somehow paying extra money he got one room since he was not ready to go anywhere else.

Standing up, she walked to the window without complaining and looked out. As wind made her hair fly a bit and it gave her body a rush of refreshment.

Yn : "it's my first time here"

Jungkook : "beautiful right?"

Yn : mhmm"

He leaned towards his side of window frame and looked at her and smiled a bit.

Jungkook : " where else you have been?"

Yn : "I have not even seen Busan Completely."

Hearing that he didn't say anything else as he remembers been to almost every part of South Korea and even out of south Korea. He is a traveling person and he really loves exploring the world. But hearing her not really have been to even to Seoul, the capital of SK, makes him want to travel everywhere but now with her.

Jungkook : "OK then fresh up, we are going out"

Yn : " you are weird..... Or maybe I am weird"

Yn : " I want to stay in room"

Jungkook : "what....are you being serious here."

She nodded and he made an emotionless dumb founded face.

Jungkook : " whatever, change up within 5 minutes."
He started to drag her towards washroom and stopped in front of it.

Yn : " and if I don't? "

Jungkook :" then you never know, I end up doing it for you"

Wagging brows making a mischievous face, she made an extremely disgusted face and went in closing door on his face and he started laughing out.

Having fun whole day long, he tried his best to make her feel comfortable with him and to his accomplishments he even made her smile once or twice and he felt like his mission was successful. There were times in the day when he couldn't stop staring at her. He just wondered..... wondered why he was this attracted towards her. What was that in her which kept on pulling his heart like a magnet to the extent all he wanted was her.

Spending more and more time with her, his life started to revolve around her. Without even realizing when he got this close to her that now he won't be able to see another sun rising without her.

On his another wish, a forceful to be more precised they both were wearing same outfits walking around in a park with ice creams in their hands.

Jungkook : " Don't we look boyfriend-girlfriend"

Yn : " Forced one"

He chuckled softly and pulled her towards him when a kid on the bicycle went past them. Slowly turning his face towards her, he looked deeply in her eyes. As soon as she was about to pull back, her gaze met his and his eyes shower multiple emotions. Like there was something he was dying to say. He needed to tell something about but her couldn't.

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