I'm Sorry!

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Hey everyone!

I know we've been here before, but I think I'm going to stop Born Again, or put it on hold. While I do like this book, and know where its going, I don't enjoy writing it as much as I enjoy writing other stuff...I've been writing quite a bit, but I haven't been able to get what I want down with this, if just isn't working anymore :(

I'm going to put Born Again on hold, and maybe if I get inspired to write more of it then I will, but right now I'm just not really getting into it. I've been forcing myself to write the last few chapters, but not wanting to, and I feel like I could be writing things I enjoy more.

I'm sorry, because I know some of you guys really liked this book, and hopefully I'll come back to it, but for now I don't feel like continuing it.

But, if you want to read more of my stuff then check out my short story/poetry book 'Those Fleeting Moments', and I will hopefully be publishing a new book that I've been working on for a while soon as well :)

I'm sorry that I've had to stop Born Again for now, but I should come back to it, so don't delete it from your library's! X
Lots of love and blessings, smileyjemima xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2015 ⏰

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