Chapter 2

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Walking home, Abby wondered what she was going to miss by not going to the party that night. The service had gone on for so long that Abby wouldn't have made it to the party before 12, after she had got ready and got the bus and everything. And by midnight, she would be way to far behind on the drunk-scale to have a good time. She would be able to understand that what her friends were doing was dumb, and she didn't want to ruin it for them. So she stayed home. As she walked down the road, she saw three extra cars outside her house. A pink Ferrari, a white Aston Martin and a pink, purple and cream Union Jack mini. Her mums friends cars. Abby grinned to herself at the thought of her mums nights out. They were always crazy, and more often than not, they all had so much wine before they left that they were too drunk to drive. It was hilarious to watch them get ready to leave, all shouting and screaming, taking the wrong bags. Abby could even hear them chatting from outside the house, they were being so loud.

As she reached the door, she got out her keys, and went into the tiny council house she shared with her mum, younger brother Sam, and baby half-sister Dora. Abby still didn't know why her mum had decided to call her daughter Dora.

The first thing Abby saw when she entered the living room was a pile of handbags and overnight bags, with a 17 month old baby sitting on top of them, throwing around keys, lip glosses and...other stuff... Abby rolled her eyes and picked up her sister and put her in her playpen, and then walked through to the kitchen. She saw her mum and her 8 friends standing round the kitchen island, hair and make-up all done, but standing there in dressing gowns, with glasses of champagne and two empty bottles on the floor. It was easy to tell that they would be getting cabs tonight.

"Huh hum..." Abby cleared her throat.

"What is it, sweetie?" Her mum slurred.

"If you ladies are going to actually go out tonight then you should probably get going." Abby glanced at her watch.

"Yeah, sure, honey." Her mum replied, and turned back to the so called 'conversation'. Abby rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Gab, she's right," Melanie, her mums best friend added, or slurred. At this point, Abby went upstairs, just to get away from them all. It made her miss the old Leyanne too much. That's what they had been like, a while ago. Drunk and crazy, but still the best of friends.

Sitting on her bed five minutes later, Abby reached into her pocket to get her phone out. As she pulled it out, a piece of paper floated onto the floor. Bending down to pick it up, Abby realised that it was a leaflet she had been given as she left the church.

Do You Know God?

Have You Ever Met Jesus?

Come to The Lords Church every Sunday at 10:30 to build a relationship with your
all-mighty Creator!

Abby tossed the leaflet in the direction of the bin, but missed. When she walked over, she noticed something on the back of the paper.

I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it to the full.

John 10 v 10

It seemed to be saying that you could only have a happy life if you believed in God. But Abby was happy. She had a brilliant family, never a dull moment in her house, and she had great friends. Okay, so she wasn't doing too well at school, but she didn't care! She was perfectly happy as she was! Wasn't she? She did fight a lot with her mum. And Sam. And all her friends nowadays were getting into drugs and sex and stuff. Abby was fine with booze, but crack and heroin? She wasn't sure. And she knew she would never become an international cosmetics trader with her grades. Abby sighed, and picked up the card, looking at it. She walked over to the bin, and was about to drop it in, but something stopped her. Instead, just put it in one of her desk drawers.

She was confused. Who was God? Was He real? What relevance did He have to her life; to anyone's life? She shook her head and grabbed her towel, going towards the bathroom. She needed a bath to help clear her head. As she left the room, she stopped at the big bookcase on the landing. She looked along all the shelves until she found a Bible. It was only the New Testament, but that's all she needed. Jesus was the important part, right? And he wasn't even alive in the Old Testament. She didn't need a massive history, just the important bits.

After her bath, Abby left the bathroom even more confused than before. She hasn't found anything, just a whole bunch of letters from some guy called Paul and the Nativity Story. Plus she didn't know how to navigate through a Bible. She shrugged it off, and went to her room to put on her pyjamas, before going downstairs to clear up all the glasses and bottles her mum and her friends left out when they went out.

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