Chapter 10

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Hi everyone :) I've decided to carry on with this book... I've realised why it was I started to write it, and wasn't because I wanted loads of votes, it was because I wanted as many people as possible to receive the love of the Lord, and if that's only a hundred or so, then that's His doing, and He is using me in the best way.
I might not update a lot, because I'm really busy with school, I'm in the middle of my first GCSE year, so there's a lot to take in :) But thank you everyone for all the support, and thank you to @ADaughterOfGod, for helping me realise why I started this :)

Well, here's the chapter....!

Abby woke up the next morning, a Saturday, with a weird dream going around in her head. It was a mix of all her mums ex-boyfriends, and they had all come back, trying to get Gabriella back. They were fighting over her, but at the end, she walked off, hand in hand with Jason, with Dora and Sam next to them, but they had left Abby behind, abandoned her. But then everything melted away, and she was standing with Abby, and Naomi-May, and Benjamin, and all the others in their little Christian group too. Then the vicar Daniel appeared, and Tom and Helena, and Gareth and Jesseca, all four of the youth workers.

Then all the families, and couples that she recognised from the church were there, and all the other teenagers. They were all there, and they didn't leave her at all, but stayed with her, and comforted her.

As she woke up, this dream was haunting her. Her mum leaving her. Sam leaving her. Dora leaving her. For Jason. She didn't like that at all. But Gabriella would never accept Jason back now, not after so long that he hadn't come back.

As she reassured herself of this, Abby rolled over in her bed, to face her alarm clock.

"Darn it." she muttered. It was eleven already. Abby was supposed to get Sam and Dora up when her mum had been out the evening before.

She scrambled out of bed, and pulled on her onesie, ready to explain herself to her mother, who was no doubt sitting with a coffee, head in hands, and extremely grumpy and hungover, at the kitchen table. Boy, was she in for it.

As she ran down stairs, her loose bun bouncing up and down on her head, Abby heard.....nothing. No groans of anger, no crying from Dora, no shouts from Sam. Just low, quiet talking. As she walked slowly into the kitchen, Abby almost toppled over in shock.

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