Chapter 1

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Hello! Thanks for deciding to read Born Again, and I hope you enjoy it!

Abby stood there in the corridor, speechless. She had just been asked to go to Leyanne's baptism. Leyanne had been her best friend for so many years. Until recently, they were almost identical in personality. But then Leyanne got into all the God stuff. She went to church every week, and youth group. She wasn't the fun-loving girl she had been; at least, not to Abby. Abby was so upset that she had lost her best friend, but this seemed like it was Leyanne saying 'I don't need you, you are no longer part of my life, do you want to come to the funeral of our friendship?' Now Leyanne was someone else, and Abby didn't like it.

'What is going on in her head?' was all Abby could think.

'When did she become this? When did she change? What did I miss? What did I do that drove her to this? To getting baptised!' Abby frantically wracked her brain, thinking how she could change her friends mind.

Ever since September, nine months ago, Leyanne had been changing. Being turned into a Jesus Freak. By a guy. A fit guy, but still, sisters before misters, right! You can't just turn away from your best friend because of some guy.

Benjamin had arrived had their school at the start of the year. After flirting with the fit new guy, the girls had found out that he was a Christian, who didn't want to get involved with any girls unless he thought he could actually marry them someday. He called it 'dating with a purpose' or something. Abby had quickly lost interest. Too much work. But Leyanne thought she could change his mind. So she kept flirting, and 'getting to know him'. And then, in early October, he invited her to church.

'She should have dumped that Bible-basher then.' Abby thought. But no. Leyanne just had to go with him to church. Again. And again, and again. Until she no longer went out on Saturday nights because she had to get up early for church on Sunday morning. And then, she started going to youth group on a Friday. No more going out on Friday night. No more going out at all. No more getting drunk on their friends parents vodka. No more dancing and flirting with random guys 2 years older than them. And ultimately, no more social life. Abby couldn't go to parties without a wing-woman!

And now Leyanne was doing the worst thing she could. Get baptised. And invite Abby. And it was happening on a Friday evening.

"Well, Abby?"

"I don't know, Ley, I mean, me in a church? I may be young, but I'm pretty sure God would hate me."

"Not true. He loves everyone." Abby rolled her eyes. "Please, Abs, come for me. For your best friend."

"But, are we best friends anymore?" Abby asked. "You haven't come round to mine in weeks, we haven't been out to a party together in months, and we don't even sit together on the bus anymore!"

"Look, I've just moved on to a different stage of my life. In fact, I have a new life! I'm a different person, a born-again Christian, even if you don't like the idea! And it would really mean a lot to me if you came to my baptism! Neither of my parents want to come. It would mean so much if you came!" Leyanne pleaded.

'Why why why??' Abby thought to herself.

"Fine!" She begrudgingly agreed.  "But I'm not singing hymns, or praying or anything!"  Leyanne's face lit up.

"Thank you so much Abby!" she grinned, jumping up and down, making the silver cross necklace around her neck dance around. Abby rolled her eyes jokingly and grabbed her friends wrist, dragging her down the corridor.

That weekend, Abby found herself in church. She had arrived half an hour ago, and was expecting to be done by now. How long did it take to dunk someone underwater and say some random Bible verses? Some people had parties to get ready for. Everyone else was chatting, drinking tea, and eating biscuits. As she  stood awkwardly in a corner, she saw a door with a plaque on it. It said 'Youth Room'. Shrugging, Abby pushed it open, and walled down a short corridor. Then she arrived at another door. She pushed it open, revealing a room with about 8 sofas all pointing towards the front of the room. And that was it. 'Boring', Abby thought. Then she heard a voice come in over the microphone. She quickly shut the door, and went back to her seat in the main hall. 

Finally, 10 minutes later, the guy at the front stopped talking. Every one around Abby stood up. Dammit! Did she have to stand up for the entire thing? Then some words appeared on the screen. And music started playing. This place had better technology than she thought, a projector screen and a sound system. For an old building, it wasn't so bad. But it wasn't even that old. In fact, apart from the massive cross on the front, it looked a lot like a normal building from the outside.

Even the music wasn't bad. Apart from the whole worship part, it sounded like normal music, with proper instruments, not just an organ played by some old guy, the youth band at the front were doing it. As Abby stood there, not singing, the words on the screen struck her:

Blessed Be Your Name

In the land that is plentiful

Where Your streams of abundance flow

Blessed be Your name

Blessed Be Your name

When I'm found in the desert place

Though I walk through the wilderness

Blessed Be Your name

Matt Redman, Blessed be your name.

These people were really dedicated. They trusted some 'guy in the sky' that they couldn't see, even when they were going through hard times. Even if they were dying, they still thought that God could help them. 'I guess some people just never let go of their imaginary best friend.' She thought, not allowing herself to be impressed by it all.

Her and Leyanne had shared an imaginary friend when they were younger. Kevin. He was awesome. He was also quite girly. He liked painting his nails with them in sleepovers, and talking about primary school crushes. He was a great friend.

To Abby, Leyanne had basically turned Kevin into God. A guy she praised and knelt down to.

'Leyanne worships her childhood imaginary friend'. Abby thought, because that was really how she saw it. Ha, joke was on her, Abby thought.        

Just then, the music stopped, and Abby sat down, like everyone else. Then the old guy came back. He went on about how baptism was a dedication of your life to God. He introduced, very slowly, 'all the young people being baptised today'. They all stood up, and lined up at the front. 'So many hot guys going to waste.' Abby thought. She looked down at her phone to see the time. The old woman next to her frowned at her, and looked at her phone. Abby barely noticed, she was too busy worrying about how she was going to have time to get Baylie's house to get ready for Dan's party. She would have to get ready at home, and meet everyone there.

10 minutes later, the pastor was just starting the first baptism, out of 11, of which Leyanne was 10th. As she sat there, extremely bored, Abby looked down at her phone, which was on silent, and saw that it was ringing. Then it started vibrating. Loudly. The old woman frowned at her again. She smiled awkwardly, and slipped away to the toilets to take the call.

"Hey, Baylie! I can't chat, I'm at Ley's baptism thing."

"Oh, well, is it nearly done?"


"Are you gonna make it to mine tonight?"

"I don't think so, I'll just meet you guys at the party."

"Okay, see you then!"

"Bye, see ya!" Abby hung up, and crept back into the church hall.

I hope you liked the first chapter! Please carry on reading to see what you think of the rest, and God bless :)

smileyjemima x

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