Make A Decision

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"Jassy," I whisper as I slip into the dark room, its layout similar to mine, his curtains are drawn the only light coming from the computer screen across the room. I walk over to his bed and sit down realising I’m butt naked except for the hoodie that’s 3 sizes too big and for once I’m glad dad couldn’t work out my size, even for presents. I reach for his hand, "we knew this was coming Jas, it’s been planned since before I was born." I keep my voice quiet so any wandering ears won't hear. He squeezes my hand, "when it’s all said and done, there won't be an us anymore. I realised that today when in your time of need you went to him not me. It’s always been me and now it’s not, I don’t know how to cope or what to do." I hear the pain in his voice and I hate that I'm the cause. "NO!" my voice comes out harsher then I meant it to, "it’ll always be you Jason, it always has since we were 2, you're my best friend and that’s not going to change just because some spoiled rich brat comes along." I blink back tears as the realisation hits me, I’m not the only one hurting because of this dad was like a substitute father for Jason he was 4 when his real dad died, more of a father to him then me. I wrap my arms around Jason trying to hold back the tears. "I’m probably going to be unhappy for the rest of my life Jassy I kinda need you to help me stay sane, I mean come on I’m going to be married to that jerk." I say it with a smile hoping to brighten the mood. "Then why are you?"

I frown I’d never really asked myself that, never thought about why I was doing it. It's always just been another expectation for me I was born to marry him, to put an end to the war. "It’s my sacrifice Jas, it’s me doing what I have to for the sake of Tursanoah," I look into his eyes as I say it begging him to understand, "I don’t want you to be mad Jason, I’m not, it's just something I have to do for the good of the... my kingdom, I won’t lose us in the process of become me." He tightens his arms around me, "promise?" it’s so soft I can barely hear it, " I promise Jas, I promise."

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" I can't do it, someone else has to, make Sgt. Phillip do it, he loves the spotlight." I whine the next day as spark ties the bright red ribbon around my waist, the long black dress covers my arms and necklaces. " No it has to be you, Sgt. Philip’s orders," states Pete, "you're Queen you have to do it, you have to assure the people that you can handle it and that your sister the princess will be returned safe and sound." He continues as Spark brushes out my long hair. I refuse to let this happen I’m Queen for god sake, "No, What’s the point of being Queen if you're still forced to do stuff." I return I know I’m fighting a losing battle but I don’t care, I’m gonna fight it anyway.

"Enough Charm, you’re being stubborn, selfish and rude, your going to go in there make your statement and show everyone exactly who’s in charge a stupid, irresponsible teenager or a strong independent young women. Make a decision!" Jason snaps putting me on edge, he’s said very little since the fight yesterday, Acquila only showed up to one meal and this is the first time they’ve been in the same room together.

"Okay we're ready" Atlair yells from the next room. Sgt. Phillip doesn’t want us returning to the palaces, until he’s sure they are safe. Prince Adrian has returned, Acquila, Jason, Atlair and Spark will return to Castle Acatia tomorrow night. Pete and I will leave for Portiwoo Palace the next morning.

I walk into the living room a video camera has been set up on a tripod a chair sits directly in front of it, I take my seat while Pete takes his spot behind me. A piece of paper with my speech on it sits on my lap as the camera starts rolling, I look down read the first 2 words and look up I already know it off by heart, I plan on improvising. "Hello, people of Tursanoah, it is my sad duty to inform you that Queen Caltha and King Levin were attacked in their home a few nights ago both sustained serious injury and have passed away," I pause and look to Jason for reassurance, he smiles, so I continue. "At 1:00 Friday morning, all the palaces of our much loved royalty were invaded, prince Adrian Isoni suffered minor injuries, Prince Mark Blackthorne was murdered, Princess Violet Blackthorne," I start going completely off script now, "my younger sister was kidnapped as well as many of our protectors," I look right into the camera now imagining Vi and her kidnappers are watching. "I can assure you that I will find her if it’s the last thing I ever do, my parents sacrificed themselves to try and save her. I will not let that go to waste, I will find her and the monsters that took her will feel the full force of my wrath. I am queen now and its my duty to make sure that the people of Tursanoah can rest easy." I take a deep breath to steady my anger, “thank you ladies and gentlemen you will be kept undated on the situation" I bow my head paying respect to the fallen, as Atlair shuts off the camera. "Nicely done Princess," Pete says walking out from behind me. I smile proud of myself, “thanks."

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