never been kissed

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Kurt, Tina and I were walking down the hallway, heading to the choir room for glee.

"I take it we have a lot of sweater trends to look forward to this season." Tina said, I nodded.

Just then, Karofsky came over and shoved Kurt into the lockers. I was about to storm over to him until Kurt said don't.

"You okay?" Tina asked as we helped him up, "Yeah. Fine." he said. But I didn't believe him.

We linked arms and walking inside the choir room, Tina rushed to sit next to Mike as Kurt and I sat in the middle row, far right.

"Alright guys, let's get down to business! First, let's welcome back Noah Puckerman." I clapped in kindness, "Puck, I hope your time in juvy has taught you a lesson or two about right and wrong?"

"Are you kidding me? I ruled that place. All I did was crack skulls and lift weights all day." He boasted, I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, what a catch, can't believe I ever let you go." Quinn said sarcastically, I laughed.

"And now, drumroll, Finn! Because I have in my hand our competition for sectionals next month." I clapped.

"First, the a'capella group from the all-boys private school in Westerville, the Dalton Academy Warblers." Mr Shue announced, "Yeah!" I cheered.

"Okay, hold up. Like a million awesome gay jokes just popped into my head." Both Kurt and I glared at her.

"And the other team to beat, the Hipsters. A first-year club from the warren township continuing education programme. Now, they are a glee club composed entirely of elderly people getting their high school GEDs."

"Is that legal?" Rachel questioned, "How are we supposed to compete against a bunch of adorable old people?" Mercedes added on.

"Are you kidding? Brittle bones. Give one of those old ladies a good luck pat on the rear, it'll shatter her pelvis." Puck said, some people cheered but I just looked at him in disgust.

Mr Shue shook his head, "Moving on. Since this seems to get you guys jazzed about sectionals last year, I wanna make this week our second annual boys versus girls tournament. So! Split up into two groups, and, uh, figure out which songs you're gonna sing." I jumped up and walked over to the girls, brushing Sam on my way past, accidentally of course.

"Okay, I have mash-up ideas in my emergency mash-up..." Rachel started to say, I rolled my eyes knowing I won't have a choice.

"Kurt, gonna say it again. Boys team." Mr Shue shouted out, I looked up at Kurt with sympathy and mouthed 'Sorry'.

I turned back around to listen to Rachel drone on about how we should do her choices.

This is gonna be great, sense the sarcasm.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

I was with Kurt at his locker, talking about the competition.

"The boys want to do AC/DC, but I just can't agree with that," Kurt told me, we never keep secrets from each other.

"At least you don't have Rachel down your throat 24/7, she's making us do some Barbra Streisand mashup, it's a mess."

Kurt closes his locker and we link arms, walking down the halls, suddenly Karofsky shoves Kurt into the locker, bringing me with him. Ouch.

"What is your problem?" Kurt shouted, Karofsky turned back around with a murderous look.

"You talking back to me? You want a piece of the Fury?" He lifts up his first. "The Fury?" I scoff.

He glared at me, "It's what I named my fist."

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