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"Shh Bella, we have to sneak out, so they don't notice us," Daniel whispered as they sneaked through the palace and out of the door, where they were met by the guards.

Daniel just sighed as he showed them a batch kinda thingy he had that he used to prove that he actually was Daniel Seavey and not some look-alike. Bella and Daniel ran away as soon as the guard gave them the green light, so they wouldn't have an opportunity to ask questions.

"This is the most insane thing I've ever done," Bella exclaimed as her breathing calmed down.

"Same, let's take the bus," Daniel said excitedly, yeah other people would probably prefer to not take the bus, but for someone like Daniel taking a bus is the same as normal people driving a sportscar, very weird indeed.

"yes, please! I've never taken a bus before" Bella said matching Daniel's excitement, Daniel muttered a let's go as they got on the bus and bought some tickets, so far no one had even looked at them in a weird way, or well they had looked at their hair and just decided that they were some freaks, but no one had noticed that right now they were indeed sharing a bus with the crown prince and a French princess.

"This is insane, smells a bit though," Bella whispered into Daniel's ear. Who just nodded with agreement as a message ticked in.


So, what's the prince up to today?

Daniel Seavey
He and Bella just snuck out
after dying their hair purple and cyan
don't tell anyone though.

wait are you serious?

Daniel Seavey
dead ass I'm on a fucking bus
it's amazing.

Okay, you are indeed the first
human ive ever met who loves
taking the bus.

Daniel Seavey
oh shut the fuck up,
what did you want?

Not really anything,
it's easter break so almost
everyone from high school
is home, we're hanging out in my house
you and Bella wanna join?

Daniel Seavey
we'd love to, as long as it's okay with everyone

I'm pretty sure no one's gonna have a problem
with the prince and his beautiful princess
to come by, you know.

Daniel Seavey
she's not my princess, you know.

I know, but you know what I mean.

Daniel Seavey
I guess I do,
anyways we're gonna come by later yeah.
I just want to show her some of the places
I like first.

fair, see you later <3

Daniel Seavey
see you soon pretty boy

"Okay so we're gonna anticipate in some reunion thingy with some of the people from my high school, that's alright, right?" Daniel asked as they got off the bus, where they still hadn't been noticed even though it was filled up with people.

"It's fucking insane that this is working," Bella said as she looked around, normally they would've been swarmed by now.

"Whatever, let's go to the amusement park," Daniel said as he thought back to the last time he was there, that had certainly been one of his happiest days.

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