Chapter Fifteen - Waking: A Promise Kept

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Oh, my long has it been since I last uploaded? I'm so so so sorry for taking so long to update. Writer's block has been unmerciful and I was genuinely slacking...

But I apologise for mah complacency. N e way, here is chapter fifteen and I hope (praying to God here) youse like it. I went through hell trying to get this chapter up and I feel it isn't as great as the others but hopefully you'll like it. So please...y'all give it a chance, alright? :)

Remember to vote and comment. I love it when you guys do.

Doctor Arisa (just imagine her with grey eyes) ^^

- Third Person's P.O.V -

"Thank you, Yuri. You can go now." Doctor Arisa thanks the purple haired nurse standing in front of her desk. The young nurse smiles with a nod before leaving the room, the door clicking softly.

Doctor Arisa places the file Yuri gave her on her neat desk filled with many reports about patients that need to be reviewed and others that need to be filled in. For now, she's going to fill in the reports for the recently submitted patients. Patients such as Akai.

The small smile that was on her face drops into a frown and she shakes her head before concentrating back on the report she was already halfway through when Yuri came in. She fiddles with her pencil while reading the report questions before answering them accordingly.

Ten minutes have passed when she files her report and puts with it with the other completed reports.

She picks up the file Yuri gave her and opens it, the frown from before settling back on her face.

Yuri had given her the report regarding Akai's current condition. All spaces have been filled out correctly but the doctor can't concentrate on any of it. All she could think about was her. The girl has suffered a lot again. Who knows what might happen next.

How ironic is that? Just when she stopped thinking about her, she resurfaces again in the form of a report.

Doctor Arisa throws the report on the desk and rubs her brows.

When Akai came into the hospital unconscious in Kakashi's arms, Doctor Arisa was confused to say the least but she had to put that confusion to the side and prioritise the situation. She, along with several other nurses rushed Akai to one of the rooms.

Akai briefly awoke from unconsciousness and grabbed Doctor Arisa arm rather tightly. She was barely able to speak but manage to beg the doctor to not tell anyone about the Curse Mark before relapsing into unconsciousness.

Doctor Arisa was confused at first but when she was changing Akai into a hospital gown, she saw it. The mark on her neck. The mark looked harmless enough but Doctor Arisa couldn't get around the fact that Akai called it a Curse Mark.

Why did she call it that? The doctor wonders, rubbing the spot on her arm that Akai grabbed which is starting to become a little sore. Even though Akai is sedated and resting, she can't help worrying about her. Every time she looks at her, she sees her own daughter. If the fates wanted to be cruel, her daughter could be in the same position instead. She just wants Akai to be alright. Her amnesia isn't helping her at all, especially now that she's in a coma.

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