Chapter Twenty-Two - Mission Of Anamnesis

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Hola! Chapter Twenty-Two is here! I have a feeling you'll love it due to a couple things I can't say until you read it ;)


Mio Fukui (with only one sword) ^^

- Akai's P.O.V -

I dodge a kunai aimed for my head before back flipping onto the length of a tree bark when Mezasu charges. The fuchsia eyed man smirks up at me as he withdraws another kunai.

My eyes narrow at the blue outline of the weapon followed by a low hum and I quickly leap to the left, dodging the weapon.

As I land on a branch, I turn to face Mezasu, blood dripping from the thin cut on my cheek, which I wipe off with my index finger. So he amplified the sharpness of the kunai by focusing Wind nature energy through it? That's why it still managed to nick me despite me dodging with more than enough room.

But that is only possible if one has a natural affinity for Wind. In other cases, someone has to perform a Jutsu in order for that to be possible and from our battle in the Land Of Waves, I've deducted that Mezasu has pretty good use of all chakra natures. Then again, I remember him saying he had to use his own Wind to lessen an attack I performed on him when he stabbed me.

"Concentrate on me, Kira," Mezasu's voice echoes around me before I leap away from his chakra powered leg. His attack splinters the branch I was on and I throw my arms up to prevent any stray branches from poking into my eyes. Eyes suddenly widening, I raise my arm to block Mezasu's elbow before throwing leg out to deal a powerful blow to his side.

It hits its mark and Mezasu grunts before flipping over it sideways. His arms wound around my torso as he pushes off a tree horizontally in which he forces me down to the ground with him, his body hovering over mine as his arms tighten around my waist.

Gritting my teeth, I prepare for the impact but release a gasp when he flips us over and buries his kneecap into my stomach just as his feet slam on the ground. Blood spurts from my lips as I inhale sharply, slumping over his knee which he keeps bent while the other rests on the ground.

"I'm the one you're fighting. Not your thoughts." He smirks as he turns around, dropping the Clone roughly on the ground which disappears in a cloud smoke. The smoke billowing around Mezasu gives him a nefarious look, and despite the white cloud covering majority of his face, his smirk and fuchsia eyes still glimmer through which somehow manages to infuriate me.

It's like no matter what happens or how badly I attack him, he just continues to smirk like a Cheshire cat. It's as if he's mocking me and I swear to Kami even if I don't kill him, I'll get immense pleasure from just watching that smirk drop.

I wipe my mouth the back of my hand whilst glaring at the man in front of me standing with such arrogance and nonchalance that I wish I had my guns on me so that I can shoot him in the balls. That should serve to wipe that disgusting smirk from his face for a while...

"You must be thinking about something good if it's got you smirking so sadistically." Mezasu suddenly says and the smirk I never realised formed on my lips drops like slick mud on a wall. I wish he was easy to kill - that way I'd have peace and not have a face with a constant smirk nagging at my memory.

"Why the hell are you here?" I spit through my short breaths, noticing with intense fury his smirk widen - like a little secret he's keeping is slowly coming into the light. "What happened to your goons?"

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