Chapter Twenty-Seven - Judas' Telling Kiss

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Wow...I'm on a roll. Three days later and I'm updating once again.

This is the most productive I've been on this story in a long time, I tell you that.

A couple more chapters and this book will be completed but fear not...there will be sequel. (Of course there will be because I can't just finish where I'll finish it *wink wink* and expect you to be content with that. Pssh.)

Anyhow, enjoy the chapter and I hope you'll be looking forward to the next one :)

- Akai's P.O.V -

My day starts with my alarm blaring right in my ears and I roll over, slamming my hands down on it, and effectively shutting it up. Groaning, I place my hand over my face and take time to mentally wake myself up before throwing the covers back.

I do my morning routine and tie my hair up when I'm done before grabbing my jacket and exiting my room for some breakfast.

Nothing really appeals to me, not even cereal, and after some further digging, I decide to prepare a traditional breakfast. After all, the ingredients are all here and I'm in the mood to cook.

Getting to work, I collect the chopping board, set up the rice cooker, place two pans on the stove, spread out the ingredients and start.

As I stir the frying ingredients in a deep dish pan, I hear the door close, causing me to turn slightly. Kakashi strolls into the main room and I turn back to my cooking breakfast, lining a whole fish on a searing hot grill pan.

"And they finally let out the Copy Ninja." I can't help muttering, earning a sigh from the silver haired Jonin.

"My injuries weren't severe." Kakashi replies drearily as he gets himself a soft drink from the fridge.

"Umm, but you managed to be rendered brain dead," I state sarcastically, pouring some stock into the pan. "Not severe, indeed."

Kakashi answers with another sigh, this time a deep one, before falling silent, drinking his juice. I feel his eyes on my back but I ignore it as dexterously twirl the kitchen knife and chop up some vegetables.

"What have I ever done to you to make you treat me this way, Akai?"

Kakashi's sudden question causes me to pause, my head raising a little before I continue with what I'm doing. The Jonin sighs after not answering him, placing his cup in the sink and leaving the kitchen.

"You're a pest." I eventually tell him, just before he leaves the kitchen completely. Kakashi glances at me from over his shoulder as I pointedly ignore his stare, walking to the sink to clean my hands.

"I tried my best not to be," he says lowly, and I place my hands on the edge of the sink and sigh. "I tried to give you your space, yet that isn't enough for you. I honestly don't know what you want anymore."

"Have you ever been told to always trust your gut instinct?" I question suddenly, interrupting the man behind me. Opening my eyes, I turn around, resting my hands back on the edge of the sink and leaning on them.

I watch Kakashi through hooded eyes as his narrows his lone eye slightly, trying to understand the avenue I'm heading in.

"Yes," he answers slowly, making me nod my head. "It's a beneficial trait all Shinobi must have."

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