Chapter Fourteen - Preliminary Round: Akai Defeated?

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Okayy. Guys, I'm on a roll. It's only been five days since I last uploaded. Five bloody days. That is, like, the quickest I've ever uploaded, no? I think so mahself, tbh...

Anyways! Chapter fourteen is here and omg, I can't tell you how estatic I am that I've finally gotten to the Chunin Exams. And Akai's match too! It's like having a whole month's worth of Nandos. Do n e you kno how great that it is?! It's jkllkkglgklykylgkgg.....xPP

LOL! I make mahself laugh, maynn....

Akai's opponent, Akinori Hirano ^^

- Akai's P.O.V -

"Iruka sensei?" Sakura asks confusedly, her voice squeaking at the end.

"Looks like you guys have gone through a lot in these exams." He notes in regards to how worn out we look.

"You think..." I scoff, turning away and burying my face in my collar.

"Hold on, what's with the surprise entrance and why are you appearing with the summoning?" Naruto questions, making me sigh tiredly. Does it matter at the end of the day...?

"At the end of the second exam, we Chunin are supposed to welcome the test takers back," Iruka explains with a smile, walking over to us. "And's just good luck that I got to be the one given the important task of being the messenger for you guys."

"The messenger?" Sakura repeats.

"Seriously!" I groan, throwing my hands up in exasperation and causing the others turn to me while I rub my brow in annoyance. "Sakura, was repeating everything people said programmed into your DNA? It's beginning to really  piss me off."

Sakura glares at me, throwing her hands onto her hips. "I don't repeat what everyone says!" she rebukes hotly.

"Yes, you do," I reply evenly. "Sometimes shut your mouth and give the person a chance to explain what they're saying. It's not every day we need a parrot, you know."

Sakura's nose flares and her eyebrow twitches as her eyes grow into white balls. "Akai, take that back, right now!"

"And it's not every day shouting. Oh, my Kami..." I place my hand over my ears and turn away from her, sighing irritably. She can never keep silent. For once, let people wonder where she is.

"Now, now, guys. I'm sure everyone is just tired and irritable from being stuck in the forest for five days so let us all calm down." Iruka tries to simmer down the situation and I roll my eyes as I walk over to the wall and lean against it.

I can still feel Sakura glaring at me but I swiftly ignore it, opting to sleep instead.

All I could dream about was my bed.


My team stand before me in a line as the other teams that have passed stand in the same formation on either side of us, the Hokage and other Jonin standing before us on a platform, in front of a large statue that forms the Ram handsign.

"First off all, I wanna congratulate you all on finishing the second part of the Chunin Exams!" Anko shouts from across the hall as I glance at all the candidates who passed along with us, spotting Kiba standing in front of his team.

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